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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Voidruler. A space station armed to the teeht with nigh impenetrable defenses and an armored hull that would make any tactical genius fear assaulting the station. It would become the center of research and developement of the Chronos frame, a secret weapon recently added into the Tenno arsenal by Orrik, whose titles included the First Forge master, the Ancient Tenno and the Master of Science and Technology. For him, the class 12 Corpus/Orokin hybrid station was all that he had wished for. As the ship carrying him and his companions reached the station, all he could do was smile and start hoping that his old Forge Masters frame awaited him in his room.


Weylons mind was elsewhere on the approach as he was trying to remember  the lessons of his father and masters, trying to remember how to reach out to the conciousness of the people around him, trying to tie them into the collective mind of hundreds of Tenno who had mastered this ability, this collective conciousness that would allow them to communicate and share knowledge with each other without speaking by simply showing them inside of their own mind.


Meanwhile, Vaughan was planning his approach to the new, female, member of this small team, finally deciding on just being himself. He thought about what frame she might be using. Would it be a Trinity? A Nyx? An Ember? A Mag? A Banshee? A Nova? A Saryn? Whatever frame she might be using, one thing was certain, he was going to tap that.


Ash was terrified of the knowledge that she was being put in charge of the medical facilities aboard Voidruler, mainly because she had never even finished her medical training before she was singled out for a super-soldier program by General viking himself, and secondly because she thought the others would think her crazy for claiming that General Viking himself was constantly talking to her and giving her advice in her time of need. What she didn‘t know was that aboard the vessel approaching  was the son of General viking and an old friend. 

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I'm thinking of posting something backstory-ish/stand alone for Acantha soon, but since when I thought her up her situation was entirely different than where she's at now, it's taking a lot of thought for me to make all the timelines match. However, one of the other characters in her history (whose curiosity is LEGENDARY... at getting him into trouble), would add some lightheartedness to my posts that have heretofore been absent... bah! Indecision, why do you do this to me?! D:

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edit: added this because its done and the next part will be up soon..




He had to wake up early every day, not because he wanted to, he had to because if he didn’t, the old man would start throwing things again. Stretching and with a large yawn he got out of bed. 


“YOU UP YET??!?!?!” A rough voice yelled at him from bellow.


“I AM OLD MAN, SO SHUT UP!!!!” He yelled back, the reply he got was a loud laugh.


“THEN GET YOUR &#! DOWN HERE AND GET TO WORK!!!!” The old man yelled back happily. A smile played on the young man’s lips as he got around. Pulling a shirt of his scarred back, he shuffled down stairs. The foundry was fully running and the heat from it made him squint. Looking around he saw the bowl of rice.


“THIS IT?” He had to yell over the noise.


“WHAT YOU EXPECT, COCKY YOUNGSTER? A FULL STEAK DINNER?” The old man yelled back without turning from his work. ‘Sometimes i do’ he thought as he ate the rice and tossed the bowl into the sink to the right. ‘Working at the foundry is tough work.....and not as rewarding as i had thought’ still thinking to himself the young man began the days work. He was responsible to sort materials for the old man along with running errands, and buying goods, he also was the one who disposed of the garbage, which there was a lot of. 


This day was no different, the garbage had pilled up since yesterday, no surprise, so he took it out like usual, leaving that old man to do his work. Looking up into the blue sky, he wondered why he chose to work in a foundry, he didnt remember, he just remembered the old sword his father had kept, a skana prime polished everyday to perfection, so sharp it could split a hair it two. Maybe making things so perfect was what he wanted, to give happiness to people who could not make it themselves.


“GET BACK IN HERE!!!” THe old man yelled, interrupting his thoughts.


“WHAT DO YOU WANT THIS TIME?” He yelled back as he re-entered the foundry. THe old man had stopped working and had prepared a list. ‘oh great....’ He thought as the old man handed him the list. 


“Go, get supplies for the week, and dont take more than 10.....errr 20 minutes.” The old man said turning away slightly with the pause. A smile had appeared on his face and he did not want the apprentice to see. A huge grin was across the young mans face, as he grabbed the money and headed for the door. 


