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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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i remember in Quinn's(?) thread he mentioned that ash's bladestorm used to be multiple clones attack at the same time, and ty said a while ago that his character used a loki decoy version of that, sooooo.... perhaps


EDIT: not Quinn's, Khi's thread. herp derp

Edited by Entari0
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''Omigosh! Weylon? What are you wearing? What happened? When did it happen? How did it happen?'' Were the first words that came out of the Trinitys mouth as the three researchers walked out of their ride to Voidruler.


''Ash? You are our new member?'' A slightly shocked Weylon asked as he stared at the gold and white Trinity in front of him.


''You know her?''


''Ash? where?''


''Master Orrik! Omigosh!'' Ash nearly shouted as she nearly tackled Orrik to the ground in what one would call a flying hug.


''Woah there, lassie! Calm down. don't want you to have a heart attack!''


''Oh right, sorry.'' Ash replied, standing back up and dusting off her trinity.


''Now tell me, how have you been? I haven't seen you since the commandos were forced into cryosleep.''


''I'm fine, just a bit excited. I can't believe I get to stay with you....who's that excal?'' Ash spoke, much more calm than just a few seconds ago.


''Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Vaughan, a pupil of Master Orrik and the muscle of this group.'' Vaughan bowed, trying to make a good first impression on Ash as he wanted everything to go smoothly towards his ultimate goal.


''Nice to meet you Vaughan, my name is Ash as I am sure you heard those two say my name at least twice.'' Ash replied, bowing in a much more sophisticated manner than Vaughan had expected.


''Weylon? What the f*ck are you wearing? Where is your goddamned Excalibur Prime they gave you in the Royal Guard? Where is your goddamned pride?'' A thunderous voice all of a sudden boomed inside of the head of everybody in the room.


''DAD?! I thought you were dead! How the hell are you still alive?'' Weylon asked, utilizing his fathers teachings in using the ''Hive-mind'' to communicate, managing to sound clearly to everyone in the room.


''I think you can guess how I am still alive, after all I was the one who taught you how to use it. For you who can't guess how I survived, I managed to escape into the hive-mind, just seconds after that red faced bastard son of a three-legged hound decapitated me back on Earth. I then managed to wake Ash from her cryo-sleep so that I could have something similar to a host until we would find a group of Tenno we could unlock this ability in. Strangely, it was your group we ended in.''


''Goddamnit Viking, you f*cking scared me for a second there. I f*cking thought that god himself was talking to us for a second! Next time, announce who you are before shouting at one of us.''


''NEVER! It is way more fun seeing you guys jump when a booming voice all of a sudden appears in your mind.'' Although his father was a ''ghost'' and therefore couldn't be seen, Weylon was sure he was carrying the biggest grin he could muster. ''Anyways, what are you guys going to be doing in this station?''


''We are going to be finishing project Chronos, and researching new weapons to aid the current Tenno forces in their strive to balance the Origin system. Trust me, it is needed.''


''Sounds exciting, but don't go hurting yourselfs too much, I never finished Medical training so i can't do surgeries.'' Ash said to silence an arguement that started between the ancient Vauban and ghostly General.


''I can help with that, I was a trained surgeon before they figured out that i had the capability of becoming a Tenno.'' Vaughan told Ash. ''If you want, i can help finishing your medical training.''


''I would like that, oh and Weylon, your new Excalibur Prime awaits you in your room.''


''Really?'' Was the only word Weylon could respond with, as he immediatly ran to his room, marked on his minimap.

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You remember that LOKI Decoy murder-move? Yeah, it was probably one of my favorites. If you recall, its name was Storm of Ragnarok, which is actually a nod to Marvel vs Capcom character Strider Hiryu's hyper-combo, Ragnarok, which looks similar to what I described.

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New stuff! In which Acantha shows that she doesn't deal well with idiots. I hope you enjoy!




When she’d come back from training the day of the memorial, Acantha had been more exhausted and sore since then she had been since her apprenticeship. Not even missions usually left her so tired. The first thing she’d done was remove her warframe, leaving it in the small armory she had off of one side of her room to auto-clean, before taking a shower and collapsing into bed.


