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Update 9 Was Rushed And I'm Not Happy With It


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I was under the impression that Update 9 was a general patch that would improve the core gameplay experience. I was a bit surprised when I heard you were going to release it so early. So you did, and what we got was only a half-assed patch with the title "update 9" strapped to it.


Stopped there.

Quit the game and leave forever.

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join the club haha..

i'm not gonna beat a dead horse i've already made all my points various times. but yeah the map has been consolized and i hate it lol. i'd take the function over form map back anyday.

resources better be bugged and not nerfed (don't be fooled by control modules, this is a nerf if it was intentional)

artifacts taking mod points... =( frame nerf

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Stopped there.

Quit the game and leave forever.




I dont think video games function on principal. I'm not saying they cant change it, if they have the time and resources they should go ahead, i was just saying that this isn't a game breaking thing. All resources are needed for something at this point... what tremendous change will happen during gameplay knowing what you picked up?


You are flipping out over several minor things on people that are building a game as we speak. The Lore wasn't even implemented yet, chapter one hasn't even been release yet. Calm down and politely ask for this during streams or in the feedback sections. It's not the end of the world that you have click on two things to change a weapon and give yourself an easier time by having each Warframe with their own set of mods so you just switch one or two around instead of all of them. The game gives you enough copies of these things.... use them. And you are talking to a dude who was asking for presets because i change the colors around for Frames, weapons, and Sentinels ALL THE FREAKING TIME.



Video game design adheres to a certain philosophy, and therefore principles. One of the fundamental ones is "thou shalt not make thy game obnoxious and clunky when it comes to basic UI elements". Plus or minus ye olde english.

Edited by krisp
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In mission UI fixes that are desperately needed:

1. Pickup notification refinement. On this, I completely agree. Mostly because it is a persistent, ongoing, quality of life irritant that just forces you to notice it as not helpful while simultaneously denying access to information you want to communicate to your team (Alloy Plat here!).

2. Mini-Mission look ups need to be available WITHOUT stumbling across the requirement after mission start. The fact we can't see these by hitting Z or what not is astonishing. Take the time to watch the mission entry video or look away at drop in and you are guessing for the next while to do a basic game play element. This is pretty inexcusable to not have a manual look up as of Update 9. Again, quality of life requirement as it's just persistently annoying.

3. Pod damage notification in Defense missions. Why on earth with all the lotus voice overs we do have we do not have an audible 'The defense target is at 75%/50%/25%/Critical!' attention grab is beyond me. With the abundance of screen spam, bloom and other visual distraction ANYTHING to draw attention to something slipping past the defenders would be, I would think, standard practice.

4. Mod Lock. For the love of god, just let me lock down a Mod so I can't accidentally sell it in the reams of mods we have to navigate to do the very repetitious function of fusion. I love the fusion system and the concepts within it. But there is no excuse for the interface design setting up the high likelihood of mistakenly selling a developed mod that shows up at a random location within the array of mods you are fusing. It's simply too easy to do by accident even when trying to be careful, as no doubt many can attest.

Update 9 overall is pretty decent in terms of the types of issues it tackles DE. It has garnered some love from myself and my gaming associates.

But the fact items like the short list above have been lingering as lower priority when to the outsider looking in (perhaps very mistakenly, I grant totally) appear to be pretty low hanging fruit to solve and garner a lot of good will and game play improvement?

It's puzzling to say the least.

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While I enjoyed every addition to U9 so far, I am dumbfounded as to why it has been released at this stage.

I feel the same way. I don't have anything against it, I just think they released it while it wasn't complete. Perhaps they wanted feedback so they didn't get too in-depth when the players may not have liked it. I think all these problems everyone is having are going to be fixed in future, smaller updates.


But everyone criticizing it so critically shouldn't act so annoyed, its absurd.

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Likely the single most entitled and whiney OP in the history of these forums.  The games in beta, active development.  It's fine to criticize constructively but this whole thing just comes off as complaining and frankly is annoying as hell.   

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Likely the single most entitled and whiney OP in the history of these forums.  The games in beta, active development.  It's fine to criticize constructively but this whole thing just comes off as complaining and frankly is annoying as hell.   


