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6 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"WHAT!?" Svytoj shouted over the line.
"Hiya, Tin-man... How are you and your Tenno side-kick doin'...? Well I take it...?" The man said over the line as he made his way to his ship.
Svytoj went silent.

"Listen... I don't know when Tarnas will wake up... I'm bleeding out... and the Infested tissue from Tarnas is out of containment... Things are looking pretty bad..." Clogori said

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56 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Listen... I don't know when Tarnas will wake up... I'm bleeding out... and the Infested tissue from Tarnas is out of containment... Things are looking pretty bad..." Clogori said

"Okay. This is the half way point between you and me. I know it sounds odd, but if I'm gonna help you, we need as much time as we can get. Lock down the ship, and move it to this location. I'll meet you there." Svytoj said.
"Oh... I forgot to mention something..." The intruder said over the comm.
After several seconds, All the arrow the man had left behind detonated, sending shrapnel everywhere.
"You should be fine... Rift and all that, but you should never leave your sh!t behind..."
Svytoj could hear the detonation over the line.

21 hours ago, souldrive11 said:


"Guys, I need to go! I'll be back as soon as I can." Svytoj said as he jumped into to his mantis and took off.

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49 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Okay. This is the half way point between you and me. I know it sounds odd, but if I'm gonna help you, we need as much time as we can get. Lock down the ship, and move it to this location. I'll meet you there." Svytoj said.
"Oh... I forgot to mention something..." The intruder said over the comm.
After several seconds, All the arrow the man had left behind detonated, sending shrapnel everywhere.
"You should be fine... Rift and all that, but you should never leave your sh!t behind..."
Svytoj could hear the detonation over the line.

"Guys, I need to go! I'll be back as soon as I can." Svytoj said as he jumped into to his mantis and took off.

Bleeding out, but still (barely able to move) Clogori entered the coordinates, activated the engines, and passed out as the ship took off. When the ship reached its destination, Clogori was out cold. The ship was unlocked, and Svytoj would be able to get inside.

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22 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Bleeding out, but still (barely able to move) Clogori entered the coordinates, activated the engines, and passed out as the ship took off. When the ship reached its destination, Clogori was out cold. The ship was unlocked, and Svytoj would be able to get inside.

Svytoj arrived just as Clogori did. He jumped from his vehicle and barged into Clogoris ship, Several medical kits in hand. 

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31 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj arrived just as Clogori did. He jumped from his vehicle and barged into Clogoris ship, Several medical kits in hand. 

The entire interior of the ship was already covered with the Infestation (Like, Resident Evil 7 amounts), and Tarnas and Clogori were both unconscious.

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37 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

The entire interior of the ship was already covered with the Infestation (Like, Resident Evil 7 amounts), and Tarnas and Clogori were both unconscious.

Svytoj quickly pushed Tarnas out of the way as he made his way Towards Clogori.
He promptly froze any spot of blood he saw, and began dragging the limbo Out of the ship.
As Clogori cleared the door, Svytoj locked it down. working to contain the infestation.
He quickly moved Clogori into his ship, quickly working to repair the damage done: quickly repairing the major blood-vessels in the limbo's abdomen and seal the wounds shut.
All the while, Svytoj's regenerative aura was working overtime to keep the bleeding at bay.

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Just now, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj quickly pushed Tarnas out of the way as he made his way Towards Clogori.
He promptly froze any spot of blood he saw, and began dragging the limbo Out of the ship.
As Clogori cleared the door, Svytoj locked it down. working to contain the infestation.
He quickly moved Clogori into his ship, quickly working to repair the damage done: quickly repairing the major blood-vessels in the limbo's abdomen and seal the wounds shut.
All the while, Svytoj's regenerative aura was working overtime to keep the bleeding at bay.

If Svytoj stopped moving for a few moments, he'd notice the Infestation slowly crawling up his leg. The strain currently in Clogori's ship was obviously extremely infectious. Clogori himself was definitely recovering, and the Infestation had almost completely covered Tarnas.

