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Riven mods made me quit


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2 hours ago, Speedingbus said:

Riven mods fix nothing with layers of RNG of even getting the mod then reveling magically for the weapon you want. Then prepare yourself for the massive disappointment fest of rerolling the riven mod for tune 30k Kuva  to end with a Multishot/Status duration mod that does nothing to bring up subpar weapons to end any kind of level to meta weapons.

I spent 3 hours today farming kuva and having pretty much nothing to show it for with riven mod I rerolled.

Honestly this has been a complete waste of my time and I don't play games that waste my time.


So maybe when I come back months later DE will fix Rivens or not just like focus\useless arcane filler that'll never get looked at. Resit slash/elec pros? Useless

Ok maybe we see you back in a few months then.

Just one question though, if you don't like playing games that waste your time, why do you play games at all?

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Riven mods increased the longevity for me. I haven't used any of the meta weapons since I got my first riven. The game finally has real weapon diversity now for me. While I did buy some rivens, my best ones I rolled myself. Took a while due to rng obviously, but actually felt good working towards something instead of looking for excuses to play the game. 

Idk why so many people are moaning about it. They would rather complain than actually trying to get something decent out of it. That's okay I guess, but you're just going to come of as a total child to everyone. At least that's how I see it.

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