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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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well Quin it's on sale on steam for like 5 bucks... only reason why i got it when i have it on console too xD but the extra content was too much to pass up xD


also doing a psychiatric evaluation to my own characters is HAAAAARRRRRDD especially when I don't have a degree in psychology but i know how to F*** with their answers... BUT ANYWAY back to typing

Edited by KittyShark
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Finished reading :D

I'll get to writing and archiving tomorrow, for the moment, time to level my new mag and latron primes.

Yeah, dark souls is excellent. Wish it had been $10 when I got it. I hope that your inspiration does not involve as many character deaths as DS :P

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Fenrik snarled as he opened the door, freezing when he saw Ghost "YOOOOUUUU!" He seethed "How dare Lotus send you?!?!?!" His grip on his Ether Reaper tightened. Ghost stumbled back a bit "H-hold on! I'm here in peace! Lotus demanded i come here, even cashed in the last favor i owed her! She must be really worried about your mental health." She explained quickly, all in one breath. He stopped for a second before snarling under his breath again and setting his Reaper on a rack hanging on his wall "Fine, come in then, We're keeping this professional, try anything and I'll kill you and toss your head into the Void where is belongs Ki- Ghost" He said, almost making a mistake in saying her name. Ghost noticed the slip up and immediately became curious, but she also knew better than to really upset the Nekros, he was an exceptional fighter where as she was more of an infiltrator.


"Fine, fine lets get to talking then. I simply need to get an idea of your mental health to get Lotus off my back, just tell me your thoughts of each faction to start with."

Fenrik grunted "Eh... Grineer are stuck up moron, heavily armored, slow, easy to head shot. Heavies are a pain but nothing a little work can't get around. Infested are pretty simple. Slashing weapons obliterate them, and a little Puncture deals handily with ancients, keeping your distance is key if your not a frost or rhino. ... ... Corpusssss" Here he positively snarled in hate "I don't have the words to explain my hate for them but i want nothing less than to destroy them and every thing they stand for. I refused to help that disgusting Frohd Bek or whatever his name was during that recent incursion in Jupiter."

Ghost hummed softly, mulling answers in her head before nodding "Alright, a few more questions. when faced with a Tenno injured and surrounded by say Infested or any enemy really, what would you do"

"Hmm... What i would do depends on the faction, the status of the tenno an my current loud out but as a wing it answer I'd shoot them while rushing in with a few well placed Soul Punches to knock them away, Summon the hard light projections and then while the distraction is in place, retreat with the tenno to extrac"  "And if it's Copus?"  "Then it won't be a distraction, It will be a kill squad"

The Nyx sighed " We're skipping the one on your reasons for fighting as I had that particular discussion with you before and have no wish to ah re-enact that. Ugh I hate doing psych stability sessions with Tenno... anyway I think your good to go really, just try to destress a bit more and keep that anger under control. I'm not going indepth as usual because one, I like my health the way it is and because I know what happened last week... And I'm so sorry Fenrik, I know we've never seen eye to eye but... I'm sorry, He will be missed and remembered. After all, you're not the only one who owed that man your life and love. But he chose you and I accepted that. Just accept that maybe, just maybe I know how you feel in some small way" She said in a small voice before standing up and leaving quickly, the door shutting behind her as she walked off.


Also i say make Ghost a Council member, she's skilled and level headed enough for it!

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Finished reading :D

I'll get to writing and archiving tomorrow, for the moment, time to level my new mag and latron primes.

Yeah, dark souls is excellent. Wish it had been $10 when I got it. I hope that your inspiration does not involve as many character deaths as DS :P

Not yet... but soon... well You'll see >:3 MWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

also... I am currently riding a black unicorn down the side of an erupting volcano while drinking from a chalice filled with the laughter of small children. and it is down right effing glorious...



Edit: also, a little peak into Ghost's brain as well and Oooooh Does Fenrik know who she is? maybe. maybe not, we'll wait and see!

Edited by KittyShark
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Yays, more writing stuff.



The thing burst through the door, the first arrow bouncing harmlessly off its skin. Once it got into the light, Az and Vuryan could see it clearly for what it was: A blue rhino with strange techno-organic growths protruding here and there out of his warframe, his head, hands and feet wrapped in it. His right hand had somehow bonded with his red Scindo, the handle now looking as if it was growing out of his arm instead of the hand. His right hand, however, had bonded in the same way to a primarily blue Fragor, the hammerhead lining up perfectly with his arm in the same way the axeheads of the Scindo did. His helmet seemed to be cracked and broken from the clearly infected material, with one of his eyes showing as he stared at Az.


"Aim for his eye." Az commanded as she drew another arrow, knowing full-well that the rhino-thing had his Iron Skin tanking up any attacks.

Vuryan fired at the same time Az did, the arrow landing in the center of the rhino's face while the sniper shot hit his neck, making him stagger for a moment before he kept coming, tossing away a bed with his Fragor-arm effortlessly.

