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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I agree with the council...though I always saw Loki and Tyranthius being at least among the more prominent members of the clan. I can see X being on the council too, and possibly Crowley (he's been busy lately though.) Trying to think of others...and when I said about Loki it's because it feels like he was one of the 'first' in the Clan which is my reasoning behind it.


On another note, Sandalphon was doing the recruitment shift as a punishment, if I recall correctly. He's hardly in any good state to be doing it right now, but if he's the official recruiter from now on he doesn't have a choice now does he? -chuckles- Beware! Sandals will drown his despair in lechery!

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The council idea seems a good one. As for who, I can definitely see X, Ty and Crowley. Not really sure who else. It would probably be at least primarily the senior members, so probably Loki and Quinn as well. Maybe Khimera too?


On another note, I will be posting one story later today, and then likely restart Operation Cookie on the weekend, so prepare yourselves Quinn, Frosty and Khimera. I have been loving everything that's happened recently, and it's great to see so many different stories unfolding at once.

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Quinn should not be given the power to make any important decision. Ever. Besides, she'd get waaaay bored at the meetings and munch loudly on potato chips to entertain herself.


Edit: @Entari0 - Not just five, just the few we can think of right now, it's not limited to those five.

Edited by khimera
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Khimera, I would not even contemplate giving NQ a role in any position that makes important decisions. I was talking about QuinnsWing's Vauban, who is also called Quinn (last time I checked).

Also, I can definitely imagine Loki not coming to many of the meetings, except to provide some... personal entertainment. He'd probably send his decoy most of the time.

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Well, seeing as everyone seems to be focusing on a single continuity, I'm wondering if all the stories everyone posts are in the same universe, or are can they be standalone stories?


post your standalone stories! i merely have my group in the continuity of the elder members of this thread so that it is easier to make rare references.


also, my characters are so badass, they don't have a dojo...they got a class 12 Corpus/Orokin Hybrid Space Station armored with authentic Orokin Armor plating and over 1000 Hyperion-class Railguns and roughly 250 Asgardian Multi-class Missle launchers. Trust me, it is nigh impenetrable.


Edit: it needs to be this secure, they are f*cking with space and time in there!

Edited by FatViking
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post your standalone stories! i merely have my group in the continuity of the elder members of this thread so that it is easier to make rare references.


also, my characters are so badass, they don't have a dojo...they got a class 12 Corpus/Orokin Hybrid Space Station armored with authentic Orokin Armor plating and over 1000 Hyperion-class Railguns and roughly 250 Asgardian Multi-class Missle launchers. Trust me, it is nigh impenetrable.


Edit: it needs to be this secure, they are f*cking with space and time in there!

impenetrable until a happy and mentally unstable Nova and Banshee come to play with potatoes and wormholes :D


BRad...loki could be the "court torturer" O_o...he to be feared by all!

Edited by QuinnsWing
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I am not sure how i missed this before, but here it goes.


Not sure how this is relevant to whatever brought us here, Shade's text showed in the HUD. Again, i don't know what we are here for, but i doubt it's about the appreciation of neo-classic art.


Ash and Shade were staring at an impressive statue of a Frost Prime warframe.  It was obviously recently made, and the fact that it had a Stalker's helmet in it's hand made it evident who it was.


-I wonder if...-Ash whispered into his helmet, but was interrupted.


No, it's empty of anything you might look for, a mere decoration, Shade stated. Before you ask, it is pretty clear you stare at the helmet. Then again, you aren't the only one.


-There's no one else left here-Ash said in response-And don't tell me you did something stupid like hacking their systems and looking at security footage over this, because i'll rip your stealth mods out.


Of course i didn't, Shade answered immediately. And i didn't cover my tracks, in a not complete and not foolproof fashion. Because i didn't need to. Because i didn't do such thing.


-Ok, let's rush up, before you get us tossed out an airlock-Ash nagged him and moved on.


They moved on. The place was awfully quiet. Most of the funerary services were already over and most of those who could get themselves to sleep were doing so. The few others they could see were tired, as they had probably been working and fighting a great amount in this last days.


Then they heard a scream.


Ash ran forth through the hallways, until he ran into a bone-white Nekros, one in a very sorry state, as he recovered from falling, or rather, being taken down. The pie all over his face spoke of a practical joke. A rather cheap one, as far as Ash was concerned.


-Are you okay?-he asked the Nekros, as he helped him up.


-It's fine-the Nekros responded, but he was very tired-That damn, crazed Nova... I get she's good at it and everything, but one of this days half the Dojo will be vaporized, and it isn't gonna be "the Grineer". Just don't say that to her face, if you want to keep your own. How come you are here anyway? Don't think you are one of ours.


-I came to look into some recent events-Ash answered, truthfully-Particularly, the one related to Stalker. It's not every day one of them dies. I came to find out as much as i can, so that we can replicate this "event". Even if turns out to be as dangerous as it seems, the lives saved would probably be worth it on the long run.


-Yeah, i mean, that'd be great, to catch those guys!-the Nekros said-Quinn is probably working with it at the foundry, if you want to ask him. You should give him a heads up though, he'll probably be busy with something, he almost always is. I'll go wipe the rest of this stuff off of me, and sleep some. Good luck.


-Thank you, and watch out for those Novas-Ash answered jokingly as they walked away.


What is it called when someone lies and at the same time tells entirely the truth? Shade asked then.


-What are you talking about?-Ash whispered the question, as they passed by another sleepy Tenno, who seemed to be heading to the barracks.


There's nothing in the data bases. I guess i'll make a file and call it "Shading". Or maybe "Shade's Complex", or something? After all, i seem to be the discoverer, Shade answered.


+1 in the council idea, it makes the most sense. Else you'd need to have a Warlord.


Someone fun (read, someone insane) has got to be in it though, to lighten up the mood and make crazy suggestions, else the meetings could become too serious. Besides, if you told Loki he can't be there, you'd probably have him there much more often than if you told him he has to be there.

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Seeing as Aj has passed ( :c ) there would be an opening in the council....? *shrugs* 

that's what I was thinking




Besides, if you told Loki he can't be there, you'd probably have him there much more often than if you told him he has to be there.

This, so much truth in this

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