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Changes I Think Should Happen


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so my ideas here all revolve around how they tied the leveling system with the inventory space limit. i know you can level and sell everything but who really wants to delete the progress they have made.



everyone hates the inventory limit. you need to either get rid of it completely or add a way to get them in game for credits or as a blueprint or something(been discussed before i know). its almost $50 in platinum to get the space you need to keep everything that's currently available(trust me many people like to do this). in a game that is always adding new items i don't think the pricing model is very fair. if you think the game wont make enough money without monetizing inventory space then i suggest a flat $20-$30(pricing suggestions welcome) fee for enough inventory to have 1 of everything and add a space every time you add a new weapon. i feel many more people would buy this since it would actually be a good investment.



since mastery is upped by leveling new items any item that can be used to level should be available to all players in game without paying(looking at you founders package primes). to that end i think items that are just reworks of items already available (which would be all primes and vandals) should be changed to only give mastery if you haven't already leveled one of the other versions of the item(who really enjoys leveling frost and frost prime).



if you don't want to rework the inventory and mastery system to be more fair to those who either cant drop $250 on a game,  who miss an event weapon, or like to keep their gear then i really feel it should be changed to go up based on total xp earned so that players can unlock the higher tier stuff from dojo's and any other high mastery stuff you add later.


#4 i feel forcing people into clans is a horrible move( to all that are going to say they don't force you into clans look at some of those dojo weapons between them being superior choices and needing to max them to get mastery up they are. who really wants to play a gimped character just because they don't all want to deal with clan BS). please come up with a better way to unlock these weapons and for the love of god don't make trading clan bound if you finally implement it. it would really screw the small clans and solo players are #&^$ed.



change max rank of frames and weapons to 60(making it take 2-3x or even mor to level to max). then change catalysts and reactors to give double xp instead of doubling mod slots. this way they wouldn't be required at high level play but would sure as heck make your life easier.


edited because my copy and paste skills seem to be lacking

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They have mentioned during the livestreams a couple of times now that they are looking into putting rewards into master ranks, and somehow getting freeplayers some slots.


It is a well known gripe amongst freeplayers, and they're looking for a solution rest assured.


EDIT: And dude, the most I've dropped into this game is like 40$ over six months. Almost all of that went to slots.


And for #3, the clantech part: Join the Lone Rangers, they're a clan created solely with the intent of soloers who don't want to be inducted to a cult assimilated by The Borg Collective integrated into the Hive join large clans just because. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/67776-the-lone-rangers-soloers-clan-700-members-completed-dojo-clan-recruitment-thread-20-recruitment-re-begun/?hl=%20lone%20%20ranger

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I can't see them changing your #1, since it's money based and gaming companies are greedy as F*** when it comes to money.  Would be nice though, if they would start to realize that the reason people play a FREE TO PLAY game is so that they don't have to drop any money on the game.  


For getting better weapons from clan dojo, might not be the easiest and funnest way, but you could create your own clan and not invite anyone.  I think that would still work right?  I hear you though, clan drama shouldn't even be a thing but it is.

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Let's be faithful to the truth, not everyone hates the inventory limit (some will defend it in a "fiery" manner), and you don't have to jump 250 dollars to get every slot you need; my calculations say 50 dollars are just enough for now.

Nobody is forcing you into a clan, you can create your own (solo Warlord here); granted, current construction costs are ridiculous for one-person clans, but they are supposed to get fixed in Update 9. And if by "Clan BS" you mean construction itself, think of it as just a different way of grinding for the weapons.

You don't really need the Founders Primes to get to the rank where you're able to use every weapon and frame; max rank right now is 11 and the max you need is 7. Above that, mastery ranks are useless beyond bragging rights.


That is not to say you don't raise some good points here, but most of what you say has already been suggested before. A lot of people are not OK with the limited slots, and while it's obviously not a problem for me, it makes me uneasy as well. Still, I don't think they will put in a reduced fee for unlimited slots only, that wouldn't make much sense from their side, since having to buy more slots is a way to pay for the continued work involved in the creation of new weapons.

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I can't see them changing your #1, since it's money based and gaming companies are greedy as F*** when it comes to money.  Would be nice though, if they would start to realize that the reason people play a FREE TO PLAY game is so that they don't have to drop any money on the game.  


For getting better weapons from clan dojo, might not be the easiest and funnest way, but you could create your own clan and not invite anyone.  I think that would still work right?  I hear you though, clan drama shouldn't even be a thing but it is.


Did you know that Warframe doesn't have a 'publisher' shoving it money to keep making things, and is mostly player funded?

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1) Please explain why you must be able to keep ALL the weapons on you at all times? Its a matter of convenience since you can only use 1 rifle, 1 sidearm and 1 melee at once.