“DONT FORGET MY WINE!!!” The old man yelled after him as he shot through the door out in the glorious afternoon sun.


Edited by QuinnsWing
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At last, they are at the foundry.




Ash and Shade finally arrived at the foundry. It was a large place, with many different work stations, since weapons and maintenance for all of the clan where performed there. But it seemed to be empty.


Aside from those sensors, Shade said after a quick scan of the place. If someone looks at their security screen, they know they have visitors. There's also a ridiculous amount of inactive gear and systems, but this is the clan's foundry, so go figure.


-Don't get all skittish on me over sensors-Ash joked-There's also a self destruction switch here somewhere. We won't activate that either.


Yes, there is, obviously no one wants the enemy to copy Tenno weapons, Shade commented.


-Just imagine if the Corpus' robots were as annoying as you-Ash smiled-Oh, the horror!


​If those things were half as smart as i, you'd all be long dead, Shade stated, with great certainty. By the way, that's our elevator.


It was a small elevator door that they ran into, fairly away from the main area. Discreet, indeed. It was obvious that this place wasn't visited by the majority of Tenno in the clan.


There's someone down there, Shade informed. Then again, there's no down or up in space. Someone could easily invert the gravity in some sections, and invert half the Dojo. It'd be quite fun. Their warframe is engaged. You could hail them with short range comms, instead of taking the elevator like an idiot, in the way you plan to.


-For once, you are right-Ash acknowledged, as he intended to pretend he got lost-However, something along the lines of "hi, i'd like to see your stalker bits" won't get us anywhere. Off we go!


I won't bother to renew my objection, Shade resigned. I'll be backing myself up. Good luck.


That was the third time in that week he made a backup of himself. Overly careful? Shade would say he was but as careful as a "wonder of artificial genius" like him should have all other, lower intelligence beings, to be towards him. Thank goodness for basic sentinel programming, or he'd have taken over the system by then.


The elevator opened, and Ash made his best attempt to appear lost and new-ish, as it headed back down.



Didn't want specify too much on the foundry's systems. But some off all of the inactive equipment could be something nasty reserved for intruders.

Shade will probably be in "Drone mode" for a while now. Until i write him back in that is. Standard sentinel stuff only.

Edited by 065tdsa
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uhoh, nominations, then votes? luls....

Here is Zel's first session with Skirata. Enjoy :)



EDIT: dat punctuation always gets me somewhere...

Also:  haidufaspdivnapsdigt

Excellent. "most deadly bird"....lol

I like it, someone who can both teach and annoy the piss out of her. Definitely something she needs :)

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some im getting surprise visit from a smart &#! sentinel and an Ash with un defined intentions. hmmmmm

You kinda already did.

Just thinking you might want to write that part, since i don't know exactly what Quinn would think of unexpected visitors, much less ones that appear to be oddly curious about his new toy.

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So i figured i'd add a bit more on both sides of my characters....And give a chance for some lighthearted fun for anyone who wants to continue onto Zel's story...Lots of parts to share :)



They say most of your brain shuts down in cryo-sleep. All but the primitive side, the animal side. Apparently this animal side has dreams, vivid dreams. Aigloblam's body stood frozen, but deep inside, dreams and visions of countless years of service played on the screen of his mind. He saw Ajkrumen pull a rookie Nyx out from under a pile of dead Grineer, alive but in a state of shock that would eventually lead to her being kept sedated in a mental institute on a far away tenno base. Flashes of X and Tyranthius leading a charge against what seemed like an entire army of Fusion MOAs, losing many Tenno but stopping the seemingly invincible army from laying waste to all known space. NQ showing up in front of him, quaking in fear of her first mission, and then growing into a beautiful, Confident, slightly unstable, warrior to be feared by all enemies of the Lotus.

For what seemed like eternity, the visions came rushing into Aigloblam's mind, each one more vivid than the last. When it felt as if his mind would simply shut down under this overload, he began to focus on Ajkrumen. Every time a new scene would present the ancient Tenno, Aigloblam would speak to him. Eventually Aigloblam was able to hold full conversations with the Ajkrumen his mind projected. These conversations started as fractured meaningless chat, But over time, Aigloblam was able to finally say his goodbys. When his feelings of guilt, loss, and shame started to fade, Aigloblam knew he would be ok. Never fully himself again, but "ok".


