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Aura System Discussion 9.1.4 Thread Merger


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Just stop..


you are the 1% that doesn't like it..

It won't change because of this post.


It's way more than 1%. The only reason it isn't half is because there are more greedy children than intelligent adults.


Counter-intuitive and toxic systems are only beneficial in the short term. But this system will quickly lead to stagnation and I surmise that this system was only enacted as a patchwork fix from the equally broken(and more anger inducing) previous incarnation...basically just done to quell the masses while they work on the actual rework.

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It's way more than 1%. The only reason it isn't half is because there are more greedy children than intelligent adults.


Counter-intuitive and toxic systems are only beneficial in the short term. But this system will quickly lead to stagnation and I surmise that this system was only enacted as a patchwork fix from the equally broken(and more anger inducing) previous incarnation...basically just done to quell the masses while they work on the actual rework.

waay more than 1%? LOL maybe 2% tops, there that's double the number for double the BS.


Stagnation? The min-maxers complained the game was too easy for them still even after update 9. More mod capacity wont suddenly change the fact that if you have max rank mods you can still burn through everything. And I guarantee you those guys are the MINORITY as 75% of this game's population dont even look at the forums as they are casuals.


Have you ever stop and thought...dual bonus mods were the way of the future? Focus and Flow combined with max mod capacity taking 20 unless polarity is matched? Or Maybe its an ease for those who in the interim cannot acquire reactors/forma, aka the new crop of players that Warframe is getting?


It is ok to focus on difficulty and the way in which the game develops into a real game of replay value that considers challenge as one of its cornerstones but you simply cannot, cater for the minority of hardcore games because they alone cannot sustain a game of this size, it simply wont work. That being said, adding mod capacity currently means nothing to people who have formaed their entire frame or the majority of it and can fit their mods comfortably while maxed, they have nothing else to add so there is no more power to gain. It is the same position as they were in Pre-Update 9. That is it.


In any event, they can easily tweak the bonus as they see fit.

Edited by MrHeartless
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waay more than 1%? LOL maybe 2% tops, there that's double the number for double the BS.


Stagnation? The min-maxers complained the game was too easy for them still even after update 9. More mod capacity wont suddenly change the fact that if you have max rank mods you can still burn through everything. And I guarantee you those guys are the MINORITY as 75% of this game's population dont even look at the forums as they are casuals.


Have you ever stop and thought...dual bonus mods were the way of the future? Focus and Flow combined with max mod capacity taking 20 unless polarity is matched? Or Maybe its an ease for those who in the interim cannot acquire reactors/forma, aka the new crop of players that Warframe is getting?


It is ok to focus on difficulty and the way in which the game develops into a real game of replay value that considers challenge as one of its cornerstones but you simply cannot, cater for the minority of hardcore games because they alone cannot sustain a game of this size, it simply wont work. That being said, adding mod capacity currently means nothing to people who have formaed their entire frame or the majority of it and can fit their mods comfortably while maxed, they have nothing else to add so there is no more power to gain. It is the same position as they were in Pre-Update 9. That is it.


In any event, they can easily tweak the bonus as they see fit.


It's easily 30-40%. But as you said, most don't frequent the forums so won't be talking.


GETTING capacity for leveling up a skill is counter-intuitive. Which is VERY BAD for casual players(the ones you mistakenly think you're speaking for).


GOALS are a prime proponent of this game. But as it stands, you can max(yes, MAX) a frame with 11 full mods without a single forma. That takes away a major goal of the game. A major thing to work for. People already leave this game constantly due to lack of content because there's so few goals to push towards. This is going to exacerbate this problem greatly.



Ignoring the fact that dual mods wouldn't matter(as they cap at lower levels, so end up with similar/same max capacity), that is again the future. A future where DE themselves already conceded levels are likely to be higher. Meaning you'll have even more excess capacity to work with.


But you're right, this change doesn't affect me. So why would I be so adamantly against it? Hmmm. Could it be that I'm a sadist and a misanthrope who wants to make everyone else miserable? If you believe that, then nothing I say will sway your very warped and very dilusional view. Or, perhaps the more likely reason is because I KNOW it's going to hurt the game to the casual audience, which means less money for the devs, which means less support, which means a dying game.

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people you are funny. i mean seriously think just a little bit about this situation.


If polarity match - you have like 14 points boost, which is 3,5 max forma upgrades for your warframe. And what if it isn't? Like Frost and his "D" polarity when he needs "-" because he is a caster class and siphon is a must, because in some situations you just can't leave and pick that orb over there. So you have to change Aura slot polarity from "D" to "-" and pay 20 plat for this(or use forma if you have one).


With old Aura system there were a lot of crying all over the forum, like damn it is so so bad. I can play this game without auras anyway. So i won't pay my(i hope) money to forma my frame.

With new Aura System it is really rewarding to change polarity in Aura slot and spent 20 plat or forma. You still win - you get two more formas (points wise) as a gift.


Now look from DE side for them it is better that you buy at least one forma, rather than you don't buy it at all.


This is the only logical explanation i can give for new Aura system. I just hope that DE did that on purpose, because otherwise... it is simply stupid.

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Have you guys ever considered that more auras might come out soon?


Like maybe Ability Amp, Energy Scavenger, Hardened Shields, Team Speed or else.


There is a possibility that the polarities were given to the frames with coming additions in mind.

I would consider Volt with Ability Amp a valid choice.

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Sigh.. Everyone was complaining how Auras consumed a warframe's energy... Now that Auras give bonus energy points we have a new kind of QQ...