2) I'm seeing this as "waaaaa! I dont want to do as much work as the guy that farmed T3 Defense all day and got enough keys to get his primes! Make them give him no mastery exp!!"


3) Frame slots are 20 plat, two weapon slots are 12 plat. I have no idea who is lying to you about needing to pay $250 just to unlock enough slots, but you should slap him/her.


4) DE is already looking into the proposal of having mastery granting additional slots.


5) If you've played enough hours on this game that you've in dire need of slots, ever consider showing your support and sending DE some money?




Changes I think should happen:


1) People learn to use the search function and to look up existing/dead/locked threads about slots.


2) Just remotely consider how DE is suppose to feed their employees.

Edited by CloudPies
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People play free to play games to have something fun to do for cheap. The problem is there is no such thing as free to publish and create games. If you enjoy something that is a no cost service with an optino to purchase convinince items such as slots. If you are too cheap/broke to pay for something, enjoy what you can get thats free. You are not entitled to anything here.



We are all lucky that such a wonderful game can be played for little to no real cost.


Stop being cheap.

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1) Please explain why you must be able to keep ALL the weapons on you at all times? Its a matter of convenience since you can only use 1 rifle, 1 sidearm and 1 melee at once.


2) I'm seeing this as "waaaaa! I dont want to do as much work as the guy that farmed T3 Defense all day and got enough keys to get his primes! Make them give him no mastery exp!!"


3) Frame slots are 20 plat, two weapon slots are 12 plat. I have no idea who is lying to you about needing to pay $250 just to unlock enough slots, but you should slap him/her.


4) DE is already looking into the proposal of having mastery granting additional slots.


5) If you've played enough hours on this game that you've in dire need of slots, ever consider showing your support and sending DE some money?




Changes I think should happen:


1) People learn to use the search function and to look up existing/dead/locked threads about slots.


2) Just remotely consider how DE is suppose to feed their employees.


1) I don't know if you would ever use ALL of the weapons, but the starting slots are not enough to hold all the weapons I like to use, that's for sure. It's a barrier to the full enjoyment of the game.


2) I believe his idea was mostly geared towards the weapons that not everyone is able to have, like Founder's Primes and Vandals.


5) Maybe OP can't for some reason or another? He/she wouldn't be the first nor the only one.


7) See 5, and also, there are a lot more uses for platinum than slots (you can buy a lot of gear, and also cosmetics), and there are some people that just happen to like to pay developers for the quality of their games, like I do.

EDIT: At the risk of being called all sorts of epithets, I looked at a random mission, it has 19 Solar Landmarks. If that's the average per planet, at 207 total missions and 250 dollars per GM, that is over 980.000 dollars from the GM program alone. I can't really know, but I get the feeling DE doesn't really have trouble "feeding" their employees.

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I would have to say that WF is the only F2p I've truly felt spending a dime on was 110% not required what so ever. But, I've invested money into it - because I support the game and want to see it built on. Period. There is nothing in this game you -have- to spend money on, aside from cosmetics - weapon and WF slots.


Everything appears on a rather 'common' quantity and frankly the inventory slots and warframe slots I personally would say keep them right where they are at. I sometimes have to delete some weapons I've leveled too, and had to throw out a warframe as I invested into color packs over slots aside from my first 50 plat I started with - I haven't even paid for more slots - but certainly will in the future : so yes honestly if it bugs me to much I'd throw a few bucks and add more slots, because they have more than earned it and it does just enough to warrant the price - without it I literally don't think at this time I'd buy another plat outside of simply being supportive to the dev team.


At some point - I'd say after you've invested 20 hours into a game and enjoyed it - you should support it and not need any more incentive than you enjoyed the game and in this case want these few extra slots here and there that make your experience more open to diversity (which, is all slots do. Making it so you have a wider selection to choose from on a whim, the limit to your slots do not hinder your progress in Ranks unless you absolutely cannot bare to get rid of one of your older guns in which case, that's on you.)


They already give you plenty of room to fiddle around with, and offer every weapon and item in the game that isn't cosmetic in one way or another and often. I personally cannot gripe, and would rather they kept things as they are and keep adding more and more and more! That's my view on it at least.

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5) Maybe OP can't for some reason or another? He/she wouldn't be the first nor the only one.


It is ok if he can't. Perhaps he should realize that as a barrier that is acceptable. If you can, do, if you can't do not complain about it not being free.

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Let's be faithful to the truth, not everyone hates the inventory limit (some will defend it in a "fiery" manner), and you don't have to jump 250 dollars to get every slot you need; my calculations say 50 dollars are just enough for now.

