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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Kris quietly walked through the Station, not in the best of moods, as he reviewed his last mission performance, only to be met by disappointing results. His accuracy was sub-par, his reliance on his Excalibur abilities clearly showed, and he had been the one to get shot down, risking the entire mission. After few minutes of walking through the atrium, armory and training room, Kris finally reached his room, which was located in what one could call the slums of the Station, in an area where it was best to lock your room before leaving. Punching in the lock combination, Kris opened the door and took off his Pendragon helmet, a helmet he thought he just hadn't deserved. He sat down on his bed, the only actual piece of furniture in the entire room, and covered his face with his hands. A quiet sob started unwillingly as he heard the voices of the Tenno he had worked with on missions ever since he had woken up, all the voices commenting on the fact that Kris was an uncapable fighter and a risk to the missions they had undertaken. Every comment of disapproval, every insult, every word leaking with contempt. All this he remembered and was unable to forget as he slowly walked over to the shower so that he could wash away the grit and blood on him yet he would never feel clean, never feel secure.



The next morning arrived roughly 3 hours later, just as Kris woke up from the nightmares he constantly had. As he rubbed his eye, he activated his frame so that he could cover the fact that the previous night had obviously been amongst the height of his depressing episodes. He decided to take a break from missions and train instead, trying to improve himself so that he wouldn't suffer the constant ridicule, the constant shouting, the constant depression. He arrived in the training room half an hour later, having decided to go to the atrium first for some breakfast and a view. The training room was absolutely packed, except at the sparring area where it was completely deserted as everybody that had been there had gathered in a crowd near the shooting range. Thinking none of it, Kris went to grab a training weapon, deciding on Kogake as that was a weapon he had always been interested in trying. Slipping the weapon onto his hands and feet felt amazing as he walked towards a punching bag. He gave the bag a quick jab,  just getting a small feel for the weapon. Punching again, with a little more force, the bag moved a bit only to be met with a flurry of punches and kicks so fast that the chain couldn't hold it anymore, only for the bag being kept aloft by the still going flurry of limbs, until it exploded all over the floor. Amazed at his own strength, Kris went to pick up a replacement bag from the clerk at the front. Continuing his practice, Kris finally felt relieved of his worries for this day. He walked back to his room in a good mood, finally having found a weapon that was possibly suited him. 



What waited him back at his room, ruined his day for him. The door had been broken down, paint splattered over his bed and small fire had obviously lit in one of the corners. His shower had been broken and his sink sprayed with some foul smelling liquid. Even the toilet hadn't been spared as it had been broken and someone had urinated on it, leaving yellow stains all over the floor and the broken remains of the toilet. He covered his face with one hand as he called the maintenance department. They were not going to like this.



And that is basically the only thing i had inspiration for.


Edit: fixed a minor grammatical error, please let me know if you see any.

Edit 2: BRad_Skirata pointed out another error, fixed

Edited by FatViking
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Hunting down Alad V. was going to be an extremely trying time, Ivan mused as he smashed his fist into the middle of the Charger's body. The infected beast could give a squeal before it was pasted against the wall. The Rhino stomped forward reloading the massive Hek shotgun he was known for using. Behind him Kevin and Adam searched for targets as Emm brought up the rear. On the other side of the Corpus tug John and his own handpicked team was heading in.


"Targets coming in." Adam said as he raised his Braton. Kevin did the same with his Boltor.


"Engage!" Ivan snapped. Shotgun shells, high powered bullets and foot long spikes shredded the Infested but more kept coming. Judging from the COMs, John also encountered heavy resistance.




John ducked the Ancient's extending arm and swung his Galatine Great sword in a sweeping blow that cut the Ancient in half. The Frost's team was busy securing the area. Janice depressed the trigger on the Ignis twice burning the enemy alive as Serin covered her with her own weapon. Levi set up a perimeter with his Tesla Grenades all the while picking off the enemy one by one with precision bursts from his Hind rifle.


"Ivan, I'm having a little bit of trouble here!" John said raising his Vasto revolver, firing at a Charger that was getting a but too close.


"Well John I'd love to help!" was Ivan's reply. "Just hang on! I'll see if I can get Roy and Carl to get you some help!"


John exhaled and switched to his Soma. He mentally prepared himself as another horde of Infested came at them.

Edited by Divinity112
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@Quinns: My answer is....neither! Wait a while for PS4 prices to go down rather than spending all that money now. The prime access bundle isn't worth it, you can just have fun playing with friends in Warframe to earn the primes as it should be, since I doubt any primes besides Excal Prime are going to be 'exclusive' in any way.

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@Quinns: My answer is....neither! Wait a while for PS4 prices to go down rather than spending all that money now. The prime access bundle isn't worth it, you can just have fun playing with friends in Warframe to earn the primes as it should be, since I doubt any primes besides Excal Prime are going to be 'exclusive' in any way.

Oh hai Khimmy

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@Quinns: My answer is....neither! Wait a while for PS4 prices to go down rather than spending all that money now. The prime access bundle isn't worth it, you can just have fun playing with friends in Warframe to earn the primes as it should be, since I doubt any primes besides Excal Prime are going to be 'exclusive' in any way.

^ All of my This.

It may take a while for the Ps4 prices to go down....but still, this is pretty much the best way to go about it. When we can Farm for Ember Prime, we shall do so....with great vengeance, and for great justice.

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Khi, please, as I am a guy. Khimmy makes me feel like you believe i'm a girl. XD #$$ I may be, but not a crossdresser.


