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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Music, hmm? I've already mentioned Tyranthius: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3472Q6kvg0. Note that it should only ever be playing when doing something dangerously direct for a LOKI, such as the time I killed the Raptor with a single Vasto shot - it was low on HP - while running, avoiding heat-seekers, and being on 2 HP and about 57 Shields.


Lucid and Harahel, though... I'm going to have to think about it.

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i feel like giving Kris a new chapter. dunno, what do you guys think?

go on then, lets see some character development :)

also noticed this:

Kris quietly walked through the Station, not in the best of moods, as he reviewed his last mission performance, only to be met by disappointing results. His accuracy was sub-par, his reliance on his Excalibur abilities clearly showed, and he had been the one to get shot down, risking the entire mission. After few minutes of walking through the atrium, armory and training room, Kris finally reached his room, wich was located in what one could call the slums of the Station, in an area where it was best to lock your room before leaving.



Edit: fixed a minor grammatical error, please let me know if you see any.

bold/underlined mistake:  "wich" to which

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all right, small chapter, just some info about Kris.


Kris hadn't taken on a mission for several weeks now, as his relocation from the slums to the ''rich-district'' had not gone smoothly. After he had reported the break-in, the 749th to be exact, the Lotus had decided to relocate him into a new apartment whose owner had recently died on a mission. Kris hadn't really wanted to relocate but Lotus had insisted, claiming that he needed a new location so that he could recover from his depression.

In the weeks after his relocation, he had gotten introduced to some of his neighbors. Needless to say, he didn't like them at all. His neighbors were the kind of people every average Tenno hated, the ''skilled'' people, the people who bragged about their skills when all they had really done was exploiting the weakness of the other factions. ''Good luck trying to kill them now, A******s.'' Kris thought as he remembered the news about the Grineer and corpus upgrading their equipment. ''Hope the Corpus royally kick their &#!.''

Kris walked into his bathroom, and looked into the mirror. What he saw was what he looked like under his frame. his average face was standard for a Tenno, but his red hair was not. He was blind in one eye, as it had turned white, while his still functioning eye was bright blue. when he looked at his chest, half-buried memories stirred as his chest was filled with scars, most of which were from a time from before the cryo-sleep. His favorite scar was on the right side of his chest, a testament to his willingness to protect the weak as he had fought to defend his ''siblings'' against their caretaker, getting stabbed in the process and almost dying. His arms and legs were the strangest parts about him as his arms had metallic chitinous material covering them up to the shoulders. His feet were covered in the same material from his toes up to his knees.

After staring at himself in the mirror for several minutes, Kris got back into his warframe, feeling as he had to do a mission to get rid of the unnerving feeling of restlessness. He hoped that he had improved his combat skills with the training he had undergone and that this mission, he would not be the one to be shot down.

Edited by FatViking
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Alex set down Eleanor's remains reverently on the floor as he turned to face his comrades. The lights flickered again, but he did not receive a private transmission from the Stalker.

He was going to have to ask the Lotus one day, just how does he break their encryption so easily?

As of late, the Stalker has adapted, once again, to the Tenno combat protocols. He has evolved, and once again poses a serious threat. He has yet to encounter the mysterious figure in quite some time, but apparently he has been killing most of his marks, and with new techniques too, judging by what combat data he could get his hands on.

He looked around at his comrades, and one by one they shook their heads until he turned to Guillermo, who just nodded sedately at him.

Welp, the Stalker was coming for the Frost.

He wasn't losing two people today.

They assumed combat positions around the room as the lights flickered a third time.

A black cloud of smoke appeared behind Guillermo, indicating his appearance, but as the assassin moved to strike, the installation suddenly started to shake, and the assassin was knocked off his feet.

"Go! Everyone else stay with Guy, I'll hold him off!" Alex yelled, and the entire squad took off through the doors before the Stalker could follow. Just to be sure, Alex threw his last kunai through the console, sealing him and the Stalker together in the room.