Not as annoying as the UI tbh. One could say it's broken if you happen to have alot of mods.

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join the club haha..

i'm not gonna beat a dead horse i've already made all my points various times. but yeah the map has been consolized and i hate it lol. i'd take the function over form map back anyday.

resources better be bugged and not nerfed (don't be fooled by control modules, this is a nerf if it was intentional)

artifacts taking mod points... =( frame nerf

I agree that the UI got consolized. Lowest common denominator ! - that was originally designed for the PC platform and its audience of gamers has been "bastardised" to suit the lowest common denominator.(console)



Thank You Plasystation 4

Edited by Kindanoob
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Likely the single most entitled and whiney OP in the history of these forums. 

You haven't been on these forums much, have you.


I've kept the whining to a minimum, even encouraged people not to complain about the changes. This is feedback. Don't call it something else just because you don't agree with it please.


I want to know the state of these changes and communicate to the devs that they need to come. Sooner. If no one voices their concerns, then the devs will be less likely to act.

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My main concern about U9 is that nothing really changed.

Few sprinkles on the top and that's it.


In it's core, it's still somewhat broken game -- if the most effective tactics in boss farming is speed running and then quitting the mission if nothing drops, then the game have some serious problems on oh so many levels.

Basic combat UI is still bad, or really bad, even ME3, console oriented game had no problem showing health and shields and cooldowns, that i never had any problems with it. Wanna know your health/shields in warframe ? Have a look a tiny ui element in the upper right corner.

Real content is still grind based and very  boring grind, since difficulty, even with nightmare mode is non-existent.


And i can go on and on, but right now it's pretty clear, DE just have no clue what to do with this game.

They simply don't know.

A real shame.

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Likely the single most entitled and whiney OP in the history of these forums.  The games in beta, active development.  It's fine to criticize constructively but this whole thing just comes off as complaining and frankly is annoying as hell.   


If it wasn't for the fact that the OP was full of constructive criticism about what still needs to be fixed in the game, I'd agree with you

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I'm just annoyed by the aura thing.  It's bad game design!  Why?  The new system simply removes build and gameplay styles.


It's the polarizations.   For instance, I have a Rhino.  I can use Rifle Amp now.  That's about it.  You see, I liked using enemy radar.  Not anymore.  Why?  I have a v Polarization there.  I could put enemy radar there, but it's too expensive.  If I chose between a six point v and a six point -- or ^ mod, the former would cost me three points and the latter nine. 


That's a six point difference for the same rank of mod!  How unbalanced would an aura mod have to be for me to choose it in an anti-polarized slot?!


For the main mods it works fine because you 4 free slots and a scarcity of points.  You'll very well be putting more mods than polarized slots and need to watch out for your mod points, so you'll be min-maxing a number of mod cards.  The Polarizations give your frame a focus. They constrain you such that you have to think about how you will build you mod layout.  You can still, and will, put mods into non-polarized slots.


For auras though, you have no choice.  You go with the polarization, otherwise you're wasting points. 


What this means is that you can no longer customize yourself to the mission or the party.  I can no longer say: "Geeze, I think enemy Radar will be great for this extermination mission, and then I'll quickly switch to Rifle Scavenger for this defense mission.  Or wait, I could bring extra ammo and use rifle Amp!  I can look at my allies artifacts and change myself as I see fit!" 


No, instead you get: I don't know what my allies are taking.  It doesn't matter anyways because I have only two auras I can use anyways.


In my case, I don't want Rifle Amp; I don't need rifle Amp (Or steel Charge) so I don't get any auras anymore.  The best I can do is use the inexplicably more expensive enemy sense. (Why is that?  Enemy sense is worse! What does it cost more for a lesser effect?!)



In the end, I think the aura system is a step backwards.  Before you could coordinate and switch your artifacts as you needed for a mission quickly and easily.  Now your stuck with one or two auras that are practical to use, unpractical to switch out and coordinate each mission, and now cost mod points on top of everything.  All this has done is limit what you can do and gives no gameplay incentive back.

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You can always just not play. This is a beta. When you signed up for a beta you signed up for a game that was "in development" and "constantly testing new systems." If you want a stable game, play a game that's been released and not being supported.


