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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Kris just murdered Salad V. to add insult to injury, he took a &!$$ on him and told Salad to go f*ck himself in hell before throwing his corpse into the gaseous planet.


Edit: lol jk, i killed Salad as Valkyr...for some....poetic justice.

Edited by FatViking
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BRad...why do I feel like many many moons ago that very same thing was posted here and I read it.


Anyway, I'm going to use this reply with Faust's reaction to give Einherjar a brief cameo then introduction to training. ^_^




Faust sat in the pilot's seat, making quick and quiet work of taking off from the station toward the Aequitas Dojo. He was still trying to wrap his head around being able to have an opinion by having no opinion. Or was it that if you have no opinion, you had an opinion about nothing? Feeling an oncoming headache the Nekros groaned and turned his focus toward setting up a discrete route to the Dojo that wouldn't take too long.


Meanwhile Crowley's Djinn had moved on to a topic of aesthetics with Kris, finding the Excalibur quite the engaging conversationalist. "You know those chromatophores in your warframe? Apparently it's possible to change those without using one of those fancy shower-like devices under the same principle as bodily cloaking such as in the case of a Shade or a Loki's Invisibility." The general knowledge on changing your Warframe's colors was that you needed to have access to at least a terminal of some kind or a cylindrical device reminiscent of a shower though lacking water or paint of any sort.


"You lie! Station charges a fortune just to change your secondary tint! How do you do it?" Kris asked excitedly, though the Djinn was more than happy to answer now that they'd hit it off nicely.


"Apparently 'emotions' have something to do with it, personality as well which seems to dictate basic coloration after default. Generally when my Master is mad enough his chromatophores shift to an all-black pattern, it's actually fairly frightening to behold. I digress, somewhere in a Warframe's circuitry is a control for the chromatophores though I'm not entirely certain how you could freely access it."


"Back at the Dojo you can swap colors for free." Faust called back, barely able to put a dent in the conversational barrier between himself and the chatting pair. Sighing softly, he took to listening in as the ship got set to auto-pilot, doing everything in his power to make this a pleasant experience and thus not interrupt Kris. Still, a part of him felt bad doing this...it felt like a deception.


"Oh! Apparently the same process is applicable to weaponry and bullets!" The Sentinel whirled about in an excited circle, energy lights flickering as it got further into the conversation. "I'm actually led to believe that all Tenno  have a minor psychic influence on their immediate person such as when they decide to make themselves hot-rod red they might believe they go faster they actually DO go faster! What do you think, too far-fetched?"


"No, no, I think it's plausible to some extent. I mean, Nyx-wearing Tenno have all those crazy psychic powers right? Not to mention the Infested get in our heads and comms somehow during missions. Isn't there a theory about how sentient beings are all very mildly psychic to some degree? I can't recall the name of it..."


"Indeed, though machines and pseudo-machines like myself and the other Sentinels may be the exception. I, for example, am sentient but most certainly possess no psychic ability or potential. Still, if one were to look at a certain spectrum of light they might see 'auras' around living beings like you which may in fact be that mild psychic effect. To avoid going into the karma conversation, let's return to what I was saying before about..."


This went on for hours...mind-numbing hours that Faust had to listen to the two going on and on about anything and everything. He had to admit, however, that the Djinn was not a know-it-all in the negative sense like the Sentinel spoke of about the Shade they had encountered before. He was knowledgeable but he wasn't interrupting or considering himself correct all the time. Wait...he? "Crap..." Hanging his head, Faust only just realized he'd been referring to the Djinn as a biological male even though Sentinels had no real gender. Still, it made it easier than referring to the Djinn as an 'it' all the time. "We're here, guys."


Indeed, the ship had just docked at the Aequitas Dojo, the final stages of locking the ship in place were occurring so the bone-colored Nekros had gotten up from his seat, stretching his arms on the way to the exit. "Please don't kill me for taking you here while you were occupied but...it was my orders. We won't force you to stay, but at least take a look around. Everyone is a friend here...even a screw-up like me has his own niche to fill." Faust spoke softly, leaving the ship though he was not followed by the Sentinel.


"Forgive him...he knows he is flawed, as many in Aequitas are, but he is still unsure if he is ready to be my Master's apprentice. I heard him once question: 'why of all the scarred, broken, talented individuals here did Crowley pick me?' Though only my Master knows that answer...enjoy your stay Kris, I hope to engage you in conversation again." The Djinn buzzed away, leaving the ship to go find Crowley and report what had happened.


