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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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ok, so here is how the meeting between Faust and Kris went.



''Your name is Faust? As in Faust, the German who made a deal with the devil? you know, scratch that. My name is Kris and no, i will not kill you.'' Kris blurted out in a rushed fashion, hiding behind his bed while aiming his Sicarus at the bone-colored Nekros standing in his doorway. ''Oh, sorry! i shouldn't be aiming at someone that gave me his name.'' Kris sheathed his Sicarus. Before Faust could speak up, Kris was already in front of him, examining the Djinn flying above him. ''Is that a sentinel? Where did you get it? What is it called? What is it made of? How old is it? What is its weapon? Is it effective against all factions? Why does it look like so organic? Is it a creature or a machine?'' The barrage of questions would have even confused Lotus as Kris spoke way too fast.


''Uhm...'' Faust tried to speak only to be cut off by Kris.


''Sssssshhhhhh, busy, talk when walking, examining organic machine now.'' Kris was moving around examining the Djinn and seemingly talking to himself. Seeing as the Immortal skinned, Pendragon wearing Excalibur was too busy examining the Djinn, Faust could finally breathe the single sigh of relief.



I don't know how to be Faust so i used the chance to show the single funny thing that Kris does. when he sees something that interests him, he has to examine it and talk to himself,along with a quick barrage of questions.

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Write some "short" stories of Einherjar interacting with recruits and stuff :D

Since Akinos is going to go to the recruiting center, maybe he could meet Ein around there. I am kinda in a blank on what how he'd join the clan (a trial is the obvious thing to do, but i don't want to do a repeat of Harahel's fight against Sandalphon), so that could help.

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Acantha stepped out of the docking bay, still covered in the grime of recent battle, and examined the layout of the dojo via her helmet’s display. She had some idea of where she wanted to end up, and in studying the building’s schematics she quickly located the room she wanted.


Trying not to draw attention to herself, she padded through the halls with care. It didn’t take her long to walk to her destination; the clan’s Memorial Hall. She hesitated outside the large, imposing doors for a moment, before stepping forward as they opened of their own accord before her. The massive hall was empty, as it hadn’t been when she’d been here before. Memories assailed her as she heard the doors hiss shut at her back. The silence surrounded her, embracing her. This was this solitude she’d craved. She needed it to help her clear her mind, to help her re-center herself. More than that, she needed this room to help her remember her reasons for continuing to fight, and to help her re-affirm the promise she’d made that day.


As this was a sacred place of contemplation, she knew it was improper to have her weapons here. Having not had the opportunity to remove them before arriving, she decided to leave them just inside the room, by the door. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but it felt more respectful to her than to wear them any farther into the sacred space. Kneeling down facing the wall, she laid her Orthos horizontally on the floor, next to her Despair kunai knives. Her Dread bow and its quiver of arrows she leaned against the wall next to them.


Straightening up, she turned around and looked down to the far end of the room. Her eyes, like last time, were caught first on the massive wall in the back of the hall, covered in names of the fallen. Unlike before, however, there was the marble statue standing before the wall of names, with the imposing, dark colored helm of the Stalker in its hand. She walked reverently up to it, recognizing it as a memorial to Ajkrumen. She didn’t know who had carved the statue, but she recognized it as the work of a craftsman of the highest caliber. She sighed heavily, if this wasn’t enough to re-affirm to herself the sanctity of her resolution to change herself, and to become a better warrior, she didn’t know what was.


Reaching up, she removed her helmet and tucked it under one arm. She wanted a place to sit, somewhere she could rest and meditate for awhile, but for some reason the various benches and pews around her didn’t feel appropriate. Instead, she moved off to one side near a wall, put her back against one of the large pillars that marched off down either side of the cavernous space, and slid to the floor. She crossed her legs and set her helmet down next to her on the polished surface, noting her wavering reflection in the panels. She laughed softly to herself. She looked like a mess. Her hair hadn’t fared well in her exertions, having been covered up in her close-fitting helmet and wetted down by sweat from the continuous fighting, it was a snarled and refused to lay flat. She could even see the dark circles under her eyes in the imperfect and milky reflection of her face. She ineffectually ran her fingers through the matted tangle and leaned her head against the pillar, staring up at the end of the room and the reminders that lay there of her determination to regain herself and become the kind of warrior that those who had known her before the Long Sleep would expect her to be by now. Her determination to undo the lazy and sloppy habits she’d learned, and also her determination to defend others and stop focusing on her feelings of depression and being a burden to others.


Acantha’s mind drifted back to the war going on without her, as other Tenno battled the Infested to earn the information necessary to stop the Zanuka project.  Images and scenes flashed in her memory, like the brilliant flares of her victims had flashed in her vision as their lives ended in blinding, anti-matter fueled explosions during her numerous fights for that selfsame cause. She closed her eyes, trying to block them out. She needed to rest, and dwelling on the fighting she would be returning to all too soon would only wear her out further. She focused on the silence around her, feeling some of the tension leave her body as she rested against the cool stone of the pillar.


She promised herself she would only close her eyes for a few moments. Just long enough to rest them. Then she would meditate, and refocus her mind for the task that lay ahead of her. Her last conscious thoughts were that she couldn’t stay here in this peaceful place for long. The battles raging without her wouldn’t wait, and nor would the Tenno who were relying on her to rescue them before they became victims of Alad V’s madness. She had to hurry…

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Stop it lol


Mostly, stuff like that is practice. You have to get used to thinking about what an area you're writing about looks like, and details about it you can use. Like for me, anything Orokin always feels white and really shiny, which means reflections everywhere, lots of light, white as a predominate color with accents of gold or silver, ect., and how that applies to your character. (lots of light means there's less shadows to hide in for example)


I know you can do areas if you try Viking. After all, you're already good at characters. Just try it, I know you can do it.

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I shall try...when Kris is on an assassination mission. seeing as then he will rush down the halls into the boss arena :3


Edit: if anyone asks, i blame my experience with extremely fleshed out imagination for my characters.

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no...if i do this...it would be a very serious character, but, gentle, quiet, and no tragedy filled history >_>


I want another character so if im stuck on what to write for Quinn, then i have somewhere else to go!


im just stuck on what warframe.......*facepalm* 

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