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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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It will be a big post, well for me, might need to find some good background music for the ending ....hmmmmm youtube! get over here now!!!



OK!!! here next part.....about 2 more parts left if i keep up this writing and length.......

i listened to this as i wrote the last parts :D 




“Hmmm,” Quinn mumbled as the Ash walked away, “What do you really want Akinos?” Shaking his head he walked slowly back to his desk, taking his seat. Propping his legs up he opened the desk draw letting Juliet out. 


“So, what do we do now?” He asked the osprey. The osprey, of course, could not answer, so it just floated there making noises. Letting his warframe contract and pulling his helmet off, Quinn turned and grabbed the bottle of vodka again.




The apprentice returned to the foundry somewhat late. I had taken his sometime to get back, seeing as the crowds of people had slowed his progress. Opening the door he was immediately confronted by the Foundry Master. Dark blue eyes meet grey eyes. 


“Your late.” Was the only ting the Foundry Master said. 


“Uummmmmmm..........well the crowds of peop-” The apprentice tried to explain but he was cut off.


“No excuses.” The dark blue eyes narrowed “Did you at least get my wine?”


“Yes i got everything that you asked for.” The apprentice said handing over a sack of goods. 


“Fine, your punishment will not be as harsh then.” The Foundry master said, taking the sack and pulling out the wine. “Now get out back and activate you warframe!” The wine bottle was opened and the days training began. The apprentice’s warframe was a Vauban, he didn’t have much of a choice, he was given it because he was young and the warframe was newly discovered. Walking into the training room the apprentice activated his warframe. It slid out from the back and spread out across his body, the helmet slid on last covering, his face, just in time because a rubedo bar decked him from across the room. 


“Get ready!” The Foundry Master said taking a long drink from the wine bottle. ‘oh...god......not this again!’ the thought ran through the apprentice’s head as more rubedo bars started to fly at him, some of them weighing over 10 pounds. The hours passed, the training switched between the rubedo bars being thrown to weapons training, like melee practice and gun play. The sun had begun to set when they stopped. The only reason they did, the apprentice was knocked onto his &#! as the Master smacked him across the face with a pole arm. 


“Go get cleaned up.” Was the only thing said as the Master went back into the foundry. Picking himself up, the apprentice let his warframe contract. His body was covered in bruises and cuts. Walking to the outside shower, the apprentice took his time getting clean. After bandaging the major cuts he walked back inside. The Foundry Master was passed out on his work bench with an almost empty bottle of wine in his hands. Taking the bottle the apprentice drank the last of it in a few gulps. 


He left a note to the Master, saying that he was going out for the night. After he had slipped into clean cloths he headed out. He had a slight limp but he kept walking, this was nothing new. Taking his time the apprentice walked to the bakery. The Trade district was mostly empty of people at this time, seeing as most traders went home. The empty streets were quiet and it was unnatural for this place, for it to be quiet. But the apprentice enjoyed the break, the peace, the night sky. He had made it to the bakery faster than he thought, he had picked up his pace somewhere along the way. He didn’t know why but then this urge stuck him, the urge to protect, like something horrible was going to happen to the people he cared about. 


Shaking his head, he dismissed the thought, then knocked on the door. He heard quick, light foot steps and the door opened a crack. Soft green eyes peered at him for a moment, then the door was flung open and he was embraced by Joanna. He could see the baker through the door, and he was smiling. Embracing Joanna quickly.


“So where do you want to go?” He asked taking half a step back. Smiling she grabbed his hand. 


“Lets go!” She said leading him away, through the twisting and winding streets. 


“Really, Joanna, where are we going?!” He asked her as they walked through the streets. Turning she looked him in the eyes.


“Where ever i want to go, remember?” She said happily as he rolled his eyes, then she continued to pull him along. It took about 10 minutes for them to reach where she wanted to go. It was a small cafe, nothing that stood out among the 20-30 that were in the district. 


“Here?” he asked her and all she did was nod. They walked into the cafe and sat at a table in the corner. There was almost no one there, only 3 or 4 people scattered about. They ordered drinks and something to eat when a waiter came by their table. They ate in silence making eye contact now and then. They finished relatively quickly and he paid for the meal when they got up to leave. Taking her hand he turned to walk her back to the bakery. But she stopped him, and pulled him in the other direction. 


“Huh?” He asked but she just pulled him along. They walked for awhile in a comfortable silence. Then they came upon the river. She pulled him over to a lone tree and sat down laying against the tree. Smiling he sat down next to her. They sat there watching the night sky and the black river. She laid her head on his shoulder and embraced him. 


“How much longer is your apprenticeship?” She asked quietly, as if not to break their quiet peace.


“Only a year and half left.....” he said, turning to her slightly. She looked up and ran a warm hand slowly across his jaw. Looking into her eyes he could see how much she cared about him, how much she loved him. Her hand stopped on his cheek and she smiled. 


“Though you are scarred, i love you Quinn.” She said looking into his grey eyes. 


“I know you do Joanna,” He replied, “I love you too.” Her green eyes were moist and he leaned forward and hugged her tightly. Her embrace was warm and welcoming, leaning back a bit he looked out across the black river. Her warm hand again touched his cheek. Turning to face her, he was meet with her eyes meet inches away. Her kiss was gentle and quick but full of her emotions. 


