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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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This is my submission for this contest, I made a bow that can be split in half to be used as dual swords.. i know that it says you need to put a design in that there is already a stance for, so i will submit and let DE pick what stance or part of the design they want to use for it whether it be bow, dual swords, or single sword.


This Infested weapon reinforced with tendons and flesh, had been extracted from a bone growth so dense the edges act like steel.


I couldn't get the image to work from URL so i had to place link... sad that none of the 13 links would work... even in BB code

I had a corpus hammer design lying around somewhere...
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This is a weapon made for the Tenno 

made like the mios/Lacera using Defiled Snapdragon 

dose primarily slash damage with okay puncture but hardly any impact

high status chance and attack speed but low critical chance and average crit multiplier

if by chance this weapon made it's way in to the game im sure the devs will add there own stats.

well this is my submission    

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Hi! this is what i got:


I don't know what to say, it's an ancient greek weapon from earth, the Tenno kept it. Moves like the Reaper Prime 

Faction: Tenno

Mastery Rank    =  8
Weapon type     = Scythe

Attack Speed    =  1.15

Impact          =  9.23
puncture        =  9.23
Slash           = 63.33

Crit Chance     = 10.00%
Crit Multiplier =  2.0x
Status Chance   = 30.00%


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    Tell me what you think :)))))



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On March 3, 2017 at 1:00 PM, [DE]Megan said:


The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!

The best defense is a good offense! We’ve asked for your Melee weapon designs in the past, and we loved them, so we’re asking for more! It’s time to design a Melee weapon that you would be proud to carry into battle.

How to enter:
In this thread, submit original concept art and criteria for a Melee weapon (using an existing Warframe grip type) that you would like to see in Warframe!

Your submission must include:
Faction: Clearly label which faction this weapon belongs to
Brief Description: Include a grip-type and description of your weapon (max 100 words)
Original Artwork: Maximum 2 images
Need an example?
Silva & Aegis Original Concept Art:

Silva & Aegis in Warframe:


●    One submission per player
●    Artwork must be original and not taken from other sources
●    The weapon must use an existing grip. Melee weapon types that are not already in Warframe are not allowed
●    Do not reserve spots in this thread
●    Only post submissions in this thread
●    Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified
●    All submissions become property of Digital Extremes
Selecting the Winning Design:

Call for submissions will be closed on March 30, 2017 at 1:00 pm ET.

Lucas Hug, Senior Artist at Digital Extremes, will choose a batch of favourite submissions. You can see some of Lucas Hug’s work on Warframe weapons here: http://www.lucashug.com/warframe-02
The Design Council will then determine the winning Melee weapons by submissions selected by Lucas Hug. Design Council voting will begin on March 31, 2017 at 1:00pm ET and run for one week.

The winning designs will be interpreted by our artists who will make tweaks as needed to ensure that the overall design remains true to the Warframe style.

The completed melee weapon will then be put into Warframe!

Good luck, Tenno!

So there will be only one winner?

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Faction: Tenno
Type: Rapier

name: Ahgucy

Brief Description: It has a hilt that is thin and is the only part that is seen when the blade is not active,when drawn it's guard and blade appears.

the blade is made of energy with a thin blade in the center.

the guard is made of four beams of energy that link to form a digital field, making a dome around the hand.


Edited by (XB1)Vel Omni
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10 hours ago, Rave_Ninja said:

Name: Gengetsu
Faction: Tenno

  • A war fan that follows a design principle similar to the ether weapons (ether sword, ether dagger, etc.) that can be handled and thrown like a glaive-type weapon, for melee attacks it's opened semi-circularly and when thrown its fully extended to form a full disk. Slam attack ragdolls enemies with radiactive-proc chance. Exploding it mid-flight through channelling also has radioactive-proc chance.
  • Unlike other glaives this weapon should count with a faster flight and attack speeds, at the expense of base damage.
  • When no stance is equipped, idle animation shows the player's warframe waving the fan towards themselves as with a normal fan.
  • Dancing petal stance mod allows fast and even-paced strikes, for added efectiveness of combat the player must find and follow the stance's hidden rythm.



i need it D: 


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I wondered wich weapon i could do, i looked around in warframe and saw my beauty beauty reaper prime <3, so i thought, why theres no original Reaper, i tried to do something with the Reaper prime and came to this one here(drawing skills are not the best ones and its pretty much filled with text) :


Edited by XDmongoXD2
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Faction: Tenno

Grip: Pole arm

Description: Magical Tenno staff that grant control over the elements. The staff will swing like a regular pole arm but, (similar to the gunblades) when using a power attack the staff will launch a projectile (short-range wave, orb that explodes on contact, cloud that travels a set distance, it is open to suggestions) of energy. The staff may require a new stance mod to incorporate the projectile into combos. (Wizard hat not included.)