Thanks to her warframe, she didn’t wake up sore all over and covered in bruises like she would have if she didn’t have access to its regenerative capabilities, but she did wake up with new determination. The first thing she did was do what she usually hated, at least on the Station. She went back to the training room. It wasn’t that she disliked training and honing her skills, it was rather that the training room here was always full of Tenno, either between assignments or clan-less like herself, that crammed into it. The room wasn’t exactly small, but it made it hard for her to concentrate with so many people and distracting noises around. The training room there always felt chaotic and noisy, and so she had avoided it when possible. It didn’t help that there were always a few people that were there less to improve and more to show off. Being female, many of these idiots often bothered her to try to impress their friends (or her), even when she made it quite clear she had no interest in them. Arrogant punks, even skilled arrogant punks, annoyed her.


Donning her Nova warframe, she walked out of her room and into the hall. Her route towards the public training area took her through the Atrium, which was the main hub of the station. This particular installation had once been Corpus before being commandeered and retrofitted to function as what it was now, and as such the area before her was filled with screens and access panels. It was also filled with other Tenno of every shape and description, both with their warframes and without, with many lounging about in the loose, comfortable attire that was preferred by most when off duty. Many seemed to be grouped up, or in the process of grouping up, into squads before heading out for missions. Others were simply lying around, either watching the large projection screens that scrolled the latest news and broadcasts from various parts of the Solar System or in discussion with others. The broadcasts were unnecessary, as any relevant information could be obtained from the Lotus in a much more concise and accurate format, but there was something about watching it in its raw form that many enjoyed. It gave the air of the room a convivial atmosphere, filled with voices and laughter and camaraderie. It was always a place she’d felt a little like an outsider in, as she knew no one here on a more than business basis, but the feeling the room gave off lifted her spirits nonetheless.


She ghosted through it, speaking with no one, as she worked her way towards the training room at a steady walk. Soon enough, she arrived, and as the door hissed open she winced. The room was nearly as packed as the Atrium, and without the good atmosphere. One of the notorious braggarts known to frequent this Station was present, and was showing off his marksmanship to anyone he could bully over to watch. Acantha frowned, and then put him out of her mind. She wasn’t here to be annoyed, she was here to train. She made her way over to a clear section of floor set aside for sparring and melee weapons practice, and pulled her Orthos off her back. She’d temporarily dulled the weapon back in her rooms. She could have simply borrowed a training weapon, but she wanted to practice with the real thing instead of something unfamiliar. The balance was the same, be it her own Orthos or a trainer, but she liked the feel of having something of her own in her hands instead of something borrowed.


She knelt, with the shaft of the weapon across her knees, taking a few moments to center herself and block out the distractions around her.  When she rose, she rose with a composed mind, and began her dance, applying everything she had learned the day before into her warm up, before beginning to train in earnest. She spun and parried, attacked and riposited, weaving her way through the imagined group of enemies that surrounded her in her mind’s eye. She focused on her technique, critiquing herself on her flaws without dwelling on them. If she made a mistake, she repeated the move she had botched several times until she was sure she had gotten it right before moving on. She was nearly done when she was interrupted.


“Hey, girlie,” the braggart from the shooting range yelled at her from across the room, “Why don’t you go a round or two with me?”


She frowned, displeased with the distraction, before finishing her exercise.


“Hey, girlie, I’m talkin’ to you,” he yelled again, obviously getting angry at being ignored. She could hear his footsteps, heavy with arrogance and anger at being snubbed, coming towards her.


Straightening from her finishing pose, she looked at him solidly for the first time. He was wearing an Ash, bright crimson with accents of black, and a Syandana of the same colors trailing behind him. Very flashy for a frame built for stealth, she thought.


“I am here to train, not to fool around with exhibitionists,” she said, sliding her weapon back into its magnetic holster at her back, “Now, if you don’t mind, I have work to do.”


She pushed past him, aiming for the shooting range set up for target practice, and pulled out her Dread. With any luck, he’d take the hint and leave her alone. It was people like him that made her hate coming here because it caused her training to become that much more of a chore. Having to wade through people like him to get anything done seemed to take more time than she got practicing while she was here. It was true, most people, even at the Station, weren’t like him, but there were enough that were to set her teeth on edge. She stopped in front of the console and began to set up her preferred target settings. Whoever was there before her had the hard-light targets set with the AI and appearance closest to Grineer, which was fine with her, but she turned off the stationary targets and allowed the AI to control and move them. She might use unmoving targets later, for training with her new Despair, but for now, she needed something difficult enough to take her mind off of the idiot she could hear walking up behind her again.