When the Excalibur deemed to leave the ship and actually look around a strange looking Tenno was passing by who paused in his stride and turned his head to look at Kris. Was it a new Prime Warframe or a new one altogether? The collar around the Tenno's neck looked a little strange too...a type of Syandana?


"Oh hey! Are you a new Initiate too?" The strange-looking Tenno asked, one of his hands reflexively going to his chest in an indicative gesture. "I'm on my way to meet some more Initiates. Oh, before I forget, my name is Ein. Nice to meet you." Turning away Ein made his way to one of the several Dueling Rooms that so often served as classrooms for the Initiates, already aware of his timing.




Ein got to the Dueling Room exactly on time, literally not a second late though he had fully intended it this way. He'd taken being on-time a little TOO literally so it would need to be explained to him a little better later. Still, as he made his entrance he was met with the stares of several other Tenno in the room. Shifting uncomfortably Ein glanced at the instructor, a Frost named Heus by his information, before taking his place in line. Already the artificial being had decided he didn't like being scrutinized like that. "I...I apologize if I was tardy." He spoke in a small voice, fidgeting with his index fingers as he looked down. "M-Master Crowley said he would have informed you of my coming and that I'm forbidden to use weapons yet...I hope this does not change things for your lesson."

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Last time I heard that name, I was reading about the Republic Army Clone Commandos....


and MAN, i've got a lot to read (about this thread) XD



Also, i'll be posting something in a couple of days, RL got a really bad timming... and I'll need to polish it up a bit soo...

Edited by FrostOmega
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i need to write something down real quick!



''Ein? gotta remember that name.'' Kris mused to himself as he walked through the dojo, exploring as he had been offered. ''And Faust...hmmm...he seems a little broken but all together nice chap, if a bit anti-social. and talking to that Djinn...was it Djinn? it was Djinn, wasn't it? Anyways, it was fun to talk to him about the world we live in and all.'' Kris sunk into his own mind. ''Maybe Lotus is right. Maybe I do need some more social interaction before I loose myself and end up killing someone. Wait...Where am I? OH NO! I got lost.'' Kris went into a small panic before relaxing when he noticed the map on his helmets display. ''*Whew, not lost, just walking around, thinking...What was the name of the clan-leader? Crowley? I probably have to meet him soon, but first I gotta see one thing.'' 


Following the map, Kris walked towards the Memorial Hall, remembering something someone said about a statue with an actual Stalker helmet in its hand. He finally appeared before the giant door and in a fit of curiosity started to explore the hard-to-see scratched-in pictures near the bottom of it, taking out an actual notebook and drawing the pictures into it. After about 5 minutes Kris got tired of sitting in a squatting position and decided instead to go through the door.


His first sight into the Memorial Hall was a grand one as what he immediatly noticed was the size of it and grandeur. Walking inside it, Kris felt small and weak and first of all depressed as he noticed the statue he had heard about. He walked towards it, getting more and more depressed as he saw the names of the dead Tenno on the wall at the end of the room, Behind the statue, yet his walk was filled with a small bit of joy as he knew that each of these Tenno had kept their duty. Squatting again, Kris examined the statues front side well. It was of a Frost Prime holding the head of the stalker in a victorious pose. Moving around the back, depression left for the feeling of getting impressed as Kris could have sworn that this might be a real warframe if not for the fact that it was made of granite and therefore, if it would actually be a frame it would be too heavy even for an exceedingly strong Tenno.


''So long as there is air in my lungs, and blood in my veins, no ally shall fall. We will never know defeat, never taste despair, for failure is not an option.'' Kris read the inscription, both awed and saddened by it. ''For most it may be true, but for me it isn't. I am a failure. I was the risk in most missions I undertook. I almost always risked the missions, and I got told the truth as my teammates shouted at me for it. I hope that i will find a place within this clan, for it might be my last chance.'' Kris stood up and walked towards one of the benches, sitting down and taking his notebook back up as he started to draw the room and statue.



Gossip on the station, that is how he heard about Ajkrumens statue.

Edited by FatViking
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BRad...why do I feel like many many moons ago that very same thing was posted here and I read it.



hmm, idk, was it?





Last time I heard that name, I was reading about the Republic Army Clone Commandos....


and MAN, i've got a lot to read (about this thread) XD



Also, i'll be posting something in a couple of days, RL got a really bad timming... and I'll need to polish it up a bit soo...


welcome to the thread vod

Edited by BRad_Skirata
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