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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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so true :c 


must write it tomorrow at 6 in the morning then! And hopefully not cry like a small child on the bus >_>


because its late and i need to get up in 5 hours -_- i forgot this.....Jeahanne....ITS NOT MLP...so no run away!

Edited by QuinnsWing
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oh the feels...


Just wanted to let everyone know, Zel isn't off limits by any chance.  If you want to have her included in something that's fine.  Just remember she'll be griping about Skirata's training, and being generally bored/frustrated since she has a very narrow type/level of missions she can do.  I'll post the second day of training hopefully within the next couple of days to give you guys an idea of what her sessions will involve.  After that, the timeline in between my posts can vary to fit however you guys need them to if you want to write of her (like doing a minor mission or gossiping in the dojo)... or Skirata for that matter. Just msg me on him first b/c I'm not completely done molding him... cheers :)

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O.O the suspense! Where's the rest D:

Very soon. I typed all that out during a Physics lesson. I'll put up a continuation very soon. And seriously guys...this thread is insanely long lol. Can you guys summarize in short detail everything's that's going on? I want to be able to join you all in the discussions

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Very soon. I typed all that out during a Physics lesson. I'll put up a continuation very soon. And seriously guys...this thread is insanely long lol. Can you guys summarize in short detail everything's that's going on? I want to be able to join you all in the discussions

to attempt to accurately summarize this thread would require a near copy/pasting every story bit in order, or talking to you in a voice chat of sorts

at least, imo, these would be the best way to give good credit and get you up to date


Or you could just read it from the beginning ;P

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Council? X is likely there, so are Aigloblam, Ajkrumen, and Crowley. Aj's death has created a vacuum, which I will try to write a story on. Tyranthius is also there, though the position was probably forced on him; he's not very social and usually despises the &#!-lickers who constantly attempt to win the Council's favor. By now, every Tenno wishing to lobby some sort of political agenda has learned to stay clear. He's present at every war meeting, though. As for Loki and NQ, if they've ever held seats, they were likely honorary members - having only the titles and the most inconsequential of powers.

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Dammit, can't manage to finish the story tonight. I need sleep, and I'm starting to slow down. It's taken longer than I had expected, and is turning out to be one of the longer things I've written (not that that's much to draw from), as finally I have found a way to present Nyx's backstory, and I'm a fairly slow writer - not typer, but I can't help but work through each sentence and make it just as I want it before moving on the the next one.


I'll be able to finish it tomorrow, using it as a break from working on the final assignments for the year.

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Also, I'm about to start making an archive/compilation of the stories on the thread. Should have at least the start of it done by the weekend.


Edit: Viking... what are you messing around with. If you manage to blow up the universe... (and by the way I think its spelt continuum)

Edited by Piranah1
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Also, I'm about to start making an archive/compilation of the stories on the thread. Should have at least the start of it done by the weekend.


Edit: Viking... what are you messing around with. If you manage to blow up the universe... (and by the way I think its spelt continuum)

Awesome Piranah


and yea....viking......just..dangerous stuff you writing be careful.

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Also, I'm about to start making an archive/compilation of the stories on the thread. Should have at least the start of it done by the weekend.


Edit: Viking... what are you messing around with. If you manage to blow up the universe... (and by the way I think its spelt continuum)

I promise to not blow up the universe (spoil-sports) but i do not promise that i won't ruin time inside Voidruler!


Edit: i promise it won't affect the continuity this thread has started, but it might draw attention from you guys? i dunno lol, but i do know that it will happen at the same time Chronos appears in this timeline.

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