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Just now, Daakjenaar said:

If Svytoj stopped moving for a few moments, he'd notice the Infestation slowly crawling up his leg. The strain currently in Clogori's ship was obviously extremely infectious. Clogori himself was definitely recovering, and the Infestation had almost completely covered Tarnas.

Svytoj noticed by the time it had reached his knee. He quickly retrived a heat dagger and began slicing off the infected tissue, dark fluid pouring from the sites.
Ju͟s͞t ͝on̢e̡ ͡mo̧r̷e͢ ͟inf͘e̶c̴t̵io̵n҉ ́to̶ c̕ont͜e͞nd͢ w͏ith. He thought as his skin began to heal.
He quickly froze over the infested material, placing it in containment cylinder for disposal.
He returned to his work, Patching any wounds he could find, and providing blood transfusions.

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29 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj noticed by the time it had reached his knee. He quickly retrived a heat dagger and began slicing off the infected tissue, dark fluid pouring from the sites.
Ju͟s͞t ͝on̢e̡ ͡mo̧r̷e͢ ͟inf͘e̶c̴t̵io̵n҉ ́to̶ c̕ont͜e͞nd͢ w͏ith. He thought as his skin began to heal.
He quickly froze over the infested material, placing it in containment cylinder for disposal.
He returned to his work, Patching any wounds he could find, and providing blood transfusions.

Clogori started to wake up, clearly confused.

"Ugh... where am I..." Asked Clogori, dazed. Suddenly, he noticed the infested. "KILL IT WITH FIRE! ALL OF IT!" He shouted, panicking.

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12 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori started to wake up, clearly confused.

"Ugh... where am I..." Asked Clogori, dazed. Suddenly, he noticed the infested. "KILL IT WITH FIRE! ALL OF IT!" He shouted, panicking.

A column of fire erupted next to Clogori as Svytoj Fired an Ignis at the patches of infestation that had been dragged into his Mantis.
"Wish granted." He said as he release the trigger, the infestation been reduced to fine ash.
"Now..." Svytoj took out the heat dagger again, turning to Clogori. "Let's give you a once over: make sure nothing's starting to grow."

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Just now, EscortAlpha said:

A column of fire erupted next to Clogori as Svytoj Fired and Ignis at the patches of infestation that had been dragged into his Mantis.
"Wish granted." He said as he release the trigger, the infestation been reduced to fine ash.
"Now..." Svytoj took out the heat dagger again, turning to Clogori. "Let's give you a once over: make sure nothing's starting to grow."

Clogori immediately moved away from Svytoj, panicking.

(Also, when I said Resident Evil 7 levels of gross zombie stuff, I was serious.)




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2 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

Clogori immediately moved away from Svytoj, panicking.

(Also, when I said Resident Evil 7 levels of gross zombie stuff, I was serious.)

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((no kidding...))
Svytoj quickly Double checked to make sure there wasn't any infestation he had missed on himself: That would be embarrassing.

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1 hour ago, EscortAlpha said:

((no kidding...))
Svytoj quickly Double checked to make sure there wasn't any infestation he had missed on himself: That would be embarrassing.

There wasn't. Clogori, however, was still backing away from Svytoj. Tarnas, on the other hand, was still covered in the Infested, and unconscious.

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3 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

There wasn't. Clogori, however, was still backing away from Svytoj. Tarnas, on the other hand, was still covered in the Infested, and unconscious.

Svytoj look over at the other ship, He could see Tarnas's body though the open door. He closed the door to his Mantis, effectivly blocking Clogori and Svytoj from Tarnas and the infested ship. Svytoj continued his once over of Clogori, both in the relative safety of Svytoj's ship.
((I had been wondering if my syntax had been ambiguous a few posts back))

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11 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj look over at the other ship, He could see Tarnas's body though the open door. He closed the door to his Mantis, effectivly blocking Clogori and Svytoj from Tarnas and the infested ship. Svytoj continued his once over of Clogori, both in the relative safety of Svytoj's ship.
((I had been wondering if my syntax had been ambiguous a few posts back))

"W... what's going on? I'm confused... Where am I... Where's my ship?" Clogori asked, clearly confused from the blood loss.