“Who’re you calling an exhibitionist?” he demanded, putting his hand on her shoulder and pulling her off balance, “Don’t you know it’s an honor to train with someone who’s a master like me. You tryin’ to say you’re too good for me, girlie?”


With the vehemence with which he was talking, he was spitting the words at her more than saying them. She pitied the inside of his helmet, and who or whatever would have to clean it later. She took another deep breath, slowly in, and slowly out, calming herself. Despite his unpleasant attitude, it wouldn’t do to cause a scene here. After all, a prick like him wasn’t worth it.  But if he pushed her much farther and she wasn’t sure she could hold herself back.


“Kindly remove your hand, I’ve already told you I have no interest in enabling your distasteful indulgence in showing off your so-called masterful skills. I am here to train, nothing more. I have no intention of joining you for anything. Especially since you seem to think me an easy target because I’m a woman, and therefore will go down with little effort should I accept your challenge, thereby making yourself look good in front of your… peers,” she glanced around the room at the crowd that had gathered to watch their argument. No one would interfere unless things got out of hand, it would be impolite for another to interrupt someone else’s fight, but jerks like him usually had friends to show off to, and she hadn’t spotted them yet. She didn’t worry, it mattered not at all to her if he had friends or not, his attitude and behavior were appalling, insulting, and grating her nerves raw.


She shook off his hand, nocking an arrow and pressing the pedal on the floor to begin her target practice. She lined up a target, accounted for the lead time the arrow would need to hit her chosen mark and the drop it would acquire at the distance she was firing from, and pulled back the string. Before she could release the arrow, a large hand came down on it, ripping it from the string and throwing it to the floor.


“Who do you think you are, huh? Taking to me like that! I’ll show you, you….”


His next words were cut off as he made a grab for her and she slipped out of his hold. Reading his footwork, she slid her Dread into its magnetic holster on her back while simultaneously sliding her Orthos out, knowing another attack was coming. Sure enough, as she unsheathed her blunted weapon, he made another attempt to attack her, this time with melee weapons of his own; a set of knuckles that looked a lot like Obex. For all the talk he had made about being a great fighter, the Ash was a mess. He had let his arrogance and anger get to his head, and along with his subpar skills, he was nothing compared to who she had fought the day before. With her sparring match with Excalibur fresh in her mind, she dodged and wove around the Ash, using him as living practice for what she had learned the night before, while he furiously threw insults at her as she avoided him. Spinning her Orthos like it weighed nothing, she parried every attack he threw at her, until, in frustration, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


“Oh that’s cheap…” she heard someone in the crowd say, as he reappeared, predictably, behind her. Without even turning around, she avoided his attempt to attack her from behind, crouching down low to avoid his effort to land a blow to the back of her head. Without losing her momentum, she spun, extending one leg and sweeping it under his guard, knocking him to the floor. In the same motion, she grabbed her fallen arrow from the floor, and pinned the Ash to the ground with one knee. Still holding her Orthos in her left hand, she laid the weapon across his shoulders, bringing her weight to bear across his torso while also digging the point of her knee painfully into his sternum. In the instant that followed, she brought the tip of the arrow to his throat with her right hand, pressing it lightly against the protective covering of his warframe, something they both knew wouldn’t hold long against the merciless edge of the arrow that paired with the bow she carried. It was common knowledge, after all, that the stalker’s weapons shredded warframe armor like tissue paper.


“As I said, I have no desire to enable your antics and selfish showmanship,” she said, leaning her helmet close to his as she felt him, rigid with fear and panting from exertion, under her, “I expect I will see no more of this while I am around. You have, after all, ruined my morning of training, and that has left me in a thoroughly bad mood. Your arrogance only shows how much you have to learn, as you are no master. I know, as I have been lucky enough to meet and train under some who are true masters. Your behavior shames the name of Tenno, and shames the names of those who are what you only claim to be.”


