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Ability Power Consumption


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When I cast any  abilities(only warframe I have is loki) the power consumption indicator that flashes when you use an ability is wrong. The indicated number is twice that of which the ability costs.


Say I use Decoy, it costs 25 power right? 25 power is reducted from my Warframe's power pool. But on screen it displayed 50 POWER. It should be be displaying 25 POWER. I asked another guy who was also a Loki and he said his Decoy showed 25 POWER when he casts it, I also went on youtube and their video showed it saying 25 POWER when they casted their decoy, while it says 50 on mine. It's not just decoy, all of my abilities displays X POWER, with X being TWICE the amount that the ability actually costs. This might not be a bug but a perfectly reasonable thing, but I don't know why it is so if it isn't a bug could anyone please explain it to me?

Edited by takaminaru
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