"Sorry," He turned, facing the black-clad figure, "But you won't be attacking Guillermo today. I guess you'll have to settle for a dance with me," He said, smirking wryly.

Silent, the Stalker raised his scythe, Hate, to attack. In reply, Alex drew his Orthos, and taunted the Stalker with a "Come at me, bro" flick of his head.

Outside, Team Guillermo cut a bloody path through a Grineer attack force which had just invaded the installation. In unison, they fought as one as they raced their way to extraction - but they did so with heavy hearts as it was likely that they lost two of their own that day.

Inside the sealed room, the battle raged on, Alex and the Stalker matched blow for blow, Orthos ringing against Hate's blade as the two weapons danced with one another. However, that soon came to an end as the Stalker slashed some exposed wiring, sending a shower of sparks flying into Alex's face. He raised one hand to cover his face out of reflex, but that proved to be his undoing as before he could even scream, the Stalker had not only severed his left forearm, but spun around and push kicked him so hard that he flew through the window, hurdling into the abyss of space as the vacuum began to suck everything out of that room.

Team Guillermo, minutes later and after many dead Grineer, had finally found their way to where their extraction ships were docked, only to find the Stalker there, arms opened in welcome.

It was a short and bloody affair. Hadrian had actually been pushed into one of the extraction ships, sending him out of the fight, yet ironically into safety. Keiji lay in a crumpled heap, unconscious from being knocked into a wall from the impact of blocking one of the Stalker's melee strikes,

Guillermo lay on his back, exhausted and wounded, staring up at the Stalker as the hated being raised his scythe slowly for the final blow. Everything seemed to slow to a hault as the end seemed to be near. Just as the dark figure was about to swing it down and end the Frost, a dark blue fist appeared out of nowhere and smashed into the Stalker's face, knocking him into a wall.

Without any preamble, Alex, sans one arm, literally picked up Guillermo with one arm, dumping him unceremoniously into one of the extraction ships, waving amicably as it took the wounded Frost away. The last sight Guillermo had of Alex was of the Rhino limping over to do the same for the still-unconscious Keiji.

As the third escape ship took off, Alex turned to deal with the Stalker before departing, only to look down and see the blade of the Stalker's scythe sticking through his abdomen.

Oh, that may be problematic.

"You...You rushed my intended target to safety, so I'll have to settle for you," Came the malicious whispers of the Stalker.

"Fine by me," Came the forced exertion from the Rhino, who suddenly reached behind him and grabbed the Hate's shaft, snapping it in two with a quick motion. After doing so, he turned around all the way, blade still sticking through his chest, and grabbed the Stalker behind the head, using his Rhino's charge to pin the Stalker to the wall, blade sinking into both of them.

"This....what are you doing!?" Came the incredulous reply of the Stalker.

"This," Was Alex's only reply as he pointed his remaining hand towards the last, unoccupied Escape ship, and snapped his fingers. He then turned to pin the struggling Stalker to the wall as the automated voice of the Escape Ship droned.

"Operative extraction impossible. Orokin technology compromised. Initiating failsafe procedures. Self-detonation in 5....4....3....2....1...."

The explosion could be seen from the Corpus dropship that the Twins had hijacked during their diversion operation, which had met Guillermo, Keiji, and Hadrian's extraction ships from outside the installation.

And they all bowed their heads in silence once again, just knowing that they had lost something irreplaceable that day.

Edited by CommanderCorgi
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In a dark room, on a Cloaked space station, somewhere in the void of space, sat a group. They wore grey hostile environment suits of uncertain design, and respirator masks that completed their anonymity. They all looked at a display on the wall; saw the black figure impale the giant, saw the burning-bright explosion that soon followed. They sat watching, as still as statues, and the display ended.


"We've lost another," said a voice bereft of all expression. It was true. Despite advances in armor, there was no chance of surviving that explosion. 