Nobody is forcing you into a clan, you can create your own (solo Warlord here); granted, current construction costs are ridiculous for one-person clans, but they are supposed to get fixed in Update 9. And if by "Clan BS" you mean construction itself, think of it as just a different way of grinding for the weapons.

You don't really need the Founders Primes to get to the rank where you're able to use every weapon and frame; max rank right now is 11 and the max you need is 7. Above that, mastery ranks are useless beyond bragging rights.


That is not to say you don't raise some good points here, but most of what you say has already been suggested before. A lot of people are not OK with the limited slots, and while it's obviously not a problem for me, it makes me uneasy as well. Still, I don't think they will put in a reduced fee for unlimited slots only, that wouldn't make much sense from their side, since having to buy more slots is a way to pay for the continued work involved in the creation of new weapons.

 i say $250 because thats the only way to get those primes. you have to get the highest founders pack in order to get ALL the mastery you can and while you dont NEED the mastery they provide it is still something a non paying player could never get

Edited by dragonslayer667
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 i say $250 because thats the only way to get those primes. you have to get the highest founders pack in order to get ALL the mastery you can and while you dont NEED the mastery they provide it is still something a non paying player could never get




Just... .....




So don't get 'all the mastery in the WF universe' .. you'll live, it has 0 effect on you gaming experience, 0, Ex - Prime is no more than a cosmetic change, and a small nudge on your Mastery bar that will -still- get to max rank even without it. 

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For 250 dollars he can have something that I can't. they even went so far as to make it a mostly cosmetic deal. The prime weapon/frame is not even the best possible wepon/frame. I think that is about as fair as fair can be while still being worth it to a few players.

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1) Please explain why you must be able to keep ALL the weapons on you at all times? Its a matter of convenience since you can only use 1 rifle, 1 sidearm and 1 melee at once.


2) I'm seeing this as "waaaaa! I dont want to do as much work as the guy that farmed T3 Defense all day and got enough keys to get his primes! Make them give him no mastery exp!!"


3) Frame slots are 20 plat, two weapon slots are 12 plat. I have no idea who is lying to you about needing to pay $250 just to unlock enough slots, but you should slap him/her.


4) DE is already looking into the proposal of having mastery granting additional slots.


5) If you've played enough hours on this game that you've in dire need of slots, ever consider showing your support and sending DE some money?




Changes I think should happen:


1) People learn to use the search function and to look up existing/dead/locked threads about slots.


2) Just remotely consider how DE is suppose to feed their employees.

seriously im not griping about how long it takes to get frost prime but why should we need to level bothand honestly shouldnt the fact that it is buffed compared to the basic be reason enough to get it not just so your mastery can go higher.

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People play free to play games to have something fun to do for cheap. The problem is there is no such thing as free to publish and create games. If you enjoy something that is a no cost service with an optino to purchase convinince items such as slots. If you are too cheap/broke to pay for something, enjoy what you can get thats free. You are not entitled to anything here.



We are all lucky that such a wonderful game can be played for little to no real cost.


Stop being cheap.

lol not saying im entitled to anything hell i even suggested what they just make inventory a flat cost you may call that cheap i just call it better pricing. i really feel so many more people would pay for inventory in this game if they changed it that they would make more money than they are now.

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1) I don't know if you would ever use ALL of the weapons, but the starting slots are not enough to hold all the weapons I like to use, that's for sure. It's a barrier to the full enjoyment of the game.


2) I believe his idea was mostly geared towards the weapons that not everyone is able to have, like Founder's Primes and Vandals.


5) Maybe OP can't for some reason or another? He/she wouldn't be the first nor the only one.


7) See 5, and also, there are a lot more uses for platinum than slots (you can buy a lot of gear, and also cosmetics), and there are some people that just happen to like to pay developers for the quality of their games, like I do.


1) Not being able to carry around 50 weapons is a barrier to the full enjoyment of the game? Buy the convenient ability to negate tonnes of weight! For the low low price of 20 plat each weapon!


2) Because they're DE's way of THANKING people. For being in the Closed Beta. For Donating money. In no way is his gameplay made horrible by not having those in his possession. This purely entitlement issues.


5) Please refer to my #4


7) Like i stated before, slots are convenience items. They don't block your way of playing any aspect of the game. Your emotional attachment to a bunch of 1's and 0's is your own barrier there.



 i say $250 because thats the only way to get those primes. you have to get the highest founders pack in order to get ALL the mastery you can and while you dont NEED the mastery they provide it is still something a non paying player could never get

I hope to whatever deity you believe in, that you're kidding.


