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Teshins Order Samurai Storm Clan in Arbiters Rage Alliance 0% trade tax 99% research


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Teshins Order Samurai Storm clan is recruiting with 0% trade tax and 99% research done. We are a PvP,PvE clan that is in Arbiters Rage Alliance and looking for active vets and tenno.

We have a 10 day activitie kick before the 10 day contact your Shogan if you cant get on than we will put u at the lowest rank utill you make it back than we will you give your rank back

Clans Rank are 

The Shogun held almost absolute power over territories through military means.

The Imperial assassins of the Samurai, Orochi roam the battlefield like ghosts, terrorizing and slaughtering those unfortunate enough to cross their path.

elegant fighters, the Nobushi are the defenders of Samurai villages situated far out in the country

The Kensei are as close as one can be to the living incarnation of Bushidō, the Samurai "way of the warrior".

The ever-present protectors and guardians of the Samurai, Shugoki posses incredible strength and an unbreakable will.

Imperial Guard  
An organization which is dedicated to protection of the Emperor of Japan and his family, palaces and other imperial properties. 

An unofficial rank reserved for the youngest or most inexperienced samurai. Most apprentices are in their early youth to preteen levels.

Was a daimyō who was considered an outsider by the rulers of Samurai this rank is for inactive or punishment if you are place here for inactivity contact your Shogun or Orochi to get your rank back if your place here for violating clan rules you will have to earn your rank back even by PvE dojo battles or PvP Conclave.

       ((Seven Samurai Virtues))))
It is about making sure that we do not become indecisive and that our decisions are made and based on the right reasons.
Courage (yū) 
Benevolence or Mercy (jin) 
Respect (rei) 
Honesty (makoto) 
Honour (meiyo) 
Loyalty (chūgi)
Bravery (yuu)

Our Clan Moto

You can always die. It's living that takes real courage." - Himura Kenshin

For more info contact me on xbl LYCANPRiME

Edited by (XB1)LYCANPRiM3
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