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Grenadier - The Explosive Warframe


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" Tenno... this is Grenadier. Explosive master. The Cleaner. Using different explosives and techniques to perish enemies that come near him in battle."

Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)
Shields: 300 (2500 at rank 30)
Armor: 250 (350 at rank 30)
Power: 100 (150 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed: 0.9
Polarities: 2 x D
Aura Polarity: -

(All of Grenadier's bombs will use Blast damage for all intensive purposes of damage types. When Grenadier cooks a bomb, it will flash red in his hand and he will give it a shake. Watch his hand to see him cook! Every skill will use different amount of Gunpowder per cook... I just didn't include actual numbers because well... i'm not DE and I can't actually play with him... but you get the idea.)

Passive - Ballistic Armor: Grenadier is immune to all explosive damage his abilities and weapons deal while his shields remain. If Grenadier loses his shields then he becomes vulnerable again. While wearing Ballistic Armor all armor mods also affect Grenadier's shields. Any damage that would bypass Grenadier's Shield and his his health will be converted to his Shield instead. 


Gunpowder Conversion - (Toggled and Cycled ability. Like how Vauban can cycle through different mines with his 2): Gunpowder: Ammo that Grenadier picks up is now collected and used as Gunpowder. Gunpowder is used for cooking Grenadier's different bombs and techs to change the effects of the skills. When this ability is toggled off, you can cycle between converting ammo into Gunpowder or covering ammo for your weapons   

Sticky Bomb - (Hold you skill button to cook your bombs. Press your skill again to detonate): 
Base Throw: Grenadier throws a sticky bomb on the target. Enemies around the explosion take damage. 

First Cook: Sticky Bomb will now stick the target to the ground as well as add increased damage. 

Second Cook: Sticky Bomb will now stick to nearby enemies and stick them in place. Damage will also increase.

Arsenal - (Hold your skill button to change the outcome of this skill.) 

Base throw: Grenadier throws a flash bang forward which will stun nearby enemies. If this is thrown at Sticky Bomb's third cook then Sticky Bomb will pull this in detonating both Sticky Bomb and Flash Bang. Enemies affected by the flash bang flash will drop more ammo upon death.

First Cook: Grenadier will pull out a Blunt wall and deploy it down. Allies who fire from behind the wall gain increased fire rate and reload speed. Grenadier will also cook and throw his bombs much faster behind a Blunt. When a blunt is destroyed it will explode dealing damage to all attacking enemies. Grenadier may have three walls up at a time. If Sticky Bomb is applied to a Blunt it will instantly explode it, dealing it's remaining health as extra damage.

Second Cook: Grenadier will toss a large cluster of shrapnel into the air and far across the room. As it flies, it drops small cluster bombs in it's arc, blowing up any enemies underneath of the mass. Once the mass hits the ground it will explode into small clusters around ground.

Orbital Strike - (Hold your skill to consume gunpowder before launch. The more gunpowder used the more strikes you get.) 
Grenadier calls in a massive Orbital Strike to bomb the room that Grenadier is in. The more Gunpowder put into Orbital Strike the more missiles that are called down. 

Alright! So some backstory to creating Grenadier here... I use Zarr... a lot. It's been one hell of a weapon for me and I haven't found as much fun with a primary since Latron Prime. When this cannon came into my possession it was love at first sight. Now... look if you've used a Zarr you've blown yourself up... probably numerous times. Instead of removing self damage altogether I wanted to created a concept around embracing the self damage and I thought of... "What if a Warframe was based around using explosives and was immune to being blown up?" We don't actually HAVE a Warframe based around this type of play so I kinda though this was an interesting idea. 

When creating Grenadier I wanted to include another unique mechanic to him that no other Warframe really did and I thought of collecting ammo that you are not using to power up and change his skills... and well it worked. Another unique thing I wanted to add to him was actually having a Shield Based frame instead of health. Now I know that shields are generally considered bad in this game but having a massive stockpile and armor on top of them... might at least help ol' Grenadier here.

