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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Viking has it right, Crowley can't leave yet, he's got far too much to do...but I wonder if anyone will gain the understanding of Crowley's words in time. Can you fight Death itself, or will Death consume all? -evil chuckle, using the lighting to hide my face, eyes gleaming in the dark- Welcome to my world, children of a broken System, shall we play?


-ahem- sorry about that...sometimes I get...heated up -rubs the back of my head- Again, Crowley will not be dead for a great while, as he still must take Faust to Vis in order to induct him in the old ways not to mention Ein is still too immature to be left as he is. Ein's powers aren't even fully functional yet. (On a side note I can put up Ein's picture link again if necessary)


However, it is inevitable that Crowley will perish, beloved as he is by everyone here. I do hate to lose him as a character, but he will always be in Warframe to fight beside if you request it. -smiles-


As a final note: Why in the HELL would I off Crowley right after we lost a bunch of big characters so soon? Aj, Aigloblam, Alex (Ai being in cryostasis and Alex supposedly dead) and I have better things to do with my writing than instantly remove a character that even I have come to greatly love. His demise will, however, involve his corrupted technocyte.

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Sadly Jeahanne...even if you did he would eventually die since he's past a millenia old which is old even for Tenno standards, and that's not counting cryo-sleep. To cure him requires much more than a Blessing or Surgery...his Technocyte has become corrupted.


Since I don't care whether or not people know, I will reveal why: Taking a part of his soul has drastic effects on the Nekros responsible. Normally, to rip your own soul apart is tantamount to death. Similar to how a Horcrux works in Harry Potter, Crowley will live on even after death...because a part of him is what makes up Einherjar's being, Ein's life. Anyway, by tearing off part of his soul to give the essential 'spark' to Ein, who is pretty much Crowley's only child, Crowley has caused his Technocyte to corrupt.


A better question than curing Crowley though: do you have the will and power to stop him when the time comes? Nobody but him knows yet, but it will become painfully apparent when the Technocyte Corruption takes up.

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Might that be a reason for Kris to train? and to control his feral side?


Edit: I would also like to see another chat between Kris and Crowley (regarding the goddamn holy S#&$balls beautiful Snub-fighter Kris has)

Edited by FatViking
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As Crowley began to leave, he noted that the energy gathered in the room started to pulse. Curious, he looked back at the source. He tilted his head up to look at the visage of the late Ajkrumen. Visions started to assail Crowley.



He watched the Nekros jettison off into space in the cryopod. The Frost Prime would join his brothers soon, but there was one more thing that had to be done. 


As the cathedral was collapsing, he saw the Emperor cower behind his throne.


"Ajkrumen! Ajkrumen! Save me from this abomination!"


The Prime unslung his Reaper and began to walk towards the Emperor.


"Wha... what are you doing?"


"You.... you created this menace! You condemned the Orokin!"


The Emperor began to stutter, barely able to spit out his weak words.


"I-I-I had to! The Sent-"


"That is no excuse! The once-noble blood of your family has grown foul. I will avenge this..."


"No! Plea-"


With a mighty swing, Ajkrumen decapitated the Emperor of the Orokin. As he turned to leave he saw the Guardian. The would-be Stalker. His warframe was a pure white and gold, akin to an Excalibur Prime.


"...What have you done?! You traitor!"


In a single movement, the Frost Prime side-stepped the Slash Dash, knocked the Guardian on his back and considered his foe.


"Do you see what is happening?! Infested abominations are killing our brothers and sisters! He permitted the use of the bio-weapon that destroyed us! How can you be so foolish as to condone this?"


Snarling, the Guardian attempted to kick Ajkrumen in the chest. Once again side-stepping the blow, Ajkrumen brought the instrument of justice down upon the gleaming warframe, splitting his helmet.


Crowley staggered from the implications of this memory. Before he could react, he heard a massive voice in his head.



"Fear not the infection, old friend. There is one born of noble blood that can end this. Justice will always triumph....."

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A better question than curing Crowley though: do you have the will and power to stop him when the time comes? Nobody but him knows yet, but it will become painfully apparent when the Technocyte Corruption takes up.

I think I know of a character that may... ;)

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Look to the stalker lore for reference, it doesn't play out exactly like the little tidbit says, but in the context of our stories it'd work. The stalker has a skewed sense of justice, and the reason for that being the Emperor of the Orokin made the bio-weapon that destroyed us, so Ajkrumen claimed his vengeance for his people. The Stalker saw this and from then on labled us traitors. The point of Ajkrumen showing this memory to Crowley was to give him hope that justice will always find a way, no matter how dim the chances seem.

Edited by Ajkrumen
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Oh, probably should have referenced what Khi told me in a PM. 




Well, unless Aj wants to interact with the material plane for some reason Crowley needn't involve him. Spirits that have truely 'moved on' cannot be drawn back into existence, they have been set back in the cycle of reincarnation. The only exceptions to this rule are the souls bound to the side of the Grand-Master of the Dead, legendary Tenno whose will transcends even the veil separating the beyond and the living world.



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still, i would like to see some comdey (like 2 initiates chatting about the strange White and golden snub-fighter in the hangar bay and wondering who owns it, or some guys chatting about Khi (like wondering if Khi is a woman))


Edit: Because laughing extends your life. and seeing Khi react to the comments of the guys talking about him would be hilarious :3

Edited by FatViking
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