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Curious, How Many People Complaining About The New Aura System ...


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Also complained about the game being too easy before?


Personally, I'm not upset at all about the new Aura system. Overall, it will make warframes slightly less powerful, which makes the game more challenging. More challenge is what many of you guys wanted right? Also, the changes U9 brought seem to be geared at giving players more long term goals to chase after. If you guys can get past your own reistance to change, you'll see that this new system makes a lot more sense gameplay wise.

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Also complained about the game being too easy before?


Personally, I'm not upset at all about the new Aura system. Overall, it will make warframes slightly less powerful, which makes the game more challenging. More challenge is what many of you guys wanted right? Also, the changes U9 brought seem to be geared at giving players more long term goals to chase after. If you guys can get past your own reistance to change, you'll see that this new system makes a lot more sense gameplay wise.

That's exactly what I'm saying!
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yes because it is logical to increase the game difficulty while downgrading the effectiveness of a frame. There is no + side to the aura system. It just gives the same effect (maybe a little bit more) only difference now is that it uses frame energy.

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Making Warframes less powerful is not a good way to make the game more difficult.

Go learn how to code and join DE to develop super smart AI .Your name will be in every Warframe player's heart forever .



Or stop bragging , your choice .

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Also complained about the game being too easy before?


Personally, I'm not upset at all about the new Aura system. Overall, it will make warframes slightly less powerful, which makes the game more challenging. More challenge is what many of you guys wanted right? Also, the changes U9 brought seem to be geared at giving players more long term goals to chase after. If you guys can get past your own reistance to change, you'll see that this new system makes a lot more sense gameplay wise.


Actually the aura system doesn't do anything but a direct nerf to me.


I don't run energy Siphon as my main. I always run enemy radar so I don't get the surprise butt sex moments by ancient disruptors (which everyone and their mum whined about) and I always like red dots on my radar. 


Now I just have to live with it because I am not going to forma 11 frames for a - slot for Enemy Radar.

Edited by fatpig84
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Making Warframes less powerful is not a good way to make the game more difficult.

The hell it isn't.


I would love for most ults to be nerfed to make this game more difficult. If Saryn's ult did its damage over time, if abso@(*()$lutely everything about Banshee's ult had the $&*^ nerfed off of it, if Rhino's ult had a short-ish range... Radial Javelin is about the most powerful that an ult should ever be.


And Chaos? I love Nyx. But Chaos is completely broken.


Being able to press a button and turn off any threat in the game is ridiculous.


Yes. The game would be more fun if we were weaker in some ways.

Edited by Nenesse
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Go learn how to code and join DE to develop super smart AI .Your name will be in every Warframe player's heart forever .



Or stop bragging , your choice .

Thats like saying to a movie critic to go direct a better movie or dont say bad things about the movie. Another example is a food critic, It is like telling a food critic to master every dish, other wise they shouldn't complain about the food.

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Thats like saying to a movie critic to go direct a better movie or dont say bad things about the movie. Another example is a food critic, It is like telling a food critic to master every dish, other wise they shouldn't complain about the food.

If they can make a fair critic instead of brag to DE although one day hasn't past since the update .

Edited by Frostmire
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I didnt complin about the game being too easy before. So this is  completeley ubiased opinion. The new Aura system is a total frack up. Its a solution to a problem that never existed. If DE insist on leaving it in then at the very lest it should have its own energy.... ahh I cant be arsed putting how much I hate this crap into words. 


When I started playing Warframe it was awesome, but I am more and more leaning towards saying "F*** it" and going back to playing wow.

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DE: "Oh so you guys wanted a challenge? Why don't I subtly nerf the players instead of improving the enemy AI. Sounds a lot easier."



The new Aura system is a total frack up. Its a solution to a problem that never existed.

This guy's right. We never had a problem with the Artifact system. DE just went ahead and made a problem out of it. GGDE

Edited by Hafilgar
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Go learn how to code and join DE to develop super smart AI .Your name will be in every Warframe player's heart forever .



Or stop bragging , your choice .

Dunno about "Nugget", but if I could code and want to get a job in the gaming industry... I wouldn't pick DE. Yeah I'm looking at you Star Trek *wink wink*

Edited by Sikab
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Tbh the new aura changes just mean people now have to decide what to be good at instead of being able to be a master at everything while using the same cookie cutter build as the next person, i for one welcome this change simply because it will bring diversity into a game that was beginning to stagnate because no one was willing to try something different with their mod layouts.

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Go learn how to code and join DE to develop super smart AI .Your name will be in every Warframe player's heart forever .



Or stop bragging , your choice .


become a dev for the game or you can't be a critic. hell yeah, why shoot for less

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Making Warframes less powerful is not a good way to make the game more difficult.

Tell me why from an objective stand point. Hurting your feelings isn't a good reason not to utilize both buffs and nerfs to balance a game. A game balanced with only buffs has issues with numerical power creep.


The new system requires you to now to account for your Aura in your loadout, and requires you to think a little bit more about what you want most.

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