The truth? These are all the butt-hurt players whining/crying over their multi-forma'd warframes, having forma'ing remorse over their forma choices.

Let the change sit for a week at least you jerks. It hasn't even been a couple of hours yet. Ever think that DE may have new mods coming out?


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No, it isn't. This is insane, we're just stretching the very limits of how far DE can over-buff us to the point of insanity. We're actually being rewarded for equpping already insanely powerful auras, by then ALSO being allowed to equip additional mods? I can't even fathom how DE thought this was a reasonable or even slightly considered change.

Oh my god, shut your mouth. I can actually equip energy siphon as Frost and not feel like I'm gimping myself by ripping out other mods. Wanna know something? I could do that before (equip ES without removing mods) when the Artifact system was still in place.
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could somebody please justify the balance behind this?


Please notice:

- no forma

- no potato

- all but 1 maxed mod pertinent to his role

- with one more player with maxed energy syphon, he can sustain this indefinitely. 

- EDIT: oh yeah, AND HE'S RANK 0

Edited by lstalri
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Sigh.. Everyone was complaining how Auras consumed a warframe's energy... Now that Auras give bonus energy points we have a new kind of QQ...

The truth? These are all the butt-hurt players whining/crying over their multi-forma'd warframes, having forma'ing remorse over their forma choices.

Let the change sit for a week at least you jerks. It hasn't even been a couple of hours yet. Ever think that DE may have new mods coming out?




Hey you "jerk" ever think that the forma isn't the main issue but the overall difficulty of the game because of the increased power of frames? I agree with you that there will probably be more mod point expensive mods down the road but the game was already too easy without this new system. That's my concern now.


Sorry that you think that I'm such a "jerk" for expressing my opinion. How dare I!

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could somebody please justify the balance behind this?


Please notice:

- no forma

- no potato

- all but 1 maxed mod pertinent to his role

- with one more player with maxed energy syphon, he can sustain this indefinitely. 


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Oh my god, shut your mouth. I can actually equip energy siphon as Frost and not feel like I'm gimping myself by ripping out other mods. Wanna know something? I could do that before (equip ES without removing mods) when the Artifact system was still in place.


Yes, you could. Which I had no issue with. But to not only allow you to equip it for free (which I'd be fine with), but actually reward you with a 50% boost to mod capacity is insane.

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I can only come up with one defense of this new model, which I believe is a major mistake (barring any new changes we are not yet aware of, like a major increase in the power requirements of mods in general, for example).

This could be a bid to make Scavenger and Radar Auras actually useful. However, if that was the case the power boost mechanic should probably have been isolated to JUST the scavenger mods as the Siphon, Rejuvenation and Amp mods already conveyed a worthwhile benefit.

The basic points of issue with this change are:

1. Not only is there no opportunity cost for Auras, they are even more powerful boosts for free (barring mods upgrading) than they were before; the situation that I understood prompted them being dealt with in first place.

2. Still does nothing to improve aura mod to aura mod relative value and utility, which is still the biggest problem in the artifact/aura mod system

3. This directly contravenes the intent to make them work 'more like mods' as they now work in the _diametric opposite_ fashion from all other mods. (EDIT: they have included in the new interface an arrow indicator to show increase/decrease as a means to address this point; it does feel a bit counter-intruitive at present but maybe only due to prior knowledge)

It is my opinion this change is ill advised for these reasons and I truly fail to see where it benefits the game or DE to do such a radical shift in the implementation of this mechanic.

I hope that it is just a precursor to other major changes that will illustrate our need for more Warframe power allocation, which I think has to be pretty likely.

Please note, I'm not arguing about the game being too easy or too hard. I'm simply looking at the game mechanic for consistency, relative value and ongoing choice impact for opportunity cost.

This change, from my point of view, fails on all three fronts (without additional information to support it) and looks extremely reactionary rather than evolutionary.

Edited by Drusus
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could somebody please justify the balance behind this?


Please notice:

- no forma

- no potato

- all but 1 maxed mod pertinent to his role

- with one more player with maxed energy syphon, he can sustain this indefinitely. 


HAHAHAHA and mine is red and cost only 5 really DE

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Yes, you could. Which I had no issue with. But to not only allow you to equip it for free (which I'd be fine with), but actually reward you with a 50% boost to mod capacity is insane.

Then don't equip the auras or better yet, leave the mod capacity unused!

Goddamn, you whiners remind me of the people on the old NWN2 boards who whined and whined about how OP every endgame item in Mask of the Betrayer was, and Obsidian listened to them and made SoZ more frustrating than it had to be by making a +3 item super hard to come by. I'm gonna tell you what I told them: No one is holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to maximize the power of your character, you are more than free to use items (mod capacity amounts here) to however much extent the game allows.

tl;dr just in case: If you don't like it, then don't use it, but don't *@##$ about it.

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Hey you "jerk" ever think that the forma isn't the main issue but the overall difficulty of the game because of the increased power of frames? I agree with you that there will probably be more mod point expensive mods down the road but the game was already too easy without this new system. That's my concern now.


Sorry that you think that I'm such a "jerk" for expressing my opinion. How dare I!

I'm sorry I didn't quote or direct any of my comment at you nor did I pay attention to your earlier post. There are three or so threads already like this one. The only reason I can see regarding someone complaining about the energy bonus is remorse over formas.

My point is that it hasn't even been a couple of hours yet and folks (ok jerks was a bit strong) are already crying nerf. It hasn't even been a day yet.

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