Now I guess you don't have to use explosive weapons with Grenadier here I should probably someway include a buff that he gains from using them but I got the basic idea of this frame on paper. I like the direction I went with him and i'd enjoy his playstyle.... mainly becuase I could facetank and shoot my Zarr pointblank... which I know would be fun~ <3

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I enjoy the idea of a demolition inspired frame, however, he seems to be a biiiit OP. I know it's just an idea at this stage, but I'm pretty sure if he would come to fruition he would have way less shields (Say 350 at rank 30) Also his passive is very niche. You'd have to use a weapon like the Penta or the Zarr to get any use out of it. Is the cook system ment to be like Nidus's mutation stacks? (just out of curiosity) His third ability has a bit too much variation inside of it. I would think that a great replacement for that would be a buff to allies weapons, giving them innate blast damage or increasing pre-existing blast damage, keeping the weapon buff you suggested but making it a lot more mobile. (Also playing into all of DE's pushing for Satus :D) His fourth seems a bit over the top as well. Maybe he could throw a bag of explosives at the enemy, almost like a gigantic grenade for an AOE blast? 

Maybe he could be called Salvo? It means a simultaneous discharge of artillery or other weapons in battle

(I really like this idea XD so sorry for all the suggestions but I got very excited over it!)


Edited by danthedapper
(remembered something)
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7 minutes ago, danthedapper said:

I enjoy the idea of a demolition inspired frame, however, he seems to be a biiiit OP. I know it's just an idea at this stage, but I'm pretty sure if he would come to fruition he would have way less shields (Say 350 at rank 30) Also his passive is very niche. You'd have to use a weapon like the Penta or the Zarr to get any use out of it. Is the cook system ment to be like Nidus's mutation stacks? (just out of curiosity) His third ability has a bit too much variation inside of it. I would think that a great replacement for that would be a buff to allies weapons, giving them innate blast damage or increasing pre-existing blast damage, keeping the weapon buff you suggested but making it a lot more mobile. His fourth seems a bit over the top as well. Maybe he could throw a bag of explosives at the enemy, almost like a gigantic grenade for an AOE blast? 

Maybe he could be called Salvo? It means a simultaneous discharge of artillery or other weapons in battle

(I really like this idea XD so sorry for all the suggestions but I got very excited over it!)


His passive is also designed around his skills too. His skills would kill him if his health is exposed. :P

I wanted to design a kit around complexity and utility like Nidus does with his skills working together.

His third does give a buff to Allies if they stand ground Behind a Blunt with firing speed and reload speed.. a mechanic being able to take cover and be safe. (A blunt was part of my other inspiration to designing him... I always wanted the ability to be able to use Blunts like the Grineer do... I guess he can almost be Bombadier Grineer based frame too.)

And yes... the cook system is sorta like mutation stacks. That was the inspiration behind the Gunpowder mechanic and allllll that left over ammo laying on the ground!

I don't think the shield amount is too OP. I mean Inaros has like 2k health at 30. Maybe toning it farther down sure but not too much. His shield are basically his health!

Edited by Namoiram70
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Ohhh okay. I got confused there, I thought it was just weapon damage.

I understood the part about the buff if they stand behind a blunt, I just doubt that many people would. I feel that doesn't really fit around the rest of his kit, considering he's a demolition warframe, he would be running all over the place setting off charges and such. 

I understand that, but shields regenerate, health does not without an ability. Shields are how I keep banshee alive, so I can see where you're going with that. I feel that the amount of armor you have balances that though. I guess I'm imagining his playstyle somewhere between frost and mesa. Crowd control but with ally buffs. 

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2 hours ago, danthedapper said:

Ohhh okay. I got confused there, I thought it was just weapon damage.

I understood the part about the buff if they stand behind a blunt, I just doubt that many people would. I feel that doesn't really fit around the rest of his kit, considering he's a demolition warframe, he would be running all over the place setting off charges and such. 

I understand that, but shields regenerate, health does not without an ability. Shields are how I keep banshee alive, so I can see where you're going with that. I feel that the amount of armor you have balances that though. I guess I'm imagining his playstyle somewhere between frost and mesa. Crowd control but with ally buffs. 

Well true about a Blunt I suppose... I honestly just wanted to fit that in since I think having the ability to deploy them would be awesome lol. But I can see how that could just be a normal buff that applies fire rate and reload speed. Something that Grenadier could easily use for reloading stuff like Zarr.

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