'Not good.' Az thought, bringing up another arrow and aiming as well as she good, knowing that both of them would die if they couldn't hit the eye.


The Rhino kept going, smashing through beds and tanking up their shots. If he didn't have the Iron Skin, then he'd be dead now, seeing as he didn't have a shield system any more. He kept on charging forwards, all his thoughts on killing this other warframe that was challenging his dominance there. He brought his foot up when he felt that he was close enough, preparing the signature of Rhinos.


Az noticed what he was doing and dove away, barely escaping the stomp. However, Vuryan was not as lucky, being sent up in the air and into temporary stasis, leaving him as a perfect target. 

The Rhino turned himself towards Vuryan, on his way to slice him up, and would have succeeded if there hadn't been this strange force holding him up in the air.


'I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry.' Az thought as she held her hands up, using her magnetic powers to keep the Rhino up. Then she proceeded as was natural, imbuing all the bones in his body with the same positive magnetic charge, finally finishing by creating two magnetic fields: The first one in the same charge as the bones, positive, creating it all around him, and then the second as a tiny field in the center of his being, charged negatively, making the two fields interact, pulling his bones together and trying to crush him.


The sound of limbs popping out of their sockets and bones crunching was almost as deafening as listening to the metallic parts of the Rhino's warframe grind and collide together, finally stopping when he was a crumbled pile of meat, metal and synthetic materials that had once been a Tenno and his warframe.


Az had to open her helmet as she stepped to the side, vomiting on the floor. She had never used this on another Tenno, let alone a Tenno that was close to her. She sat down by one of the walls, and just stared at the heap of mess that lay between her and Vuryan as he finally came to his senses.

Vuryan got up and dropped the sniper, looking at the remains of the thing. "That... that was it? We survived?" he asked, more to himself than anything, as he took his helmet off and fell down to his knees. He was breathing quick, shallow breaths as he was slowly composing from all of the adrenalin that had been coursing through his veins.


After a few more moments like that, the Lotus said "Tenno, rescue will arrive in two minutes."

This got Az back to her senses, as she stood up and closed her helmet. "Come on Corpan, this is all over and now you're coming with me." she said as she walked towards him.

Vuryan sighed. "I liked it better when we were being threatened and you called my by my name." he noted, as he put his helmet on reluctantly.

"Well, we lived, and you're a VIP now. You'll have fun with all the other VIPs." Az said as she raised her hand over him, activating the extraction device that 'downloaded' Vuryan into her warframe.




She had to move quickly, so she got herself a barrel of plasma. She tore a hole in it and let it gush out over the Rhino's corpse, melting it to a thick goo. "No one should see this. What they did never happened and will never happen again." She said when she threw the barrel away where it exploded.

"I'm sorry little brother... this time I just wasn't there for you..." she said as she walked away and out of the Corpus ship, waiting for the small rescue ship as it landed by her side.

"Tenno, these Tenno will bring you to the closest dojo. They call it Aequitas." The Lotus told her.

"Anywhere is good. I'm alone now anyways." Az mumbled as she got on board.

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Bah! Stay still! thought Tyranthius, as he once again tried to scan the Corrupted Osprey. Investigation was very uneventful, at least when a good stealth operative did it,  and he thought he might as well work on his Codex. He had heard that people actually paid for cutting-edge data, and he was quite happy to oblige them. Finishing his scan, he continued through a doorway that led into a hall, avoiding a Corrupted patrol into the process.


He gestured, and his map display widened. Most of it was marked as visited. He was doing his best to get the most out of his free Void Key. He looked for the orange marker, and saw that he wasn't too far away. Deciding he was more or less done with the Tower, he proceeded towards the marker. 


He walked for minutes, feeling inexplicably uneasy. He stopped. He shook his head and kept walking, trying to pin down what was bothering him. It took him some time before... The lighting's wrong. Towers are much brighter than this. And when was the last time I had to pass Corrupted? My energy's at full capacity. The light grew dimmer the closer he went to the marker. Why does that sound so familiar?


He followed a barely visible path down a long hallway. It led to a gigantic room; Tyranthius looked around, and estimated it to be the size of Aequitas' Grandest Hall. He saw a pillar at the end, and his objective marker led straight to it. He moved closer, feeling a knot forming somewhere in his back. He reached the pillar; it resembled a tree, yet it seemed to be made of some sort of bio-metal. Glyphs and carvings adorned the trunk, and somehow Tyranthius knew it was hollow. He reached for the pillar...



And drew his Ethers instead as he heard the sound of a blade drawn. For as he turned, he saw-


"You!" Tyranthius exclaimed.


The figure, now visible as a NEKROS in a Raknis helmet, drew his hand along a Galatine. One that glowed venom-green, as the NEKROS did.


"Me", the NEKROS agreed.

