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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Brain does. Not. STAHP

Fenrik watched Ghost leave before slumping back, his helmet retreating and his reddish brown hair and green eyes exposed. His eyes closed and a few tears rolled down his face as he clenched his fists. He couldn't allow his emotion to overcome him lest Lotus have him discharged or suspended form duty. With a heavy sigh he headed out to grab some food from one of their small cafeterias located through out the dojo.


Ghost frowned as she sent a communication request to Lotus. a minute later it went through and the Lotus initiated the conversation. "Salutations Tenno, What is your prognosis for Fenrik? Is he able to work with other Tenno or must he be suspended till mentally capable?"

"He's fine Lotus, got a helluva hate-on for Corpus but that's understandable. He's fine so long as they don't intentionally provoke him, If someone is actually stupid enough to piss him off, they deserve the beatdown/maiming they'll get for it. Anyway, I have a sabotage to prepare for Lotus so unless you want to owe me another favor I'm gonna leave Fenrik be unless he screws up massively." (Brain did stop here when i passed out mid sentence xD)

"Very well Ghost, I shall continue to observe him though, we cannot afford for him to snap. It would be disastrous" With that the Lotus cut the communication leaving Ghost there to sigh and shake her head as she made her way to the armory to pick up her new side arm, The Ballistica.

(off to work mooooore see yall tonight)

Edited by KittyShark
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Guys, add my IGN name. I want to play with you guys sometime. =D




On the rooftop of an apartment building in a human colony, a black Rhino ignored the hustle and bustle of the colonists below as he peered through the scope of his Vectis at an adjacent building, which was used as a hotel.


"So, why am I on a security detail again? Couldn't you just send a normal cell to do this?"


"Because he's the first non-Tenno to have been stalked by well...the Stalker," The Lotus intoned, "That and honestly, he may not be an ally - but he may be useful to our cause. He may also have information on Corpus operations so he's better off to us alive than dead."


"Works for me," Alex replied, peering through the scope into the Corpus merchant's hotel room, only to see a woman in nothing but a towel walk out, one with strikingly familiar crimson eyes. He remembered her. Good girl, a bit low on the confidence side - on account of her father being a total $&*^. Seriously, he was this close to 'accidentally' having a cause of friendly fire on an operation once.


"Lotus, permission to cancel security detail."




"I...think he's in good hands," He said, not relaying any visual info to the Lotus.


"Permission granted, Operative Coyote. I will trust your judgment on this one. Proceed to extraction. ...Just one question though, where's your spotter?"


"Uhh...." Alex trailed off.


And somewhere on the streets below, Operative Valkyrie's eye twitched as she waited in line at a burger shop.


"Stupid Alex, making me get food for him. I'd beat the crap out of him if that wasn't going to reveal my identity to him," The Valkyr grumbled to herself, under her helmet.

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Sorry I've neglected the thread lately everyone. Also, Crowley has not been on Eris in a fair amount of time (IE my nekros) so it wasn't me, someone else with similar colors and the like.


Unfortunately...I have writer's block at last. I have been inflicted with what I've only heard of from the others...and I still want to include Ein in things!

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Sure, Ein has strength like a Rhino despite his build (This is thanks to how packed in his 'muscle strands' are.) though it's only 'like' a Rhino's strength. He can't do stuff an emotionally charged Rhino can such as lifting and destroying ships and the like. Ein also hasn't matured to the point of true emotion either so he has the potential to grow stronger I suppose.

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Ah. I might have my character drop by then... my writers block on her sucks right now. I kinda just want her to go out and DO something so I can move on to the part of her story that's stuck in my head lol


*edit: or maybe not.... *feels unmotivated*

Edited by Jeahanne
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Well Viking, if you're serious about that I'll write a short so Acantha can end up somewhere easy to bump into. I'll probably have her wander the dojo or something. I'd like her to meet Ein anyway, as I really am curious about that character.


Sorry for my lack of posting lately. A friend gave this idea for a story about my character that's been stuck in my head ever since, it's just too far down her timeline from now to post... so now I can't think of anything to write. It's like this unwritten story is taking up all the space in my tiny head lol

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You don't really need to. I can post a companion story from her point of view after you've finished your post if you like. However, if you want me to review your post before posting to edit/add to it I'm more than willing. I can be kind of a grammar nazi though, so fair warning xP

Edited by Jeahanne
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Ok, Ima write a little bit, not much though.



Kris could not believe his luck. The moment he had decided to find someone who could help him carry all the tech out of his new snub-fighter over to the foundry, Ein of all people had just walked by prompting Kris to call him over and ask for his help.


''What do you need?'' Asked Ein as he followed Kris into the beautiful Gold and white snub-fighter.


''Well, I need your help moving all these GODDAMN boxes to the forge, seeing as some of this stuff was rare even before the collapse. Oh! And before i forget by the way, my name is Kris.''


''So...What is in these boxes? and where did you get them?''


''Well, i went on a mission that Lotus gave me and found a vault. And concerning the contents of the boxes, it is all Orokin Tech that was in the vault. Hell, the snub-fighter we are in was parked inside of the vault.'' Kris replied to the curious Ein, knowing the need to acquire new knowledge. ''Oh, and that box in the co-pilot seat is very fragile so i'll take care of it.''


''What's in that box?'' Ein just had to ask, curious as he was.


''Something Lotus told me the foundry master might be happy to recieve.'' Even with his helmet on, a sly grin on Kris's lips escaped no one.



Ein led the walk to the foundry, as Kris had correctly assumed that Ein knew the dojo better than himself without his notebook. Neither spoke for the first few moments of the walk, just walking in a comfortable silence Kris knew oh so well. The silence came to an abrupt end when Ein accidentally walked into a white and black Nova.


''Ooomph. Oh god, I am so sorry, I didn't see you. Are you hurt?'' Ein voiced his concern as he helped the Nova stand up.


''Nothing but my pride.'' The Nova answered. ''I don't think I've ever seen a frame such as yours. What is it called?'' She said once she got on her feet again and managed to get a look at Ein.


''It is a prototype frame, so it hasn't been named yet.''


''Ein, what happened?'' Kris said, his head behind several boxes.


''I bumped into...erm...''


''Acantha, thats my name.'' The Nova spoke clearly.


''Well, pleasure to meet you Acantha.'' Kris said. ''My name is Kris, and the person you just bumped into is Ein, who is currently helping me carry all these boxes to the foundry.''


''Wait, you are going to the foundry?'' Acantha asked.


''Yeah. Want to come with us?'' Kris answered.


''Yes, please.''


''Good, now hold this box.'' Kris said as he handed Acantha the small box that had been blocking his view in front of him. The trio then started walking towards the foundry.



Blegh, writing with cold fingers, have to make it brief, cold cold cold

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