She stood, digging her knee roughly into the Tenno under her as she did so, while sheathing her Orthos and returning her arrow to its quiver. Straightening, she stepped over the prone form below her and stalked out of the training room without looking back. Only silence followed her. Another morning of training wasted, and she had woken up in such a good mood. She had to find somewhere else to practice, this was unacceptable. She could never keep her promise to get stronger under circumstances like this.


Making an inarticulate but fitting noise to express her disgust, she decided she would go check for a mission to help relieve her frustration. At least killing enemies meant they didn’t get the chance talk back, and any claims of false skill could be ended with ultimate finality. She doubted she would get a mission for today though, judging by the amount of Tenno she had seen in the Atrium earlier. In all likelihood she wouldn’t be able to find anything worth doing that wasn’t a week or more out. She made another disgusted noise. Then a thought occurred to her. Perhaps, if she found a mission nearby it, she could drop by the training room in Aequitas’s dojo afterwards. There, at least, it should be quiet, and perhaps there she would get a chance to train with X again…


Acantha smiled. Maybe something good would come out of this day after all.

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Maybe i should send Weylon or Vaughan or Orrik or even the new member of the team, Ash, to explore the rumors of a clan willing to partake in weapons and armor testing session. Even maybe get upgrades to their snubs or even their dojos, such as advanced computer network, defensive plating like the one protecting Voidruler (wich would allow the dojo to devote their energy into other things as the plating is pretty much impenetrable by class 9 grineer and corpus cruiser weaponry, effectively making the dojo not only a dojo but a fortress) and Hyperion class railguns.


Edit: i would not be a very good corpus...

Edited by FatViking
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Maybe i should send Weylon or Vaughan or Orrik or even the new member of the team, Ash, to explore the rumors of a clan willing to partake in weapons and armor testing session. Even maybe get upgrades to their snubs or even their dojos, such as advanced computer network, defensive plating like the one protecting Voidruler (wich would allow the dojo to devote their energy into other things as the plating is pretty much impenetrable by class 9 grineer and corpus cruiser weaponry, effectively making the dojo not only a dojo but a fortress) and Hyperion class railguns.


Edit: i would not be a very good corpus...

but would the plating protect from explosions and/or massive sound waves, from the inside?

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but would the plating protect from explosions and/or massive sound waves, from the inside?

explosions and/or massive sound waves from the inside, sure. opening the void with an unstable key? no. Anti-Matter related catastrophes? Yes.


the armor plating is made with old Orokin technology Orrik made, so it is quite strong. he however wants to let you know that this armor plating does not protect from unstable void keys, or void rifts opening up inside of the dojo, so do NOT under any circumstance do experiments on the Void that might cause a Void rift to open up in the dojo. he would also like to tell anyone reading this that Hyperion class railguns do not require as much energy as the name suggests. a small dojo can have around 250 Hyperion class railguns installed without using more than 1% of the total energy of the dojo (imagine that, energy efficent railguns. TAKE THAT YOU CORPUS D*CKS!)

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good lord do you all know how many pages I had to flip through to get to the end! Like...four or five. The IDEAS! The fact that Aigloblam knew NQ before she got...really really unstable...means that he knew Scarlet or 'stable Nova-Quinn' to some degree. Touching moments may abound later. Furthermore, the intruders in the Foundry should be able to see the finished/near finished Project. Since there are no real spoilers about it (and we all know our knowledge does not equate to character knowledge) I can safely tell you the title of it is Project Einherjar.


Now...back to Osprey hunting.




Days. Literal days had passed since Crowley had entered the old Corpus facility and he hadn't found the Banshee yet. He'd checked everywhere he could think of, or at least could get to without possibly attracting unwanted attention. Then again, at this point that was all that was left to do or he'd need to leave and tell Quinn the Banshee had moved to another place. Rolling his shoulders the blue Nekros sighed, yawning a bit as he made his way into a room with several ventilation outlets.


"Ugh...I bet I could shout in every room and get a better response..." He grumbled, grabbing onto one of the coverings for a duct and pulling it off. "If I get lost I swear Quinn...I'm going to haunt you for the rest of eternity." Crowley gently set the covering aside and began to make his way into the duct, immediately greeted by a faint echoed noise. Perking up, the gaunt Tenno started to silently move through the ventilation shafts in an effort to find the source of the noise.




