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My Opinions On U9 And Reactions To Other People's Reaction


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I know you guys are tired of seeing different opinions clashing and seeing another thread about opinions is sort of getting old but I hope you can bare with me for now. I'm the type of guys that wants to see the middle ground of everything and I want to try to shed some light in some of the conflicts that seems kinda not too well thought out. I'm not saying some of the issues are dumb, I'm just saying there are other ways to look at it. So I'll get started *ahem*


1.) Nova
The complaints of Nova has died down a little but I think that since she's been released, we might as well do a slight evaluation of her. From the start, there have been endless complaints on her name or her abilities. I think it's important to know that there are a large set of people that actually did like the name and the abilities before her release. Why do I say that? Well a group of people got together and decided to vote that this is how she would be. So generally, to some people, it was a good idea. So saying the name sucks or the abilities are useless or something is kinda harsh since there was a group of people that gave a ton of money to be able to say these were good ideas. Now that she is out, some more people have open to the idea that she is pretty cool. The name may still be something that is not too fitting but it's not like it's a game breaking thing.


2.) Platinum = Materials 

When I first saw this, I thought, "Oh cool, people with money can get some of items easily... not sure what to think of that" and I still hold to that point. The idea of being able to pay for the items sort of makes it pay to win sort idea. It's slightly kills the feel I had for the game where even if you did have money, you still needed to play like everyone else. Now with the resources easy gotten with real money, it makes it a bit too easy to make almost anything. Though you do have to see that there is some logic to this choice. A whole lot of people in a way asked for this. "How so" you may ask. Well people hate grinding for such a long period of time that eventually they complain that they wish they could just buy the stuff. Granted a bunch of you wish you could just use credits but the idea is still there. Thinking about how the DE work, you might consider why they would do this though. I'll get to that later though. But for now...

3.) Expensive!

OH WHY!? Why can't I buy these weapons and Warframes for like 5 - 10 dollars each!? That's a lot right!? SO WHY!? Ok, I'm done with my fun but lets get on to why this idea seems a bit more whiny then I interpreted it as. At first when I started the game, I thought that these guys were making things a bit too over priced as well. Then I realized something a few days into playing the game... I can pretty much get all these items from grinding my @55 off. Not a lot of games give you that option or at least, not a lot of games with Warframe's gameplay. Also if you've been playing for a while, you'll notice these nice little coupons they give. They aren't things that come one in a blue moon, nor are they close to useless by being 10% off, no at most, you can get 50% off. That's a lot people. Not only that, do you not see the prizes for the random draws they have? Also think about how often they do that. Now think about other online games. Getting a clear picture yet? I can't say that these completely justify the prices but in a good day where you get a coupon, you'll be spending less on a Warframe then you would be to get a skin for a character in some games. Also, like my second point, you don't need to use money. You have access to almost all the weapons without using a cent.


4.) The Bugs

Ahh bugs... they will be there in many games. Warframe has a ton of them though... Well let's think about it for a second. Warframe is one of the few games that have to handle a major load of player, that is playing a game that has little ONLINE games like it and is working on basically their own cash from their pocket (Arguably). So give them some respect people. I'm not saying not to address the bugs but I am saying not to be mean about it and complain about it all day. Give them time. It's not exactly easy to work on a game like this without any bugs. I mean just try to program a small text based game. You will run into some funny bugs.


5.) Aura Slots

Oh yes I know. I don't this idea either... Though I can't say it's a bad idea. With a slot like this, it sort of changes how you want to play. More of buffing yourself up or buffing others. It's kinda early to say if it's going to bad or not so give them the benefit of the doubt for a few weeks and let it get fixed up before calling it a bad feature. I will say though that I wish you could add more then 1 Aura (maybe one on the sentient) so instead of being stuck to using one, you can see what different combinations will work on different situations. Just a thought.


6.) Loot

Bug, not bug, give it time. To those who don't know that I'm saying though, I'm talking about the drops rate on morphics and Nova stuff. New big boss and a lot of new stuff, Give.It.Time.


7.) Nightmare Mode

Yes it's hard but you don't need to play it. It was said that it would be fore "hardcore" players. If you can't do it, fine, no need to complain that you apparently aren't as good as you thought you were. Yes I am being a bit harsh but the very fact I've been mentioning giving the DE time and the amount of people complaining without thinking about it first get's in my nerves. But yeah, it's not required so if you think it's not possible, talk about it before you go and say that the DE did a bad job.


8.) Crafting

Guys... get it together. Not the DE, the players. Sure it takes a while to make these weapons but it makes the game a bit more realistic. I mean making an entire body suit takes a while. Yeah it might be a bit too long but maybe you should get off the game for a while and take a nap or have a meal. I mean it's not like you need to keep an eye on the item or anything new will happen in the next few hour or days. So yeah. And going back to the money thing, you don't need to use any. Just wait.


9.) Slots

You know that 50 platinum you get in the start? Just use that for slots. Also, it's not like you need ALL your weapons. Just sell some away if you want something new. Slots a cheap too. Wait for a coupon, buy cheap platinum and done. Sheesh guys, money isn't everything and if you have some it's not like you need to use it.


10.) The Game

Guys, it a fun game but it's no different from other games. After a while it will get boring to do some of the stuff in the game. Have you ever tried playing a 20 hour game 5 times? It gets boring by the 3rd time you play. So just put the game down and do something else for a while.  When you feel like you need to slice some people up, come back with a cool head and start again.


I do disagree with some of the moves the DE do but it's not something they are willing to ignore if it's that bad. A lot of the content they give is fun and it stays that way. They do more then most online games are willing to do from their live streams to the fact that they reply back to some comments in the forums. If you make the DE feel good about what they make, their willing to comply to the little things we ask of them so like I mentioned many times, Give them time, take a break and just try to keep the game fun for yourself. Sorry for the long rant but I think it's pretty important to let some of this go out. You guys your own opinions and I will respect that but please try to be as constructive as possible on them. Anyway, thanks for reading if you actually do read this.

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