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Female Warframe Walk Animation Should Be More... Feminine.


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Hello Warframe Artists,


I love the game you guys have created and are constantly improving. Especially the fact that all warframes have different powers and looks, kind of like collecting your own Iron Man armors.... I simply LOVE it.


There is a tiny little thing that I would like to point out that would make the game much better:


The walk cycle animations on the female warframes are too rigid, they are the same as the male warframes. If you've seen Batman Arkham City, you must have seen what makes Catwoman such an incredibly sexy character, is the walk / run cycle,( and all of the other attack / event animations) and not a big chest.


Don't get me wrong, the overall character animations are superb. I know that creating animations / mocap take alot of time and effort, but a tiny little imrovement in the pelvic and shoulder animations would make a world of difference.





P.S: I'm an aspiring 3d modeler / animator myself, so I kind of have an eye for these kind of things.

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I dont know man, part of me agrees(the teenage part that wants to see dat booty jiggle!) but part thinks that the tenno, male or female, are trained warriors and probably would not bother with walking in such a way. I dont think they are really meant to be sexy as they are meant to be badass, somethign I respect DE for.  I think it would be good, if easy enough to implement, to have one female warframe pull of the sexy walk just to have some sort of unqiness from the others in that regard.  They are adding animations in update 9 so who knows?

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I dont know man, part of me agrees(the teenage part that wants to see dat booty jiggle!) but part thinks that the tenno, male or female, are trained warriors and probably would not bother with walking in such a way. I dont think they are really meant to be sexy as they are meant to be badass, somethign I respect DE for.  I think it would be good, if easy enough to implement, to have one female warframe pull of the sexy walk just to have some sort of unqiness from the others in that regard.  They are adding animations in update 9 so who knows?


I'm kind of torn on this as well.


As a female player I sort of want my female warframe to be more feminine in her movements. Yet at the same time she is supposed to be an &#! kicking ninja.


Sex appeal in a warrior type character is Hollywood's area. I know a lot of games have plenty of it too in order to draw in the "boys", but there are a lot of female gamers now too. Not saying we don't want our characters to reflect us in some way too. I don't know. It's tricky. I guess I'd want her to be sexy while being a bad &#!, but also don't want too much focus on that. First and foremost, can she get the job done?

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I think is a bit misguided to use Batman and Catwoman as examples, due to the fact that Catwoman is, well, part cat so she is meant to be this overly flexible along with her personality traits make her walk the way she does, not because she is a woman.

Also a Tenno, is a Tenno, is a Tenno so most likely they all receive similar training and I really doubt that men and woman would really move that much different unless it involves the current warframe their wearing.

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The walk cycle animations on the female warframes are too rigid, they are the same as the male warframes.


They cannot be "too rigid" if they are fine on the male Warframes.


The female Warframes are made out of the same meat and bones as the male ones.

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They cannot be "too rigid" if they are fine on the male Warframes.


The female Warframes are made out of the same meat and bones as the male ones.


Men and women have very different anatomical structure and wieght distribution, hence the different walk types.

Men have a higher center of gravity, namely in the chest area,


Women have a lower center of gravity, i.e. the pelvis area, plus they have a wider hip bone as compared to the rest of the body, so when they walk, even when they are not walking the sexy walk, the pelvis tilts to a side depending on which leg the weight is being applied in that given instant.


I'm not talking about uber-hot fashion models, this applies to all women. (even girls with glasses walking to the library) and this trait needs to be present in all female animations to be sufficiently belivable, whether they are regular pedestrians or ninja trained Tenno.

Edited by JayKay1080
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FYI, men have a higher center of gravity, namely in the chest area,
Women have a lower center of gravity, i.e. the pelvis area, plus they have a wider hip bone as compared to the rest of the body, so when they walk, even when they are not walking the sexy walk, the pelvis tilts to a side depending on which leg the weight is being applied in that given instant.
I'm not talking about uber-hot fashion models, this applies to all women. (even girls with glasses walking to the library) and this trait needs to be present in all female animations to be sufficiently belivable, whether they are regular pedestrians or ninja trained Tenno.
Besides, you wont see male buttocks going up and down, unless he is a really fat guy lol.


http://joelmcguire.blogspot.com/2009/04/walking-gait-male-female-vs-treadmill.html'>Some reading. (Interesting facts.) Most of the differences in male and female gaits (that actually exist and aren't being made up) are probably the result of differences in stride length in relation to height. (So a shorter woman taking shorter strides wouldn't be wiggling her butt.)


So go ahead and take long strides when you walk so we can all admire your sexy butt.

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Wait...I thought volt was a dude?



Yeah, me too.



Volt's a guy and you forgot to mention Mag, Trinity, Ember and the new antimatter warframe.

A dude can walk all feminine if he wants too; if we get ridiculous feminine animations for all female frames I don't see why we don't get one for at least one male warframe too.

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A dude can walk all feminine if he wants too; if we get ridiculous feminine animations for all female frames I don't see why we don't get one for at least one male warframe too.

True. But would the majority of players vote yes for that do you think?

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A dude can walk all feminine if he wants too; if we get ridiculous feminine animations for all female frames I don't see why we don't get one for at least one male warframe too.

I mean sure, but I think we would all agree that most Volt players would probably be a bit annoyed.  Since i dont use volt i eouldnt mind it, just find it funny as hell.

Edited by Ellysium
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A dude can walk all feminine if he wants too; if we get ridiculous feminine animations for all female frames I don't see why we don't get one for at least one male warframe too.

Thank-you for getting it :P

Volt's a guy and you forgot to mention Mag, Trinity, Ember and the new antimatter warframe.

No I didn't forget to mention them. I don't like it when every woman in a game is pointlessly sexualised. If there is a character where it fits fine, he or she can be as sexy as they want. It becomes an issue when everyone is sexified for nothing but fanservice.

The Tenno are Ninja/Soldiers and I assure you neither of those things go flouncing around the battlefield like models on a catwalk, no matter what sexist drivel has convinced you otherwise.

You want to play a game with overly-sexualised women and jiggly butts, Scarlet Blade is thatta-way --->

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Well, I can assure you that i actually dance across the battlefield like a beatiful (overweight) princess in my Rhino frame. But I still like and respect your point of view, as it is more compatible with the game setting than my take on things.

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I will say that a difference in stride animation may be in order, so long as it's not overdone. Some hip sway would be fine by me for the female 'frames (and maybe as suggested, for Volt as well, for the lulz). 


This game doesn't need jiggle physics either, unless it's for the flesh of the Infested. It'd be neat to watch the Grineer head on one of the chargers bob up and down randomly as it rushes you, then jiggle left and right like a bobble head when it slashes about. I would just taunt the little buggers to watch them. XD

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I've never quite understand boob jiggle physics anyway. It looks painful not sexy. Video game ladies need to switch to sports bras.

Let alone that these are people in Exosuits, so there's nothing particularly to jiggle. I mean, when's the last time you saw jiggling plate armor breasts?


I only support more "feminine" walking in the same fashion that was mentioned prior: Height tends to affect how someone's stride looks, and similarly how someone's foot structure is set out (Ex: Compare Rhino feet to Ash) will also modify how they move. Them making Ember and Nyx walk like Catwoman would be a thousand steps in the wrong direction IMO, and I say this as someone who uses them.

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