Either way, hello!

I always guess at people....And you i guessed to be a moderately tall man, dark hair, and a Mustache. Not a disgusting porn stache, but just a manly mustache.

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Xd ember prime is in the void along with glaive prime*drooling begins* 


so farming galore!!!!!!!!!


I might wait i might not...depends if i can even find a ps4 XD

If you can do what i am, power to you. Im waiting for income tax...however long that may be with this shutdown thing, and getting it then :)

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I always guess at people....And you i guessed to be a moderately tall man, dark hair, and a Mustache. Not a disgusting porn stache, but just a manly mustache.


I do not have a mustache, thank you. I actually have a shaving cycle I go through. I usually wait around 2~4 days to shave (depending on how bad it gets) and if I'm really lazy can take a week before I shave. Personally if I could I'd remove all my facial hair save eyebrows and eyelashes permanently.

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Author Notes: 


I have this happening concurrently to whatever you guys are writing. As such I'll try my best not to contradict what you guys have written, but I'll admit I'm terrible and haven't read a lot of what you guys have written lately. Any Tenno-related differences I'll try to explain as being individual to my crew, not universal across all Tenno. Feel free to have the wacky zany exploits of my Tenno as background events in your stories, if you'd like.


Not every Tenno is a combatant. I'd say there are tens of millions of Tenno around, but compared to the billions in the Grineer, Infested, and Corpus factions? Well, tens of millions is a small number compared to that.


And now, for the return of Alex, my poor tortured Rhino.




Alex dashed ahead of his team, ignoring their protests and requests for him to stay with the rest of their team. "Sorry guys, but I've gotta get to Ellie before it's too late."


He slid and spun through the Corpus ranks, Strun Wraith in one hand and Braton in the other, dual wielding two primary weapons as he continued his one-man onslaught upon the majority of the garrison at this particular installation. "This is your last warning, release that Tenno immediately and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you walk away!" He broadcast across the open channels, gunning down more Corpus as he continued his mad dash towards the NAV point on his HUD's map. Next to it, he had a link to Eleanor's vitals, courtesy of the Lotus, as she was prepared for dismemberment and dissection. 


"You're too late," Came the taunting voice of Salad P, Alad V's cousin, "You'll never make it in time, and your precious Tenno's parts WILL be part of the Zanuka project."


"You speak like a B-grade movie character. It's only fitting that I make you die like one as well!" Came Alex's retort, as Eleanor's vitals continued to rise steadily.


As he came right up to the door, he saw Eleanor's vitals spike to critical highs and heard faint static as a private channel to him opened.


"Alex? I'm sorry...You did find me, a hundred lifetimes later. But this is the end of mine. I love you, be strong."


And the beginnings of a strangled scream were immediately cut off by static as the channel cut off, and it was accompanied by the ending of Alex's world as Eleanor's vitals flatlined.


Hundreds of metres behind the Rhino, the rest of his team heard his anguished howls through the comm channels, and they bowed their heads in silence as they slowed their dash to a slow walk, following the trail of Corpus bodies.


There was no longer a point in making haste, for they failed their mission. The perceived insignificance of one lost Tenno was lost on them, as her loss represented huge ramifications for one of their own.


Alex opened the door just in time to see the machine separate Eleanor into separate components, ash falling from where the lasers sliced through her armour and flesh. She, who was once the world to him was now nothing more than a head, arms, legs, and torso.


No words were uttered, just a guttural howl of rage as he roared, stomping the installation's floor in fury as he charged the Corpus scientist. Alex tossed his weapons aside as he saw red and was consumed by the need to kill. Salad P's guard contingent were nothing more than paper mache as the enraged Rhino literally tore through MOA and Crewman alike as he ripped and tore a bloody swath towards the scientist with his bare hands. With no guards left, the scientist released a Hyena proxy, but that quickly met a swift end as the Rhino just punched a hole through the head of the robot, ripping out its control module and tossing it aside. 


The scientist turned to run, only to be tackled to the ground by Alex, who crushed his spine with one blow, causing Salad to scream in agony as he was paralyzed. Alex turned the scientist's limp body over, facing Eleanor's murderer with glee. No words were spoken, just hysterical laughter as he easily ripped off the scientist's arms and legs like nothing, laughs punctuated by each scream of Salad P as he was reduced to nothing more than a wriggling torso and head. Alex then punctured the scientist's abdomen with his bare gauntlet, laughter increasing in magnitude and glee as he fished around the scientist's insides, pulling out his small intestines and coiling it around the scientist's neck. He tried to beg and plead for his life, but his protests were quickly cut off by his own viscera coiling around his airway. 


And Alex just pulled and pulled until the struggling Corpus went limp, life literally disappearing from his eyes. Alex rose off the body and slowly trod over to the contraption that ripped Eleanor apart. With one press of a button on the console, the device released all of her parts, dropping to the ground with reverberating clangs. Her head rolled ever so slowly over to Alex, stopping against his foot. 


The Rhino sunk to his knees, holding the head in his hands and touching its forehead against his, just as the rest of his team arrived upon the grisly scene. Silently, they all formed a semi-circle around Alex and bowed their heads in silent memorium. 


All Alex could do was mute his comm channels completely as to hide the sounds of his sobbing from the rest of his team, as if to maintain some semblance of composure.


This silent vigil continued on for what felt like an eternity, despite only a few seconds having actually passed.


...And then the lights flickered.

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