"He would be our third", said another cold voice, but one that was possibly female. 


"We never should have entrusted creating the first to the Sisters. He was quite unsatisfactory. A LOKI gave him much trouble, to tell us of his weakness."


"The second did well enough, until he met a certain FROST unit."


"And now we lost the third so quickly after the second."


The figure at the head of the group spoke. "Enough. It makes no matter. We all planned for this. Tenno are predictable only as far as their morals are concerned. Besides, this only teaches us what we should do-"


And here, he flicked open a panel on his seat.


"-with the next."


He pressed the button under the panel, and combat data on "the next" appeared on the display. They looked at the display, and nodded with satisfaction.




I just wanted to throw something out there to explain why there seems to be so many Stalkers, even after their death.

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we can try a run, just the 2 of us if you want, i can use a key for it.

well...if you have time tomorrow, later in the day, after 6-7 ish we can try stuff anyone else is welcome to join. though i only have 2 capture keys, a T2 and T3.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Love to do that QuinnsWing, but what timezone are you in? I live in Queensland, Australia, so i'm in AEST. May or may not be able to do it, depending on when.


Also Jeahanne, take your time. I'll be looking forward to it, and take the time and effort to get it up to your satisfaction. No reason to be apologetic for it.

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small writing spree, not so sorry, a little happier than last 2 chapters of Kris.



Kris landed on the ground in a crouched position, waiting for the other three to follow him. The moment the others landed, Kris silently walked up to a Lancer and in a swift motion slicing the Lancers neck open. Off to a great start, the team moved forward, stealthly killing everyone they met on the way to their target, an unknown Grineer diplomat. After mere five minutes they reached the target, only to be met by an army of robotic soldiers and the Grineer diplomat in the middle of the army.


''OH Tenno! You are here! I guess it is time to introduce myself. My name is Varrok Re Wohr, but you may refer to me as your killer.'' Wohr smugly proclaimed. ''See these robots? These are my creations, if you haven't noticed it. I made them out of ''spare parts'' from Tenno who died working for us during the war over mars. After all, I don't like wasting the empires resources to make robots.'' Wohr told the group. ''And now I will have enough material to make a dozen more of these babies.'' Wohr started laughing, only to be charged by the Rhino in the group which was supported by the groups Trinity. ''Oh no, you don't.'' He proclaimed as his robots almost instantly formed a wall to protect him. The Rhino, caught by surprise, didn't last long after that as the robots ripped his arms and legs off. Falling down, the Rhino was still alive but clearly in a critical condition as the Trinity ran towards him, only to be herself surrounded by the robots. This time, however, the robots were the ones that didn't last long as the Mag in the group pulled them all away from the Trinity and Rhino, and crushed them.


''So now you think that you are allowed to break my toys? WRONG! WRONG! WROOOOONG!'' Wohr shouted as he activated some sort of device. ''This is my new invention. It blocks all of your powers and disables your weapons and pretty much makes you all useless.'' Wohr then attacked the Mag, breaking her left arm. But before he got any further with his plans, a fist flew through the air and landed in Wohrs face, sending him sliding across the room. 


''But you are supposed to be unable TO ATTACK ME!'' Wohr shouted as he stared at Kris, the owner of the fist. ''PREPARE TO DIE TENNO, FOR I WILL TURN YOU INTO METALLIC SCRAP!'' Wohr ran at the tenno, wielding his machete like a maniac. ''DIE, DIE, DIE!'' Kris was amazingly fast compared to the Grineer, slapping every slash, every stab away like they were nothing, countering every punch and retaliating with bare fists, clearly making the Grineer go into panic as the slashes started getting faster and weaker. Finally deciding to end the fight after making sure his team got to extraction, Kris punched Wohr as hard and fast as he could, actually punching through the head of the diplomat. As the Grineer fell to the ground, Kris made one remark before leaving for extraction.


''You are just like a small dog. All bark, no bite.''

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