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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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So yea...late night inspiration struck and well....you all know the rest....except you dont.....soooo..yea here read, like, comment, enjoy.


OMG kittyshark, why you do that to yourself!!



He was sitting quietly behind the statue. He had been there for hours, quietly meditating and enjoying the peace away from battle. He had lost all sense of time and space there. That is until he heard the doors hiss open and the sound of weary footsteps. He did not peek around the statue and introduce himself like other would of, he waited. He heard weapons being sat down along with a weary sigh. Still waiting, the bone colored Volt sat, blending into the statue. A soft thump and a weary laugh, let the Volt know, that whoever it was, had sat down on the floor. Shifting his legs out from underneath himself, the Volt quietly got up. Running his hand lightly on the back of the statue the Volt could feel all of the sorrow, pain, happiness, love. 


“Miser, superbe.” He said quietly pulling his hand away and making his way around the granite. A Nova was sitting with her back to a pillar and her helmet off, exposing her tangled brown hair and battle weary face. A knowing look crossed over the Volts face as he made his way slowly over. As he got closer and almost said a greeting, he noticed she had fallen asleep. Walking as quietly as he could he kneeled next to her. 


“So much struggle, so much pain, so much.....sadness...for what?” He asked the sleeping Nova quietly, as to not wake her. Her warframe was dirty with battle. Looking her up and down he shrugged and sat down next to her. Retracting his helmet, the Volt ruffled his blonde hair and blinked his blue-green eyes quickly, as they adjusted to the light. Looking at her hair, he almost laughed.


She must either be very busy, or not care....’  He knew the answer, she was fighting for something,he did not know what, but she did, and it was something important. Shaking his head, the Volt reached over and started to carefully untangle her hair. his deft hands worked quietly. As he finished he brushed her pale face by accident. Not moving he watched as she turned a little and with a deep sigh, slept on. Sighing with relief, the Volt stood back up again. 


What to do with you....’ Hid minds wandered as he looked around ‘This is no place to sleep’ Then a place within the dojo struck his mind.


“I dont think they would mind you there.” He whispered at the sleeping Nova. He leaned down and picked up her helmet and let it retract so he could carry it. Walking to the door he picked up her weapons, an orthos, dread and despair, clipping them onto their respected magnetic plates on his frame. Walking back he carefully picked her up and began to carry her out of the Memorial room.He was surprised that she weighed so little, though it made it easier for him. He walked quietly and carefully as to not wake her. He was glad that there was no one walking the halls, some might of tried talking to him.


Making his way quickly,yet carefully, to the door he wanted, he waited for it to open, then went inside. A Trinity walked up to him quickly.


“Is there something wrong with her?” She asked concerned. 


“shhhh, and no, nothing is wrong, i think, she just needs to sleep.” He said to the Trinity, “Is there an empty bed available?” The Trinity nodded and lead him to an empty bed near the back. 


“Send a note to your council, I think they would like to meet this Nova, she is...... different from other.” he said the the Trinity as he turned to walk away, after he had laid her weapons down underneath the bed.


“Do you belong to this clan?” The Trinity asked him.


“No, I do not, but maybe someday.” He said as he left the medical wing and walked slowly back to the memorial room to continue his meditation. What an interesting day this had been for him. 


*edit: grammatical S#&$ and all....it late...leave me alone :P

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Okay, I have never been so wrong about one of my characters' receptions before. Einherjar is definitely a little...child-like given he's made to learn things over time and only has a certain amount of built-in information. So he's rather innocent, all things considered.


By the way Viking...that's hilarious. I must reply in short goings.




"I...ah..." Faust tried to respond, but took this as an opportunity to walk toward the docking bay discretely, keeping an eye out in case they might get jumped. He'd been told there were multiple people who would be likely to go after Kris if he left his room at this time during a solar cycle.


"I can answer all of that, since my Master's apprentice is too socially inept to do so." The Djinn's words cut sharply, making Faust flinch and hunch his shoulders a little bit. "I am a Djinn personally forged by the Aequitas Clan's Foundry-Master for Crowley, current Grand-Master of the Dead and thus leader of ceremonies and funeral rites." The Djinn spoke in a somewhat proud tone even with its heavily modulated and creepy voice.


"That's a little much, don't you think? His flattery may be nice for you but you seem like a know-it-all..." The Nekros commented over his shoulder, causing the Sentinel to whirl about and beep several times in swift succession angrily.


"Bah! I'm not as bad as the jellyfish!" The Sentinel protested, though it seemed intent on answering all queries and keeping Kris' attention occupied. "I am a recent build, so physically I am not very old. I am equipped with a Stinger though my Master may choose to give me a Dethcube's rifle if he wants. It's a good deal of fun making swiss cheese out of Grineer actually." A few blooping and blipping noises seemed something like a giddy giggle from the machine. "I am a product of research into the Infested and combined with Sentinel technology, making me a techno-organic being rather than pure machinery."


"And yes, I'm named after that guy just so you know." Faust was finally answering about his name in a quiet voice, preferring not to interrupt the Djinn's conversation. He'd prefer to do this quietly and peaceably.




Edit: Bone colorations galore!

Edited by khimera
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So yea...late night inspiration struck and well....you all know the rest....except you dont.....soooo..yea here read, like, comment, enjoy.


OMG kittyshark, why you do that to yourself!!


I didn't meant too D: but it's dark, i couldn't see, I'm tired and borderline depressed on top of that. I'm surprise i didn't break anything though

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hahaahha so he is going to be replaced with Salad v then.....hmmm BURN SALAD V TO THE GROUND!!!!



There is a cancer eating at the Corpus. With each decade it advances deeper, leaving drained, dead worlds in its wake. This horror, this abomination, has thought and purpose that functions on an unimaginable, galactic scale and all we can do is try to stop the swarms of bioengineered monsters it unleashes upon us by instinct. We have given the horror a name to salve our fears; we call it the Technocyte Virus, but if is aware of us at all it must know us only as Prey.
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glad you didnt kitty 


and one question...a bike...in this weather? >_>


Whaaa..... wrath.....i dont get any?

well i don't have a license so it's either Bike or Walk. :/ ALSO just took screenshots of the frames that are my characters :D i shall post them shortly 

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-stares at wrath for a while...my eyes slowly look to the side and my jaw unhinges-


BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH -lasers fire from my mouth incinerating Wrath-



all joking aside...I AM NOT A WOMAN. God...and the pronunciation of Khi is as if you were saying 'key' not 'kai' unlike saying my alias-name fully in which it is pronounced like 'chimera'.


and once again the lasers have been fired.

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-stares at wrath for a while...my eyes slowly look to the side and my jaw unhinges-

BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH -lasers fire from my mouth incinerating Wrath-

all joking aside...I AM NOT A WOMAN. God...and the pronunciation of Khi is as if you were saying 'key' not 'kai' unlike saying my alias-name fully in which it is pronounced like 'chimera'.

and once again the lasers have been fired.

Sorry, just needed my cat to laugh.

EDIT-1860 post woooo

Edited by Wrath_Of_Chrysalis
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