In a room accessible only via the ventilation Nova-Quinn was sitting in a chair at a delightful round table with her helmet off sipping tea from a china cup. The pitcher filled with still hot tea sat on the table next to a saucer holding several small biscuits on it. Giggling softly, NQ grinned and lifted her half-empty cup in toast toward her gracious and like-minded host. "Delightful tea milady! Though your adorable little servant is quite the cad when it comes to carrying things." She spoke in an obviously fake British accent, giggling madly even as the Banshee across the table followed in suit.


"Oh you're simply a doll, my dear! It's a special blend I ended up making one day when I was totally bored. My Osprey was no help at all either, but Juliet made for a wonderful stirring implement!"


Juliet, a Shield Osprey having been abducted by the Banshee a while ago, had been painted black and white and was wearing cloth apron that had been draped over its main body and tied on at the joints of its wings. The poor machine looked so depressed at its capture and humiliation, not that the two female Tenno would ever take notice. Juliet couldn't really hold things, it wasn't like a Carrier Sentinel, but it was doing its best to avoid destruction at least.


Tilting her head, NQ chirruped and put down her cup lightly, cupping a hand to her ear. "Oh my, dear Queen, it seems we've a rabbit in our hidey-hole!"


Tilting her head similarly the Banshee listened for a moment before she heard a muffled swear as Crowley stumbled in the vents. "I do believe you're right Nova-Quinn. Friend of yours?"


"Crowley's my friend, I think he came here looking for you and OHMIGOSHIFOUNDYOUANDHE'LLBESOHAPPYHEMIGHTGIMMEAHUGYAAAAAAAY!" Suddenly spazzing out and jumping up and down in the small room excitedly.


In the commotion Juliet began to make for an escape only to be suddenly grabbed and shaken violently as the Banshee, too, jumped up and down in excitement with Nova-Quinn even though she didn't even know Crowley at all. In the next few moments there was a loud curse and screaming that became increasingly loud as Crowley fell down the hole in the vent leading to the room, falling on top of a pile of potato sacks. "Ahhh....ahhhh....why would you put these here?!"

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Sorry for a.) Taking so long, b.) Making another sad story and c.) Ending up with what amounts to a rambling monologue.

I will be much more active after this week, as finally everything (major) will be over, and I regret this story being sad but I had to wrap Nyx up after Ajkrumen and I also finally found a way to interject her backstory. As for the rambling internal monologue, I couldn't really think of any other way to present her backstory - while I can easily think of ideas, typically I find it far more difficult to actually implement them. And yes, I could have written the events actually happening, but I suspect I would not be able to cover all of the points that I wanted to highlight without having to use at least three if not five or more times more writing. Anyway then, enjoy, and the next things I shall work on (later) are the archive of the thread and Operation Cookie.


Edit: Also, Jeahanne, loving your stuff



There was a click, and the door lights turned from orange to green. “You are now free to discharge yourself” spoke a mechanical voice from a speaker in the white, sterile wall, the sudden sound in the quiet room sounding deafening.


‘Finally.’ Nyx got out of bed, placing her feet on the clean white floor of the room. All of the room around her was white, clean and very sterile looking. It was a self-contained hospital seclusion unit, with nothing but a bed, a chair and table, and a food and drink dispenser. The walls were completely sound proof, as well as being impenetrable to most signals from mechanical connections to psychic pulses.


Nyx walked over to the door, and stopped, bracing herself. ‘I’ve been in here for over a week now... When I went out last, before the door locked...’ She sighed, and pressed the button to open the door. The door hissed open, and she stepped out, into what seemed like, when compared to where she had last been, a wall of sound and thought. Coming out from the silence was... intense. She had always had some small measure of psychic ability, and years of using a Nyx warframe had heightened that immensely. Trapped in the silent room, her senses had been straining to the point of hearing the blood in her veins. Her psychic senses had been straining likewise.