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1 minute ago, Daakjenaar said:

"W... what's going on? I'm confused... Where am I... Where's my ship?" Clogori asked, clearly confused from the blood loss.

"Your ship is just outside." Svytoj said as he pointed with the heat dagger. "But trust me, It's a horror show. Most likely the last place you wanna be right now." He said as he turned back to Clogori, Checking the IV's of saline and Blood. "It's best if you lie down for the moment: let the IV's do their work."

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13 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Your ship is just outside." Svytoj said as he pointed with the heat dagger. "But trust me, It's a horror show. Most likely the last place you wanna be right now." He said as he turned back to Clogori, Checking the IV's of saline and Blood. "It's best if you lie down for the moment: let the IV's do their work."

"What happened... I remember disabling the nullifier emitter... and then I woke up..."Clogori was clearly very confused.

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2 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"What happened... I remember disabling the nullifier emitter... and then I woke up..."Clogori was clearly very confused.

"You called me." Svytoj said as he continued to look for traces of infested flesh on Clogori. "You said that the guy from the bar came in and tore the place up." he looked Clogori dead in the eyes.
"You also said he disguised himself as me."

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11 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"You called me." Svytoj said as he continued to look for traces of infested flesh on Clogori. "You said that the guy from the bar came in and tore the place up." he looked Clogori dead in the eyes.
"You also said he disguised himself as me."

"It... was strange... he looked and sounded just like you...I'm confused... What happened to the tissue samples...?"

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4 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"It... was strange... he looked and sounded just like you...I'm confused... What happened to the tissue samples...?"

"Don't know what happened to the sample. But from the look of your ship........well it looks like your ship just turned into a petri dish."
Svytoj gave deep breath out.
"Sounded like me? Doesn't surprise me. all he'd have to do is raise the pitch of his voice considering..." Svytoj trailed off. he continued looking for infested tissue. so far, nothing.

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22 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"Don't know what happened to the sample. But from the look of your ship........well it looks like your ship just turned into a petri dish."
Svytoj gave deep breath out.
"Sounded like me? Doesn't surprise me. all he'd have to do is raise the pitch of his voice considering..." Svytoj trailed off. he continued looking for infested tissue. so far, nothing.

"Is... is Tarnas still in there...?" Clogori asked "I still think we should study his strain of the Infested... I've never heard of it spreading that fast..."

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6 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Is... is Tarnas still in there...?" Clogori asked "I still think we should study his strain of the Infested... I've never heard of it spreading that fast..."

"if he is, the he may not even be Tarnas anymore." Svytoj said as he walked over and looked out one of the port-holes.
"I think I see him.. not entirely sure..."
he went back to Clogori. "Either way, containment should be our next move." he said as he picked up his ignis.

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2 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"if he is, the he may not even be Tarnas anymore." Svytoj said as he walked over and looked out one of the port-holes.
"I think I see him.. not entirely sure..."
he went back to Clogori. "Either way, containment should be our next move." he said as he picked up his ignis.

"Hey... do you have anything flammable for my Kronen? I normally leave them on my ship, but..." Asked Clogori.

(I assume fire melee damage in the game is literally setting a sword on fire)

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13 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

"Hey... do you have anything flammable for my Kronen? I normally leave them on my ship, but..." Asked Clogori.

(I assume fire melee damage in the game is literally setting a sword on fire)

"Just grab a few mods from storage; I've got plenty." Svytoj said as he inspected his ignis.
"Fire and corrosives should do the trick. worked on what got dragged in here..." He muttered to himself.

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Just now, EscortAlpha said:

"Just grab a few mods from storage; I've got plenty." Svytoj said as he inspected his ignis.
"Fire and corrosives should do the trick. worked on what got dragged in here..." He muttered to himself.

Clogori was back a moment later, both of his Kronen on fire.

"I guess I'm ready. If you see Tarnas, leave him unless he's a direct threat." Clogori said.

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