They sat in silence for awhile longer before they both got up to head home. Walking her back, Quinn touched the amulet around his neck. It was a hand made swan, made of rubedo and gallium. Un locking it as they got closer to the bakery, Quinn stopped Joanna. 


“Here, this is what i was able to make with what you gave me.” He said laying it in her hand.


“After all this time.......you remember...” She said smiling, “It was years ago i gave you that material.” 


“I know.” He hugged her one last time and opened the door for her. “Good night..”


“Good night, Quinn.” She said and closed the door. 

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Nice story Quinn, now is time for Kris to do stuff.



Kris was sitting in his recliner when he bothered switching the channels from the classical music channel to the Grineer News Network, Half-expecting catching the news about what happened to the Grineer diplomat he killed just a few hours earlier. He was not disappointed as the news anchor reported on the kill.


''The Grineer empire lost yet another major figure in politics as his ship was attacked and raided by a squad of Tenno. Varrok Re Wohr was a leading expert on creating new physical augmentations for our beloved Grineer soldiers and the leading member of Corpus relations. He will be missed, but remembered for his bravery as the ship logs reveal that he managed to kill one of the invading party.''


''BullS#&$, he didn't kill him.'' Kris thought to himself as he reminisced about the satisfaction he had gotten from delaying Wohr long enough for his team to leave and knowing that the doctors managed to sow the limbs back onto the poor Rhino. That mission had been his best mission after his awakening, seeing as he had punched through the head of a major political figure in Grineer politics and he had not been the one to get damaged enough to need help. Of course he had to give Wohr himself some credit, as the Grineer had made it possible for Kris to use his fists and legs when he disabled the powers and weapons of the team. Yet, still that self-doubt lingered in his mind, still his depression ruled over him. To himself, he was a failure and a weakling, not deserving of the Tenno title, yet this mission had lifted his attitude enough to force those thoughts back, sealing them within a dark place in his mind.


''You need to socialize more.'' The voice of the Lotus sounding throughout his apartment, sounding unnervingly worried about the lone Tenno sitting on his couch.


''No, I don't.'' Kris said. ''I am perfectly fine being alone. Now, can you leave me alone?'' Kris switched the channel again only to be met with the face of Lotus.


''No. You are only making yourself worse by isolating yourself. So I sent your resumé to several clans..''


''WHAT?!'' Kris cut her off. ''WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! I DON'T WANT TO BE IN A CLAN!''


''Oh, Come on. Just try it for a few weeks, it will do you good. It might even help you with your self-esteem issues.'' Lotus said, the tone in her voice giving away her concern for the lone Tenno.


''Self-esteem issues? I don't have self-esteem issues.'' Kris half-whispered. ''And who says I will be invited or even let join one of these clans? I know that most clans don't take failures in.'' The sadness dripped off his words, like water dripping off grass after a rainy day, like blood leaking out out of a sliced neck, slowly but surely.


''There is no guarantee that you will be invited, but if none of them want you, I will leave you alone. Ok?''


''Fine.'' was the last word either said to each other that day as Kris finally sank back into his old mindset.



yay, i depressed myself writing, wooooooh 

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Hey guys, I'm trying to post a screenshot of Ajkrumen, but I'm computer-stoopit and I can't get to the screenshot. How do I get to it on windows 7?

Usually taking a screenshot via Windows just saves it in your clipboard.  So take the screenshot, then paste it in paint.  Or you can use Steam's screenshot stuff

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If you use steam it should be saved automatically using whatever hotkey you have set for screenshot within that program. If you don't and do what I do (just hit prnt scrn when I want to take a picture of something), the picture won't save. It seems that Warframe doesn't save screenshots in the same way that most of my other games do. Instead, it's default screenshot key is f6, and saves to the "My Pictures" folder in your computer (the folder name will be something like: /Users/[user Name]/My Pictures/Warframe ). I found details here, hope this helps at least some.




If you're still having issues getting to you screenshots, you can use a third party program that runs in the background like Puush. I know when I've used puush in the past it has it's own unique set of keybindings that are used to take different kinds of screenshots. The advantage to this is that, while it means having another program running behind your game, it automatically uploads all of your pictures taken to the internet on your account, and gives you a short url for them as well.

Edited by Jeahanne
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not enough purple Aiglo


I'd post mine, but it wouldn't make sense, so I'll post them after more of my character's background is up

What can i say? I am lovings dat purpulz ;)


I actually colored him like that simply so i'd get laughed at. And it worked for quite a while. I would pretty much just wait for a group of people to laugh at me, then kill ERRYTING, before they could get a chance to do it. They didnt laugh when they saw the score. Muahahaha

Aigloblam is my Uncatchable Excal....he could outrun a Volt with full run mods, Before Speed was AoE.

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I got all excited with this thread, and was gonna get all gudpoasty with something about Valkyr, but then I saw someone beat me to it. (I got one myself and I've absolutely fallen in love with the frame)


This writing is awesome though. :D

Post anyway, We certainly wouldn't mind hearing about it :)

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