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Clan suggestions thread


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Hello, I'm a clan warlord of a Storm clan for quite some time and there are some stuff that needs to be added,improved and changed. PLEASE read to the end then comment if you didn't like something.

So let's start:

***We all know the new "Hema" weapon needs insane amount of Mutagen Sample :( We are slowly grinding it still need 37000/50000. As DE stated that every clan member contributes 500 samples and research is done BUT the problem is even with full clan for example mine up to 100 members it's not always full and not every player takes part in contribution!! 

The suggestion is make an advanced clan log for contributions - I don't know which players should I kick for not taking a part in this grind and which players should be promoted for helping us out.


***Clan decorations - There are quite a few decorations but still not enough, could we possible get some new decorations maybe allow fans to create free decorations(like Tennogen but not for real money) I bet my kidney there will be quite a few warframe fans that will gladly create nice decorations for everyone to enjoy.

***Clan ranks - We have 7 ranks(besides Warlord's rank) for smaller clans it's more then enough but for large clans we could use few more custom ranks 2-4 is enough in my opinion, tell me what you think guys.

***Clan simulacrum - As simple as it gets maybe we can get a simulacrum inside the clans which maybe could be used in groups of 4 like a mission to test builds,weapons and such.And maybe to add Clan reputation so players could join the clan's simulacrum only with certain amount of reputation/points which I will describe in next suggestion.

***Clan reputation or point system - Adding a reputation or point source for clan members which can be acquired for helping clan members,contributing to clan's researches/buildings etc... Post your ideas about it.

***Warframe build stand/interaction panel of some sort where players could share their builds of frames and weapons - the idea is to like select frame/weapon put mods on it add amount of formas/polarity slots and save it so other clan members could use it. About this suggestion I was thinking maybe add this on our ship for global usage but let's go with smaller stuff first shall we.

*** Hosting issues for nearly all; of the clans! The main thing which every clan is to play together especially RAIDS but here comes the issue - finding a host who's connection is good and stable to handle up to 8 players which is kinda annoying. I know dedicated server issue has been all over the forums but maybe we could get a server ONLY for raids aka Law of Retribution+Nightmare and Jordas Verdict - this will be a major breakthrough for all of the clans and will allow to enjoy the game for all  tenno from around the world without searching for someone to host.

*** Clan MOTD - Is it possible to make it different color then default white so members could actually notice it?

*** Inbox messages system for clan warlords - Can we send like clan wide messages via in-game mail for example clan event notice or important news(maybe a confirmation status who joins the event etc) would be great. To prevent abuse it should have some cooldown or time in between messages.


I might have forgotten some of the suggestions might post them later on.

Sorry for my English skills it is my 4th language after all:)  Post your suggestions and thoughts about this - most interesting ones I will add to main post and hope DE will hear out prayers:)


Have a nice farming day and let the RNGesus and Lootcifer smile upon you:)

Edited by -ITS-Alex
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Nice post. I have a mountain clan with close to capacity of 300.

I would love to see some sort of donation log, not to kick as much as to just see who is adding that I am not aware of. Gifting is my thing and any stealth contributors should be rewarded when we have a no contribution requirement.

Yes, more decorations.

Not sure what feature I would like for clan ranks, but it could use more options.

Point system, not my thing. May be useful in more structured groups. Could be a way to encourage activity and tie in with prizes from leaders.

The build stand is something I am on the fence. On xbox we have clubs where you can post screen captures, works well. 

Hosting, I just want an option to join for trading or dojo battles. If they could split or allow me to choose my own instance because I plan on trading.



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