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To All You Players Who Think I Have To Defend Near The Pod


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We have different goals in this game. Your goal is no more or less important than mine is to me.


I will not ask you to stop trying to achieve your goal to help me with mine, so don't ask me to stop trying to get my goal to hold your hand to get yours!


You are playing in a public game and will encounter different styles of gameplay, if you want to organize a play style between all four players join a clan or make a private game.


So as long as we don't loose the pod stop being so angry.


I will not follow this forum. So if you have something to say to me my TeamSpeak address is 101.teamspeak.net

Edited by Guardian-of-the-Lotus
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Everyone is going to play how they like, for ranking weapons its better to be in a group whos actually working towards the same goal. if your going into open pug missions might aswel expect people to play however they want.   

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Your 'playstyle' doesn't matter, unless it's making you a liability to the team and leaving us short-handed to defend the pod and/or making it difficult for other team members to gather drops while they're defending the pod as you camp the spawn points. Quit being so $&*&*#(%&ly selfish, quit trying to pretend you're some kind of rebel, start thinking of those who're sitting on the pod just so you can run around on the perimeter acting like an idiot.


Grow up.

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Everyone is going to play how they like, for ranking weapons its better to be in a group whos actually working towards the same goal. if your going into open pug missions might aswel expect people to play however they want.

i honestly could care less what they do or for what reason. i dont even care if they dont point out where dropped mods are. However, the least they could do (in defense missions) is stay within the exp range. it isnt difficult nor is it any less rewarding that door farming. Edited by Ventias
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i honestly could care less what they do or for what person. i dont even care if they dont point out where dropped mods are. However, the least they could do (in defense missions) is stay within the exp range. it isnt difficult nor is it any less rewarding that door farming. 

Kids rather pretend that they're doing everyone else a favour by luring all the mobs to the edge of the map

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Flame bait. Move along.




Personally I don't like running all the way from one spawn to the other to pick mods up. If I see people camping spawns, I'll just let them do the mission on their own. The next time that charger sneaks though, I won't be held responsible.

Edited by krisp
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It's okay. You can try to spawn-nuke everything and deny us all exp.


I'll just Pull everything to the pod and laugh at you while you lose out on EXP trying to run towards the pod.




P.S. People like the OP should stick to Solo missions if you can't be play nice with others.

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*plays a mission where the only goal is to defend the pod*

maybe if you don't want to defend S#&$, stop playing defense missions and people will stop telling you to defend the pod. But then again don't expect me to revive you, or defend the pod for you.

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I did a Mobile Defense with this Vauban a little while ago.


He got mad because someone didn't agree with him and because he couldn't stand around and tesla everything. "well I dont want to play your way", he said, before leaving the mission. He was the host.


A few minutes later he re-joined. Then he left again.


The end.

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not all of it but yes we lose a big chunk. i think. 

But we still gain something. Alright. I guess I'll leave the pod and join the tunnel warrior if I ever get one in a pug game. Also I will urge the rest of the tenno at the pod to do the same. If we are not getting the xp and drops then tunnel warriors shouldn't get it as well

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hey op you're completely useless


you must secretly know it though, because before anyone replies you already say you're not gonna post again after your first post bragging about what a dumbass you are

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Part of the problem is that many players don´t know about shared XP.That has to clearly shown on the loading screen.


Other problem is that some players have to feed their fragile ego and score as many kills as possible,but they don´t have enough skill to do it alone,´cos somebody has to be pod nanny.

When I meet such player,1.I tell him to be a team player and 2.if he refuses,I just leave the pod and left it to "die".

Edited by zorinho20
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I did a Mobile Defense with this Vauban a little while ago.


He got mad because someone didn't agree with him and because he couldn't stand around and tesla everything. "well I dont want to play your way", he said, before leaving the mission. He was the host.


A few minutes later he re-joined. Then he left again.


The end.


That Vauban is doing it wrong. 

You can tesla your own sentinel, so I don't see why he has to stay in one place, not to mention bastille is amazingly helpful on defence, it's a good 18 seconds of the enemy being able to do literally nothing and is enough of a visual aid that most people will turn to it and shred everyone inside it. 


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ROFL. Wow, I just had the intense displeasure of playing with Mr.Guardian no more than 5 minuets ago. This guy is honestly the largest troll I personally have yet to come across in this game.


I Was in a group with him and two others on Ceres, Kiste as soon as the defense timer came up this guy would disappear to the other side of the map and start spamming Rhino's new and improved super stomp while me and the other teammates killed the occasional one or two mobs that came by the base. When the entire party began explaining to this guy that he was denying everyone of experience and potential loot, let alone weapon mastery, due to his incredibly selfish actions he immediately jumped into spamming all kinds of crazy (what appear to be pre-written or macroed) paragraphs of text. Most of what he was spamming consisted of flaming us for judging his "play style" calling us "trolls" and "griefers" along with a bunch of other more colorful words that were nothing more than faceless insults. Along with a bunch of really weird RP and lore stuff about a tenno's diligence and other strange things of that nature. 

   At one point we actually tried to get somewhat near this guy in order to get a little bit of exp and sure enough the base's health just starts plummeting... Thankfully we were able to get back in time to save it, but really the point of the matter is clear.


     Oh, and when I say this guy was farming damn near the other side of the map, I mean he was going all the way over to the opposite defense location as well as through the middle door, down the stairs, and then through the other door and killing things in that spawn as well. I'm not talking just the third defense location... This guy was off in his own little selfish world. Its because of people like him that rarely play with randoms.


Fun Facts!


 - At one point this guy told us to go cry on the forums... lol..


 - In all my years of playing a large variety of video games this is maybe my third post on any forums... I tend to be more of a occasional forum reader, rather than poster, but this guy really is just to much.


- This is not a matter of "Rushers" or whatever it is that people often like  to dispute. This is about a person who is intentionally ignoring the main objective of the map while jeopardizing the completion of the mission and griefing the hell out of his teammates in more ways than one.


- Even if his goal was to farm spy drones, he shouldn't do it at the expense of everyone else in the party.


- Its a shame that after playing Warframe for over 300 hours this is what my first post on the forums has to be.

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