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I wanted to do a short on the new Valkyr frame; but I didn't know where to start so... here goes:


The broken figure stumbled into an Corpus Maintenance Pod, desperately hitting buttons on the machine. The alarms around it blared loudly; and the Corpus robots were on the move. They knew her location; they were coming. Ragged and panicked breaths escaped the figure as she finally gets the CMP working; She didn't care about the destination, only that it was away. The CMP shut its bay doors with a hiss and launched into space; closely followed by plasma fire from the Corpus guards. She was free...


For now.




The Corpus Gas Planets were a new area for the Tenno; but the new environments did not hinder the 3 Warframes' killing efficiency. The Loki, Ash and Rhino were on the Planet for and explore and exterminate mission commissioned by the Lotus. It didn't take them long.


"Rhino, 3'o clock!" Ash said; indicating the Moa railgunner training his rifle in their direction. Rhino rolled as the deadly beam of particles slammed into the ground where he just was. Rolling smoothly to one knee; Rhino pulls the Cestra from his side pocket with his right hand and aims, his left arm automatically coming up to steady the heavy gun. Three bullets; two in the head and one in the unarmored side of the Moa, were enough to topple the robot; its unnatural cries echoing through the synthetic mountainside before shutting down.


"Very Impressive Tenno." Came the Lotus's voice; her crisp tones came in clear through the the helmets of all the Warframes' present; Rhino signaled for the other two to fall in line. As they moved towards him, Rhino; the leader, began speaking with the Lotus.


"Lotus, enemy report?"

"Rhino, I am detecting no further enemies; proceed to extraction point."

"Roger that, moving out."


"Surprisingly small amount of Corpus, considering this was a planet they worked so hard to hide." commented Ash, as they trudged to the extraction.

"I thought so too," murmured Loki, wiping one of his Fangs clean of Corpus oil as he walked, "The only reason we brought stealth-based frames was we thought it'd be more cloak and dagger, it just turned out to be a small firefight between only a handful of robots and proxies."

"I admit its strange, but don't forget that Alad V; our target, has been deserted by the Corpus Board." said Rhino "I wouldn't be surprised if most of his units were disabled or-


"Rhino, come in Rhino." Lotus's voice, cutting through the ice; urgent. This was unusual.

"This is Rhino,"

"Rhino, a CMP is landing one click from your extraction point, assume its hostile until I can analyze our guests."

"Will do."


"Don't they ever learn?" complained Ash, drawing his Ether Sword and running his finger over the edge; as if testing its sharpness. Not that he needed to, the blade was impossible to dull. "Hey, I thought you were complaining about the lack of bad guys." chuckled Loki, pulling out his Paris and quickly stringing it. "Yeah but-

"Ladies please," Rhino cut in, "You know the drill, form up." They hurried forward, Loki on the left, Ash on the right and Rhino taking point. They were getting closer to the extraction point...
Three clicks...

Two clicks... 

One cl-


"Rhino, come in Rhino." Lotus's voice, frantic "Do not engage ship, Tenno on board"

"Did she just say...?" Ash started.

"I repeat, Tenno on CMP, DO NOT ENG-


The sound of the pod landing drowned out the last of the words, snow lashing at their helmets as the Warframes' braced the tidal wave of snow. When the scene cleared, the CMP stood perfectly still; no door bursting down, filling the air with plasma fire and ion cannons. "Lotus, come in." said Rhino. "Lotus, advise, what is our course of action." No response; the pod landing must have scrambled communications. Suddenly the pod doors opened with a pop. The Tenno turned their weapons towards it and advanced slowly. What they saw was not a pretty sight.


"By the Orokin..." whispered Loki; the first to speak. What beheld them indeed was a Tenno Warframe; but unlike any they had seen before. Though it may have been of Orokin design, it clearly showed traces of mutilation by the Corpus machinery; half its entire body's 'skin' was torn off, revealing tampered Orokin technology mixed with Corpus design. Perhaps strangest of all were the contraptions on her forearms, what appeared to be simple arm bars. Suddenly; it, she, spoke:


"Where... am I?" The strangest part about when she spoke was; she could be heard both in the audio receptors in the Tenno and outside in the real world: Somehow she had managed to connect to them automatically; another example that she was of Orokin design. 


"Rhino; she is one of ours, but has been horribly disfigured." Lotus's voice came crackling in.

"Yeah, I noticed; Any idea how she ended up this way?" Rhino asked.

"Judging from the fact that she landed via CMP rather than the conventional Tenno pods; I would assume she was once part of the Zanuka Project, and has been severely tortured, but escaped."

"We should take her back," The Lotus continued, matter-of-factly "She may have vital information about the whereabouts of Alad V-

Alad V


Kill him

Kill all of them


The unknown Tenno screams into the sky, her arms becoming massive claws, her body begins glowing a bright orange, turning towards the other Warframes with a mad smile.

"Lotus, whats going on."

"I...I don't know! She must have PTSD of some sort. You'll have to subdue her."

"Defend yourselves!" Rhino roars, unslinging his Sobek as the Tenno screams again; and leaps towards Rhino, claws bent on tearing him apart. 


Looking very much the image of death.

Thanks guys, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! I'm off to bed now (ugh GMT+8)

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