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Vandal Snipetron Audio Bug?(Or Is It Just Me?)


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I've been using the Vandal Snipetron since I've been given it, loving it especially but the same could be said about everyone else using it, so I've sorta noticed something and I'm unsure if it's an audio bug or somehow intentional.

When YOU shoot the Vandal Snipetron it gives a specific noise, but the noise you hear when someone else shoots the same gun sounds audibly different. I'd need others with headsets or a good pair of ears to tell me that I'm not the only one actually hearing the distinct difference.

When you hear your own firing noises from the gun, it sounds silent, subtle, when another person fires it and you're nearby them it SOUNDS different! >_>

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This has been reported before with other guns. "Simple" explanation would be how sounds travels through both the air and your body as well as where the sound is directed from a gun. However, not sure if that is at all actually relevant to the game so...

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This has been reported before with other guns. "Simple" explanation would be how sounds travels through both the air and your body as well as where the sound is directed from a gun. However, not sure if that is at all actually relevant to the game so...

Even if that explanation were realistic at the most technical of levels in auditory hearing, I don't know if that was really the plan, or intentional within a game o.o;; Unless the devs said so.

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