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Aura's Are Good, How I See It.


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The new Aura system is good to me, because it does three things.


1. If you want your top tier frame you have to work at it.


2. Forma is actually useful.


3. Team stacking. These new mods are even more powerful than before when maxed and if we have more than one in a group. IE Energy Siphon goes to .6 energy PER SECOND. If everyone in the group has one that is 2.4 energy EVERY second! More than what we had before!

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The new Aura system is good to me, because it does three things.


1. If you want your top tier frame you have to work at it.


2. Forma is actually useful.


3. Team stacking. These new mods are even more powerful than before when maxed and if we have more than one in a group. IE Energy Siphon goes to .6 energy PER SECOND. If everyone in the group has one that is 2.4 energy EVERY second! More than what we had before!

The original Energy Siphon was a .5 energy per second.


not that much of a buff, and certainly not worth 4 slot energy (IF on the appropriate polarity)

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i have two problems with them.

first, i would have to run out of slots out of my main ones to consider taking just about any of them. including syphon. they are competing with all the other warframe mods in the game. mods which, even after the update, beat out the auras.

so i would have to forma enough to gain excess mod power. and i cant fit in a single other mod that is better. and honestly not sure its worth that trouble just yet.

ill hold off on my judgement until i mess around with the a bit longer. but before this forma was a way to add flexibility and expand on what was already a good build. i dont like the idea of maxing out just to squeeze in something that i use to have automaticly. even if i wasn't that fond of them before hand.

we will see in the long run. but this use to be a way to help out groups, something we all enjoyed and get those pubs to be a little less terrible. now the people that needed it the least are the only once that are going to use it.

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I've already polarized my Saryn 3x to get her how i want.


Now DE comes along with a big fat money grabbing update that benefits only them, and wants me to polarize my saryn even more so I can have the build i want?


NOTE: I'd have to polarize twice just to get the mods back the way i want, AND have energy siphon.



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Because it is a fancy content doesn't mean you have to cry about not be able to use it or itself being so expensive to use .


^ The game will die if they go , how about you f*** off instead ?

Edited by Frostmire
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I've already polarized my Saryn 3x to get her how i want.


Now DE comes along with a big fat money grabbing update that benefits only them, and wants me to polarize my saryn even more so I can have the build i want?


NOTE: I'd have to polarize twice just to get the mods back the way i want, AND have energy siphon.



you do know that it's relatively easy to get forma without spending plats?


1. Use your void keys


2. None left? Ask clan/friends/Public. There's tonnes of people in Regional chat asking peeps to join them for void runs.


3. Repeat wave 5 of xini or other defense maps with your modded frame. Manage to get a lot of new keys.


At Op, I totally agree with you. You can always minus off 1 energy from an odd number mod (instead of 11 for rush, upgrade to 10 instead)

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The new Aura system is good to me, because it does three things.


1. If you want your top tier frame you have to work at it.


2. Forma is actually useful.


3. Team stacking. These new mods are even more powerful than before when maxed and if we have more than one in a group. IE Energy Siphon goes to .6 energy PER SECOND. If everyone in the group has one that is 2.4 energy EVERY second! More than what we had before!

1- i never once though of getting a top tier frame (i havent even leveled some of the frame's original skills) and aura sure as hell doesnt help

2- Great just another kind of famine we are looking for.

3-not every one can afford the extra 4-10 energy slots (polarities) 

Edited by Ventias
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1- i never once though of getting a top tier frame (i havent even leveled some of the frame's original skills) and aura sure as hell doesnt help

2- Great just another kind of famine we are looking for.

3-not every one can afford the extra 4-10 energy slots (polarities) 

3- then don't .

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Because it is a fancy content doesn't mean you have to cry about not be able to use it or itself being so expensive to use .


^ The game will die if they go , how about you f*** off instead ?

the problem is DE "fixed" something that wasn't broken.


So you can't call it content when it was already available.


What DE did, took your access away from your Cards, convert them into Mods, and make the community to purchase Forma.


This wasn't even a balance move... pure money grabbing.

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3- then don't .

the main argument was that the auras could stack, making them a positive thing to the game. So i just provided a counter argument that not everyone can equip them therefore the "positive" turns into a "negative" 


so your comment made no sense in this argument. 

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the main argument was that the auras could stack, making them a positive thing to the game. So i just provided a counter argument that not everyone can equip them therefore the "positive" turns into a "negative" 


so your comment made no sense in this argument. 

They can't , but they don't have to .

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" You can buy more slots for more frame , you don't don't have to because you can sell the old one to get the new one "


So .. useless ?

what? i dont even understand how we moved from Aura to frames. Unless you are trying to point out a connection which i dont understand. 

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what? i dont even understand how we moved from Aura to frames. Unless you are trying to point out a connection which i dont understand. 

 It is : "That thing" is a fancy stuff , whether you can or cannot , you don't have to use it , you don't have to get through hard time to get it/make use of it  . And being fancy doesn't mean it's meaningless , or useless .


You can either accept that your frame is designed for this aura because of its playstyle or go through 20 plats and 30 levels to change it to a different polarity for riffle amp/enemy radar/enery siphon ... etc.. The aura slot will still be there and consume some space in exchange for team buff .

Edited by Frostmire
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It is : "That thing" is a fancy stuff , whether you can or cannot , you don't have to use it , you don't have to get through hard time to get it/make use of it . And being fancy doesn't mean it's meaningless , or useless .

You can either accept that your frame is designed for this aura because of its playstyle or go through 20 plats and 30 levels to change it to a different polarity for riffle amp/enemy radar/enery siphon ... etc.. The aura slot will still be there and consume some space in exchange for team buff .

The artifact system was never suppose to be fancy. or limited to people who have access to forma. However with the Aura system, its either you forma to get your favorite aura or you cant use it due to its high cost (making the system for that person useless and meaningless).

and if more people are unable to find free energy points to equip these auras, the "stacking effect" of auras turns from positive to negative due to the fact not many people want, care, or find it worthy to waste time or effort to forma in their aura.

as for the second paragraph, thats why people are irritated with the system, because DE just put a polarity on a frame saying you either use "auras with these kind of polarity" or too bad for you, now you have to wait for either a forma alert, or farm your @$$ off for a void key to farm your @$$ for a small chance of a forma bp or buy a forma and then level your frame from scratch. Its is like a slap in the face.

Edited by Ventias
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you do know that it's relatively easy to get forma without spending plats?


1. Use your void keys


2. None left? Ask clan/friends/Public. There's tonnes of people in Regional chat asking peeps to join them for void runs.


3. Repeat wave 5 of xini or other defense maps with your modded frame. Manage to get a lot of new keys.


At Op, I totally agree with you. You can always minus off 1 energy from an odd number mod (instead of 11 for rush, upgrade to 10 instead)

Erm, Ok If you call farming defense missions for hours to get a bunch of Keys.


Then grinding out the void missions for a 12% chance to get a BLUEPRINT of forma as a reward. Which then takes 24 hours to build.


If that is "relatively easy" then you need to get out more.

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