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As of today it has been 524 since we had a new Prisma Weapon


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2 hours ago, The-Tective said:

Is there a better sword then PSkana in the game? Yes.

Is there a better dual sword then PDual Clevers in the game? Yes.

Is there a better rifle then PGorgon in the game? Yes.

Is there a better crit rifle then PGrakata in the game? Yes.

Hence these items are mastery fodder.


Is there a better melee weapon than Galatine Prime? No.

Is there a better ranged weapon than Tonkor? No.

Ergo, everything else is mastery fodder...


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1 hour ago, Littlerift said:

Is there a better melee weapon than Galatine Prime? No.

Is there a better ranged weapon than Tonkor? No.

Ergo, everything else is mastery fodder...

Is there a better melee weapon than the Sibear? YeS. But I like painfully slow charged attacks and Meh Dam4ge.

Is there a better R4nged weapOn than the Stug? I'm not sure, I think that gun shoots sticky jizz balls.

JOking aside, I think the only real stinker so far was the Prisma Tetra.  I want to love it so hard.  Got a perfect roll Riven for it, Dmg/Multi/Elemental.

But it still stinks,

I vote Prisma Boar!

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The people who said Prisma Supra get a thumbs up from me. I just like The Supra, I'd be happy with a Vandal, Wraith, Mara or(never going to happen)Supra Prime. Also I'd be happy with a Tiberon Prisma, Vandal, Wraith, Mara, or Prime. Of the Prisma, Vandal, Wraith, or Mara series, in my opinion The Quanta Vandal outshines almost every weapon in that list based on raw DPS. The Prisma Grakata however is a close 2nd in the terms of DPS and how fun it is to use. The Prisma Grakata looks great, sounds awesome as Tactical Potato says "Daka daka daka daka", and works well as a medium range machine gun. I have yet to get a riven mod for it but once I do I am going do some more serious Kuva farming till I can (crossing fingers)get a bad &#! Riven mod for it. So what would I like best for a new Prisma, Vandal, Wraith, or Mara weapon? Should we include mutualist weapons as well?


1st Supra for Prisma. It is my favorite weapon to use. I'd be happy with a Supra Vandal, Prisma, Wraith, Mara, Mutualist, etc. Thank you again DE for making Riven mods b/c I get to play with The Supra again but into the end game. Thumbs Up.

2nd Phage b/c it's unique does great damage and the visuals are quite pleasing. The 100 or so strings of various colored poisoned pasta shooting out of it always makes me laugh but also knowing whatever I hit will go down pretty quickly.

3rd. The Tiberon(but I do have a feeling that might be getting primed soon. Hint Hint. Please DE I say in the most humble of tones)I like The Tiberon b/c it was my first real weapon that I used extensively. I love its accuracy at long distances, the power it has for puncture, the 3 round burst works well for an accurate long range weapon, and it is visually unique as well. I just wish that it could go into the end game. I have a riven mod for it and on 80-100 level enemies it falls rather short. However are all weapons even with Riven mods supposed to be end game? No. I just really like The Tibeorn, so I might have a little bias in this case.

4th I just looked at the list and saw that The Attica is one of the oldest weapons but has not had an update. It's still effective as well but not a lot of us use auto crossbows.

5th.The Opticor would be kind of cool. It's DE's BFG and has that effect on the battle field when someone fires it and the rest of the squad's like "What the hell was that?" oh yeah it was the Opticor." As clear line of dead enemies lays freshly killed still smoking on the ground.

I haven't even delved into secondary or melee weapons but I'm sure there could be some really cool variants made. The Dual Ichor's, Mire, or Lesion? I have a thing for weapons that give base toxin or viral damage, as a lot of us do.

Again these are my humble opinions and it would be cool to hear more from everyone else.

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