Only mastery upto rank 7 right now has any effect on the game. Getting and mastery all weapons gets you past rank 11.



seriously im not griping about how long it takes to get frost prime but why should we need to level bothand honestly shouldnt the fact that it is buffed compared to the basic be reason enough to get it not just so your mastery can go higher.

How is it buffed? Please, tell me a situation where a frost prime can out play a frost.

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does it having mastery attached to it devalue something? You do not want it, you do not get it. What dog do you have in this hunt? Other than your sense that it is redundant, what does it cause a negative outcome for?

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Just... .....




So don't get 'all the mastery in the WF universe' .. you'll live, it has 0 effect on you gaming experience, 0, Ex - Prime is no more than a cosmetic change, and a small nudge on your Mastery bar that will -still- get to max rank even without it. 

so when they add more items and for some reason decide that it should require as much mastery as you can get including all those primes and vandals they have realeased into the game at this point in the future you really think that would be fair to someon who could never get those items? not saying it will happen but it could

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1) Not being able to carry around 50 weapons is a barrier to the full enjoyment of the game? Buy the convenient ability to negate tonnes of weight! For the low low price of 20 plat each weapon!


2) Because they're DE's way of THANKING people. For being in the Closed Beta. For Donating money. In no way is his gameplay made horrible by not having those in his possession. This purely entitlement issues.


5) Please refer to my #4


7) Like i stated before, slots are convenience items. They don't block your way of playing any aspect of the game. Your emotional attachment to a bunch of 1's and 0's is your own barrier there.



I hope to whatever deity you believe in, that you're kidding.


Only mastery upto rank 7 right now has any effect on the game. Getting and mastery all weapons gets you past rank 11.



How is it buffed? Please, tell me a situation where a frost prime can out play a frost.

a polarity slot might be a crap buff but a buff it is

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so when they add more items and for some reason decide that it should require as much mastery as you can get including all those primes and vandals they have realeased into the game at this point in the future you really think that would be fair to someon who could never get those items? not saying it will happen but it could


So its more fair to go: "Oh you gave me money! Awesome! You get jack-S#&$-nothing."

"Thanks for stick with us all these years! There you go! Poop!"



a polarity slot might be a crap buff but a buff it is


1) Ever heard of this magical thing called a forma?

2) Not everyone wants a D slot. Its actually a hindrance to some. :)

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so when they add more items and for some reason decide that it should require as much mastery as you can get including all those primes and vandals they have realeased into the game at this point in the future you really think that would be fair to someon who could never get those items? not saying it will happen but it could


To be perfectly clear, you can -max- your Mastery ranking, excluding any primes, excluding the founder set, excluding the Vandal sets - entirely and always will .. and if at some point down the road that changes, we can pipe up about it then. Till then, it's perfectly balanced.


a polarity slot might be a crap buff but a buff it is


Primes are not buffed, don't even use FP anymore and frankly am thinking (quite seriously on it infact) deleting FP and going to level Frost because frankly he looks better after I get ahold of a extra forma's & a extra reactor, but that's after I finish with a number of other side projects I have going on - not to mention FP is obtainable IG .. that's how I got him, along with every single other item I have aside from color packs - and that is to say I have EVERY single blueprint in the game, every - single - one.. the whole marketplace, all of them.


Forma's you can get ahold of for free, and add a polarity slot yourself. My ash has 4, FP has 2, Volt 2, Dread 2, Despair 2, Glaive 2, Kunai 2, Paris 2 and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few others. (2 Additional polarities created by Formas, not including their default ones.)

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dragonslayer667, on 12 Jul 2013 - 12:26 PM, said:

so when they add more items and for some reason decide that it should require as much mastery as you can get including all those primes and vandals they have realeased into the game at this point in the future you really think that would be fair to someon who could never get those items? not saying it will happen but it could

Most weapons in the game won't require mastery rank past 4, if I recall correctly. HEK being the only weapon in the shop that does require Rank 4.

Clantech weapons were designed for people who have played MONTHS of the game, which would come with the expected mastery ranks obtained by playing game for said months to get the resource to even ACCESS the researching system, much less to unlock and craft it, not for it to be obtainable in two weeks of launch (which happened anyways because of megaclans).

And they add weapons almost weekly, just imagine the list of weapons you can use to get mastery by the time they DO need to add "Mastery Rank 11 required" weapons. I'm pretty damn sure it won't be anywhere near now though, as the average longtime non-hardcore players have only reached Mastery Rank 7, at max. A Rank11 required weapon would alienate 99% of the population, and 1% playerbase to test any weapon isn't good enough to generate feedback at all.

EDIT: Long story short: OP just forget about all the "what if"s and just play with whatever you have right now. Worrying too much about the future would cause you to lose sight of the beauty in the present.

Edited by Shion963
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