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Anyone Agree?


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Hi, sorry if these things have already been mentioned but here are a few options I would like to see added to the game IMO:

1. An "appear offline" option for Solo so I can play without getting invites to other games or having people try to talk to me in the chat. I don't have the chat up all the time and I sometimes miss what people have said to me and they ask why I didn't respond. When I'm online, whispers should pop up even if I'm in game and someone that isn't in my squad whispers to me. Does that happen already and I just haven't had someone outside of my squad whisper to me? lol

2. (Pretty sure this has been mentioned) The option to not be matched up with a specific person again lol not going to go into it any more than that.

3. Toggles in the menu that gives us the ability to choose whether or not we want to be a host to Vauban's Tesla grenades or a warp point for Loki. ....yeah, not expounding on that either.


4. (I know for sure this has been said) Separation of Energy and Warframe Ability colour options. No big deal on this though.


5. (This might be a change that will happen when the new UI comes out) Scroll bars in stead of pages for choosing mods to place on Warframes or weapons and for colour options to allow faster access. No big deal for this one too.

Just sayin'. Anyone agree with any of these or have any thoughts?

Thanks to DE for how much customization there already is in this game :)

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5. (This might be a change that will happen when the new UI comes out) Scroll bars in stead of pages for choosing mods to place on Warframes or weapons and for colour options to allow faster access. No big deal for this one too.



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I agree strongly with 1, 2, and 5.


4 sounds like a nice idea, but I don't know if that should be a priority, though it could be an easy change if they're working on that part of the game/UI.


3 is something I'm ambivalent about -- I mostly play with friends, so I don't have to deal with trolls.  Teleports and pulls seem like they would be the most troll-worthy.

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I agree strongly with 1, 2, and 5.


4 sounds like a nice idea, but I don't know if that should be a priority, though it could be an easy change if they're working on that part of the game/UI.


3 is something I'm ambivalent about -- I mostly play with friends, so I don't have to deal with trolls.  Teleports and pulls seem like they would be the most troll-worthy.

   Yeah, as I said, I don't think 4 is a priority either. As for 3, a toggle wouldn't affect you adversely. You'd just leave 'em on "Allow". Didn't they make it so Mag's Pull doesn't affect teammates anymore? If not then that would need a toggle too.

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Moved thread from previous location.


Hi, sorry if these things have already been mentioned but here are a few options I would like to see added to the game IMO:

1. An "appear offline" option for Solo so I can play without getting invites to other games or having people try to talk to me in the chat. I don't have the chat up all the time and I sometimes miss what people have said to me and they ask why I didn't respond. When I'm online, whispers should pop up even if I'm in game and someone that isn't in my squad whispers to me. Does that happen already and I just haven't had someone outside of my squad whisper to me? lol

2. (Pretty sure this has been mentioned) The option to no be matched up with a specific person again lol not going to go into it any more than that.

3. A toggle in the menu that gives us the ability to choose whether or not we want to be a host to Vauban's Tesla grenades or a warp point for Loki. ....yeah, not expounding on that either.


4. (I know for sure this has been said) Separation of Energy and Warframe Ability colour options. No big deal on this though.


5. (This might be a change that will happen when the new UI comes out) Scroll bars in stead of pages for choosing mods to place on Warframes or weapons and for colour options to allow faster access. No big deal for this one too.

Just sayin'. Anyone agree with any of these or have any thoughts?

Thanks to DE for how much customization there already is in this game :)

I agree with #1, because of I like the idea of being online in the middle of the night, but I don't like other people seeing rather or not I'm online or not.


#2 if I think what you said "The option not to be matched up with a specific person again/avoid said person" then I agree, I wouldn't mind being about to say "Hey this person rushes to the end of the mission before anyone else." or "This person has the worst lag ever, don't want to join another mission with him/her." (please note, I know some rushers aren't bad, but frost is slow, and I often like to stay with the group, and when I play with 1 or 2 of my friends, we like to explore). I know Xbox LIVE has something like this, can't really say rather or not it works, but I do know it doesn't split you from the person you opted to avoid, which if Warframe does pick up this feature, it should split you from the person as soon as you list him/her or as soon as your match is finished, whichever happens last.


#3 The tesla grenades, the graphics needs to turned down a lot when stuck to a player, but I do kind of agree with that. But only because I'm all for options it's not a total "It's my way or the highway" deal like "Turn off the ability to stick players with teslas", cause with the right party, having a group of vaubans sticking one or two players with that, causing them to run through a mission zapping everything is actually quite fun.


#4 As long as it's an OPTION, I agree, but I very much enjoy having energy and ability colors be the same color, it gives personality to the abilities, plus some colors for certain abilities look cool, white with overheat makes ember look silver.


#5 I do agree with this, as long as it's only for the weapon/warframe mod page where you apply the mods, not where you can fuse mods.

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I agree with #1, because of I like the idea of being online in the middle of the night, but I don't like other people seeing rather or not I'm online or not.


#2 if I think what you said "The option not to be matched up with a specific person again/avoid said person" then I agree, I wouldn't mind being about to say "Hey this person rushes to the end of the mission before anyone else." or "This person has the worst lag ever, don't want to join another mission with him/her." (please note, I know some rushers aren't bad, but frost is slow, and I often like to stay with the group, and when I play with 1 or 2 of my friends, we like to explore). I know Xbox LIVE has something like this, can't really say rather or not it works, but I do know it doesn't split you from the person you opted to avoid, which if Warframe does pick up this feature, it should split you from the person as soon as you list him/her or as soon as your match is finished, whichever happens last.


#3 The tesla grenades, the graphics needs to turned down a lot when stuck to a player, but I do kind of agree with that. But only because I'm all for options it's not a total "It's my way or the highway" deal like "Turn off the ability to stick players with teslas", cause with the right party, having a group of vaubans sticking one or two players with that, causing them to run through a mission zapping everything is actually quite fun.


#4 As long as it's an OPTION, I agree, but I very much enjoy having energy and ability colors be the same color, it gives personality to the abilities, plus some colors for certain abilities look cool, white with overheat makes ember look silver.


#5 I do agree with this, as long as it's only for the weapon/warframe mod page where you apply the mods, not where you can fuse mods.

Typo fixed, thanks. Yep, all I'm asking for are options :) and you are correct about #5, that is what I meant.

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