Time passed so much faster in the outside world, but to a lone warrior in cryo-sleep, Time was unimportant.



Zel kicked aside the shattered remains of an Orokin trap. She walked behind the rest of the group of 15 Tenno, feeling terribly out of place. Every other Tenno, save one, had recently dawned their frames for the first time. The display of shiny new suits would normally have made her giddy with excitement, but not today. Today she felt boredom and shame. She had been restricted to lower level missions, and today was as low as it got. Ahead of her, Heus lead the group through an Orokin tower that had been cleaned out years ago. Heus pointed out some of the deadlier traps that the rookies might face, and showed them the best ways to avoid taking a laser to the face, or being slowed by the strips of seeping gas the Orokin left to freeze people in their tracks long enough to be destroyed by the hazards of the tower.


Even through her boredom induced stupor, Zel noticed something unexpected about Heus. He was an amazing teacher. Even though this had been his first time leading a group of what a certain Loki called "Babies dripping with Noob Sauce", Heus seemed to enjoy helping them learn. He made sure every question was answered to the best of his considerable ability, and that every inch of dangerous area explained. The going was slow here, due to the excessive amount of dangerous area to be explained.


After watching Heus demonstrate how to safely slide under a spinning laser trap, Zel zoned out and began to once again go over her lessons with Skirata, but here they were almost useless. Everything he had taught her about how to keep calm, concentrate, and reign in her power, became pointless here in the dead calm of this tower. Inside this isolated pocket of void space, the chances of encountering something more dangerous than a long dead corrupted's helmet was next to nothing. Still she tried.

Heus glanced back to the rear of the room, and saw Zel leaning against a wall with her arms crossed and her eyes closed. He felt bad for her, being trapped here in this lesson, and decided to make things a bit more interesting. He called forth Two Loki's and asked them if their stealth generators were operational. One said it certainly was, but the other had to take a moment to check, still a bit unfamilier with his 'frame.

"Zel, i need some assistance, if you dont mind" Heus called to the back of the room, Causing Zel to stand and walk toward him, slightly confused.

"okay...?" she said, her head cocked a bit to the side.

Heus pointed at the two Loki's and explained. "These two are going to play a little game with you. They are going to disappear, and its your job to find them, incapacitate them, and bring them back here to me. Think of it as hide and seek. Just remember, No Powers."

The two Loki's looked at eachother and smiled, This was their favorite game. One of them said "Isn't this a bit unfair? Shes just a little Ember...Maybe you should at least give her some backup, she won't be able to handle TWO of us!"


Heus chuckled "Tobias, you're good, of that there can be no doubt. But that little Ember back there has seen and done things you would never believe. Im not letting her use her powers because i've heard about your tendency to get on others nerves, on purpose. If you did that while her powers were live, You'd be nothing but Ash and Dust before you could blink."


Tobias nodded, still confident, but now looking at Zel less like a playmate and more like what she and Heus both were, Predators.


Zel obediently faced Heus while the Loki's scrambled off to hide in the Orokin ruins. When the 5 minute mark was up, Zel dropped her weapons at Heus' feet, all but the twin daggers she kept in customized sheaths in the armor over her forearms. She didn't want to be taken by surprise and kill by reaction. After she had left the room to hunt down the two Loki, Heus started addressing the other assembled Tenno.


"Ok, Now i want all of you to file out of this room. Don't let Zel see you. She thinks she is only going up against a couple of Loki...And i want it to stay that way. Your job is the same as hers, But you are to incapacitate Zel, and return her here, Unharmed, but captured.

A Banshee raised her hand and said "Sir...Our Powers?".


Heus replied "Up to you, but i would definitely advice against anything that could cause injury. She may take it personal."

One by one, the other Tenno filed out of the room and began the hunt. Heus contacted control and had them patch his helmet feed into the secretly embedded cameras spread out all over the inactive tower. A large smile spread across the noble tenno's face. He couldn't wait to see this.

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