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Female Warframe Walk Animation Should Be More... Feminine.


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Nah, it seemed like a either or.  If they did both that would be 6 sets of animations as opposed to the 2-3 of the other options.  While it would be neat it simply is not time efficient to make 6 animations when you can do 2-3.

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A feminine walk is not nessescarily a sexy walk.  And, an attractive walk doesn't have to be overtly sexual, either.  Look at Scarlett Johanson in The Avengers.  Not really 'sexual', but it works.


Another thing, a woman holding a weapon is going to have to look similar to the males, because they are using a universally efficient way of holding the weapon.  Can't do too much there.  Nuance is going to have to be the difference; subtle variances in small motions.

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... you forgot to mention Mag, Trinity, Ember and the new antimatter warframe.

I think, Trinity is just right as she is now. A sexy walk (or idle animation) totally wouldn't work for her (other than Saryn).


I don't wanna go into battle with huge boobs that bounce around every step I take.

Just a small anecdote: Last year I let a friend persuade me to do crossplay. While I was in charakter, I did some sword-fencing and ... well, it didn't work. Those breasts were DD oder E, I don't know, and they got in the way all the time. Huge boobs and fighting IMHO just doesn't fit together.

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This thread doesn't seem to have been created with the purpose of "MAEK ALL MAH FEM FRAMES SEZY!!!111!Z!!" As has been pointed out, multiple times, males and females move differently because genetic differences in the way their bodies are made. I don't want to see huge jiggling mounds and a butt that sways ten inches off center with every stride, but differences between male and female movements SHOULD be in the game, to add a touch of realisim, and to just overall be a nice addition. I trust DE to not fall into the "Make everything as sexy as possible." trap that many games do, they know what they're doing.


Also, there's nothing wrong with calling it a feminine walk, because scientifically speaking, females DO walk differently, nothing sexist about it, it just IS. If you think that's sexist then you have a problem.


signed facts are facts, sorry.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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But boobs are great...

They are great, nobody is saying otherwise. But there is a time and a place for them and a battle field full of cyborgs and space-cancer-zombies is niether.


This thread doesn't seem to have been created with the purpose of "MAEK ALL MAH FEM FRAMES SEZY!!!111!Z!!"

Didn't read the OP did you?


There is a tiny little thing that I would like to point out that would make the game much better:

The walk cycle animations on the female warframes are too rigid, they are the same as the male warframes. If you've seen Batman Arkham City, you must have seen what makes Catwoman such an incredibly sexy character, is the walk / run cycle,( and all of the other attack / event animations) and not a big chest.

The OP gave Catwoman as his only example, arguable one of the most overly sexualized characters in comic books. If he had given Lara Craft (modern version) or Samas Aran (original version) as the examples we wouldn't be saying anything.


Also, there's nothing wrong with calling it a feminine walk, because scientifically speaking, females DO walk differently, nothing sexist about it, it just IS. If you think that's sexist then you have a problem.

signed facts are facts, sorry.

There is actually something wrong. Feminine ≠ Female. While it is true that women move slightly differently (because the pelvis is wider and the centre of gravity is lower) feminine behavior is a social gender construct not a hard coded genetic one. Swishy hips are not automatic.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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