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Warframe Tier List U9 Thread Merger


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Trinity is amazing in high level missions with teams using VoIP. She is only crappy in pugs. Being able to fire off her 4th ability the second someone on your team needs it could make a huge difference, and her other abilities make boss fights into complete jokes, which means a heck of a lot more now that boss levels scale. However I do agree that on a whole she is fairly situational. Low tier maybe, but she is definitely better than Volt.


Situational doesn't have to mean low-tier, she's definite mid-teir.


If frost can be put on a Higher tier because of 1 skill, best used on defense


Trinity should be a similar tier because she has 3 useful skills (Blessing, EV and Link.).

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Situational doesn't have to mean low-tier, she's definite mid-teir.


If frost can be put on a Higher tier because of 1 skill, best used on defense


Trinity should be a similar tier because she has 3 useful skills (Blessing, EV and Link.).

While snow globe shines on defenses, 1st and 2nd sux there cause of armor scaling while avalanche does its job clearing fusion moas even at higher lvls. On the other hand enemies lvl90 arent as armored as their 100+ counterparts and avalanche or ice wave can clear smaller ones while stunning bigger. Thus high tier imo.


As for trinity. Never seen anyone use ev since u9 cause theres simply no energy problem everyone on t3 can spam their ultis for whole day and still have plenty energy to run on. I didnt know that blessing grants 10s base immunity(it was 2s last time i checked) considering that, link is pretty useless. Also if you cant survive on your own i doubt that t3 is a place for you, ppl who decide to farm t3 usually doesnt have problems with dying but rather want more dps. Atm i would put her at mid tier leaving low tier empty.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Ignoring the OP for obvious reasons, I would like to point out that the fact that there is so much discrepency on which tier many fo these frames goes to show how great DE has been at making warframes. Granted there are frames that are just overall better than others, but with most of the frames being useful in some way with the right mission type and playing style allows players to use what they like and thats what i love about this game

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