There was the quiet humming of machines, the sound of some talking in the distance, and for a moment the far-away roar of a ships engines as it landed in a bay. And that was just the noise... The pressure and psychic noise of the minds in the dojo hit Nyx like trains form every direction at once. The presence of hundreds of minds, both Tenno and not, and the emotions, thoughts, and sheer weight of them all hit her. She wavered, catching the side of the door with her hand, keeping herself from collapsing on the floor as her open mind reeled. She felt her previously unnoticed extended tendrils of thought start to scramble back into her own mind, even as her overdriven hearing slowly started to recover.


After a few minutes, she felt good enough to stand upright and start moving. She turned, and started moving towards the centre of the dojo. ‘That did not feel good... I was expecting it to be bad, but only as bad as last time. I suppose that I have been in the isolation chamber for a week now, rather than than a few days. The feel of that really makes the wounding I took at the battle and afterwards feel kinda insignificant...’


As she continued further into the dojo, she passed an exhausted looking Nova that she had not seen before walking towards the ship bays. ‘Looks like she’s just had a session in the training hall. She does not seem to be part of Aequitas. Curious.’


Nyx reached the massive open doors of the great hall, and paused. She took a deep breath, and prepared herself. ‘The last time I was here... The funeral. After I came back from that, barely coherent, the nurses locked my door. All of that sorrow, and grief... I can feel it still. Some is still fresh and being felt in the minds of those in there, but the raw power and focus of those emotions has permanently steeped into the walls... And I am really just procrastinating aren’t I?’


She stepped into the room, feeling the echoes of emotions roll off the walls, and started to reverentially walk towards the centre of the room, where the now flower-covered coffin rested, behind an imposing and incredibly detailed statue standing proudly. ‘Oh Ajkrumen... You were an exemplar of the Tenno. Even in death you were victorious. And so were we, but at what cost?’


She solemnly gazed at the statue, presenting both a lotus and the head of the one who caused so much grief. There was an inscription on the base of the statue. ‘So...“So long as there is air in my lungs, and blood in my veins, no ally shall fall. We will never know defeat, never taste despair, for failure is not an option.” Well, that has happened both while blood is and is not in your veins, noble warrior. Too many have fallen, there have been many defeats, and all have tasted despair, one way or another. There was once a time when I did not know sadness’s touch, so, so long ago. Back when I had just donned a warframe. But even then, there was disappointment. Envy even, for my sister who inherited my birthright, even as I gained what she dreamed of. I was always wondering why. Why do people do what they do, and act the way I act. Why do this when you can do that?’


Nyx slowly walked past the statue, going to the cryo-coffin. She ran her hand over it lightly, deep in thought and sorrow. ‘Idhren was always wondering why, why does this work. Why does pushing this button move that panel, why does that piston move those wheels. And then, I had Mag forced upon me, and as I had to cope with doing what she loved, she was given Mother’s Nyx. She now knew what I wished to know, even as she desired what I learnt grudgingly. But even then, we were still happy enough. We learned together, and shared what we had learnt with each other. All that I have ever learnt about my warframe I learnt from Ren, for I never had a teacher after I donned this frame. I never had a teacher after the beginning of the Fall.’


Nyx stood there quietly, over the coffin of Ajkrumen, and silently wept inside her warframe. ‘We lived together, learnt together... and fought together. When the abominations came, we fought as one. Until the day I was dragged away. Taken off to fight another battle by my ‘teacher’, one who should have helped.’


‘That was the day she died.’


‘I was told afterwards that she was separated from her squad, and with nobody to cover her back or call warnings, she didn’t see the disruptor before it sucked her energy dry. She was overwhelmed by a horde of them, and must have lain on the ground helpless, trapped in the suit that she never wanted, as she was ripped to pieces. They told me that the squad got to her corpse less than 30 seconds after Ren’s vitals went out. And on that day, the day I stood over her coffin as I stand over this one now, as the world burned and died, and the great Orokin empire fell to dust and ashes, I wept. Even as I finally received the warframe I had longed for for so long, I wept. The gift that I had waited for all of those years. But at what cost?’


‘Oh, how it hurt.’

Edited by Piranah1
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Get prepared for a hammer-blow of feels, closure, and a shock to your vision of tjis character.

Edit: The wounds of the feels are fresh again. Amazing story. :)

Edit 2: Can't wait to get this out. Stupid phone.

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