I'm sad that the industry has moved so far from what it once was so kids these days think "beta" means "free demo/finished game." The whole point of you being able to play right now is to test out broken things and help them to be fixed.

Edited by NessOnett
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You can always just not play. This is a beta. When you signed up for a beta you signed up for a game that was "in development" and "constantly testing new systems." If you want a stable game, play a game that's been released and not being supported.


I'm sad that the industry has moved so far from what it once was so kids these days think "beta" means "free demo/full game." The whole point of you being able to play right now is to test out broken things and help them to be fixed.

 That's why we have an ingame bug report / feedback tool right?

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It's not really a beta, hasn't been since it went open (or possibly since they started charging money for items during closed beta, it's debatable). It's essentially launched at this point. Or if you want to be really picky, it will be once the Playstation 4 comes out - the game will not be different at that point, it'll be just like it is now. As somebody who is presumably from your era of gaming (I'd guess Atari's stuff, right? That was my early gaming era), when I think beta I think of a highly unfinished product that needs internal QA testing to get it ready for public consumption. Nowadays it seems to means "oh, we're basically done but we're going to charge customers to test our game for us."

Honestly I wonder how things got to this point, gaming wise. It's the same kind of deal that led to free to play becoming the standard (you make more money by charging microtransactions) and DLC that locks up content that ships with the game. Customers just don't seem to value their rights, or can't fight for them, or something. I'd imagine that's true for most industries, but as a long time video game fan, it's interesting to see how things have changed in this one.

Edited by JackVB
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You can always just not play. This is a beta. When you signed up for a beta you signed up for a game that was "in development" and "constantly testing new systems." If you want a stable game, play a game that's been released and not being supported.


I'm sad that the industry has moved so far from what it once was so kids these days think "beta" means "free demo/full game." The whole point of you being able to play right now is to test out broken things and help them to be fixed.

While I agree with some of the sentiment you offer here?

It's a bit of a stone throw from a glass house then to offer purchase options for Alpha and Beta products as 'early access benefits' or 'Help develop the game' value propositions and then claim 'well, beta means it can be in a bad state of affairs or always changing'.

I believe DE offered a lot of polished gameplay when I signed up as a Master and believe it will get there again.

The lead up to E3 and work towards harmonizing interface and elements towards the PS4 (which I suggest is driving a great deal of the new interface elements to be more PS4 control and UI friendly) derailed the quality level significantly.

U9, overall, is a strong step in the right direction and I, unlike many, believe that the new aura system structurally was a very good idea. But I really don't view Warframe as a Beta these days given the way they are essentially released like any other online game that does regular updates.

At some point I will be curious what the legal requirements associated with Beta definitions will be in the e-marketplace because the era of 'access before we're finished' is going to generate a wealth of real legal issues on meeting deliverable items and accountability in the coming decade I suspect.

Apologies for the slight derail from main topic, but your comments triggered the thought.

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I would right a haiku about everyone complaining.


Honestly anyone who reads this and is like "Oh great the games gona die because of whiners like these", fret not.


This type of backlash happens literally every time there is an update EVERY TIME. No one is completely happy.


But they will learn because deep down they love the game

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It's not really a beta, hasn't been since it went open (or possibly since they started charging money for items during closed beta, it's debatable). It's essentially launched at this point. Or if you want to be really picky, it will be once the Playstation 4 comes out - the game will not be different at that point, it'll be just like it is now.



The game has changed dramatically since May even. It's going to dramatically change again and again over the next 3 months.

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You can always just not play. This is a beta. When you signed up for a beta you signed up for a game that was "in development" and "constantly testing new systems." If you want a stable game, play a game that's been released and not being supported.


I'm sad that the industry has moved so far from what it once was so kids these days think "beta" means "free demo/finished game." The whole point of you being able to play right now is to test out broken things and help them to be fixed.


Which is exactly what the OP has done.


All the posts like this I see are so contradictory, as most of them are directed towards people in such a manner that says, essentially, "please don't give us any feedback if it's constructive criticism because the game is in beta and isn't a finished product". Beta testing is exactly what these kinds of threads are for.

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