Special: Similar to Chroma's passive ability, the color of energy of the staff gives it a base elemental damage that can be upgraded or altered by mods.

Sorry for the horrible artwork.

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Please make a sword or a pole arm based on Space mom! I'm thinking some type of gazal design but for nikanas it's special ability being either when there is a transmission it has a damage boost or you could use up all your energy to summon a Natah specter for like 10 seconds. 

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ok this game has so many types of weapons and so many "laser weapons" but no cool laser dragon whip? D: this must be fixed!

Faction:  Corpus (Lasers!!)

Brief Description:   This weapon is born from the corpus attempt to revive some sort of ancient technology,
while half transparent when holstered, the glowy dragon head does not ever cease to shine, its penetrating eye lighting up occasionally, as if in attempt to gain control of of the rest of its missing body (transferring energy through the weapon seems to enhance this activity)

Grip - a regular cone shaped corpus piece of metal, not fully connected together as the magnetic field of the whip seems to reject it.
at the tip of the whip dangles an unused cyan Ayatan star that through some process became attached to the weapon and cannot be separated anymore.




for the handle this thing (cut in half) should do:


(yes that's a loot crate, but it exists in game! hope this is enough for rule No. 3, honestly any piece of round metal will do for this, I'll just say that corpus are so stingy they went into recycling all those tenno broken crates! XD)

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Whee, finally figured out why i couldnt post.

Here is a little something I and my girlfriend were discussing. Normally i would model some of this in a program but lately my time consists mostly of Warframe and keeping a tidy home. For Great Heat Sword imagine the machete given some steroids to be larger and act as a heavy blade. 


Great Heat Sword (name subject to change)

Stance mod: Tempo Royal

Faction: Grineer

Mastery Rank: 2
Physical Damage: 115
Critical Chance: 15.0%
Critical Multiplier: 2.0x
Status Chance: 20%

Slam Attack: 215.0
Radius: 6 meters around Tenno
Element: 40
Slide Attack: 230

Elemenral Aoe chance: 50% on slam
Elemental AoE procs on slam. Having a effect similar, but smaller, to the flame wall an Eximus Arsonist has.


Description: The Great Heatsword is a Grineer heavy blade that mimics the Heat Swords of the Tenno. Providing steady slash damage, and low impact and puncture but has a heat effect to deal heat damage. The blade is wielded by only the most capable of Grineer, or any Tenno fortunate enough to procure one.

Drawn to be a middle ground of both Galatine and Gram. The lack of nice big heavy swords just aches to have its population increased. The Great Heat Sword is of Grineer design, possessing the heated edge of the Grineer Machete and Dual Cleavers, but is a heavy blade with length falling between both Gram and Galatine.


It would utilize vazarin stance polarity, with a madurai polarity mods slot to match damaging and speed mods.



here is a sloppily done attempt at modeling this out. Hope you guys enjoy it haha.



Edited by (XB1)TheFireHyena
Description get!
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electricity released during transformation so the player doeant get staggered/injured and have to do it again)


It is switchable like the dark-split sword but its a pole-arm and a dagger



Edited by (PS4)ultimo244
final edit all done with design and such
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ljMhcgn.jpgThis is for the axe on the side, not the greatsword on the left. (Yay old weapon concepts).

Faction: Grineer/Kuva

Brief Description: Old tales of Dragons from earth's past have inspired this weapon's design. Two draconic skulls(clearly not real) interlock with the other, their fangs gripping upon serrated crescent shaped blades. The shaft's tip makes for a makeshift stabbing point, akin to a spear. The serrated blades are meant to tear into flesh, causing heavy bleeding, an otherwise sadistic take on your typical two handed axe. When charged, it deals innate fire damage, the two skulls generating flame from their mouths. Its size is well over six feet long, the axe head is about the size of the Scindo, if not slightly larger.

Grip type: Two handed axe.

Name: Shukul


Edited by Reokudo
Added extra stuff.
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