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My Suggestion On Auras.


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May main problem with auras is that 1. They use mod capacity and 2.  It's Warframe mod capacity that they use.


It already takes several formas to get a build I'm happy with.  I think the amount of 60 mod capacity and 10 mod slots were already too little to work with and the aura changes just made me throw my arms up in the air and say "what the hell, DE!?"


Now that I've calmed down, here's a couple possible ways I'm hoping DE will consider:


 1.  Remove polarities and mod capacity usage.


 2.  Have players level them up like they do weapons and warframes and not like mod cards.  Players will have to slot in a base level energy siphon or whatever they want to use and earn XP in order for it to reach it's max potential.




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