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Fixing the Trading system is an easy and meaningful update


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6 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Why are there soo many people who think it would cause insane inflation when most items ingame already has prices under 10p?

You may have a problem with your reading comprehension.

Not once in this thread has anyone said that an auction house will cause inflation.

6 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Common mods? Unsellable.

Uncommon mods? Some may sell for 20p. (maxed serration a mush have mod can sell for max 65p)

Do you even understand basic economics?

Common mods are unsellable because they have no demand. You can't sell something that no one wants.

Uncommon mods have low value because they are not only in high supply, but also have low demand. Currently, the available supply is the amount of an item owned by players using the trade chat. An auction house would increase the available supply to the amount that the entire population owns since the population will be able to put the item up for sale simultaneously, regardless of online/offline status. This increase in supply with no increase in demand will only further drive down the price.

6 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Rare mods? 40p max.

Unranked primed mods may sell for up to 100 plat. Maiming Strike can sell for 400+ plat. Primed chamber can easily sell for 40000+. 

Limited time items have an actual limited supply, as no more copies are reintroduced into the game until the next time they become available. Currently, it is almost impossible for a player to own all copies of an item for sale because that would require all of the sellers to be on the trade chat at the same time as the buyer. An auction house that allows offline trading, however, will enable players to buy out the entirety of an available supply. This is what enables markups and monopolization.

2 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Atleast make a coherent argument please

My argument is that an auction house would be bad for Warframe, primarily bad for free to play players. I have stated my reasons for believing so, as well as providing evidence for those reasons.

Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure what your argument is. Are you advocating for an in-game auction house, or are you advocating for more people to use Warframe.market?

2 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

i can see when i posted those comments and they are not even in order.

What if I told you that chronological ordering isn't the only ordering that exists?

2 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

And yes they are mainly the same only the number of the competitors and the speed of information spread is different.

That makes all the difference in the world. Increasing the competitors and the speed of information is upscaling trading. Many concepts and ideas behave differently when upscaled:

Networks upscaled becomes an intranet or the internet. Even if you're connected to your LAN, you can't play Warframe if it isn't connected to the internet.

Mutation upscaled becomes evolution. The result may be indistinguishable from the starting point.

Killing upscaled becomes genocide. 

The behavior of trading in a small scale is significantly different from trading on a scale that matches Warframe's entire player base.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

Because warframe has very generous drops tooled to allow solo players to get whatever they want without ever trading, more of everything than will ever be consumed has already dropped.  An auction house would immediately introduce most of it into the trading system.  Overnight the supply would satisfy and then overshadow demand.


not really if mr trading count and tax still exist, not to mention plat are needed to buy too. new players will see the item but still needs to actually sell stuff to actually buy the item if he wont buy plat from the market.

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