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Can We Please Address The Issue Of Players Forcing Other Players Into Missions Via "Start Timer"


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3 hours ago, Master-Nachash said:

You should set your instance to invite only / friends only if other players joining is a problem for you when you're in a pre-made squad.

Thats the thing, only like.....1/20 players can't catch the hint, stay, and then *@##$.


So no, I don't need to set it to private, I'd rather let randos join in the monotony and maybe chat for the two minutes we're in mission together.

I make them well aware of the situation, they can always leave if they don't want to take part.

People like you are the minority of players. Most leave if they don't want to keep going immediately, they don't hang around due to lag, bad PCs, or ignorance.

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4 hours ago, Senguash said:

You seem oblivious as to why the functionality that's causing you problems exist in the first place.

Start timer exists to force players to make a quick decision if the rest of the squad has already made up their mind, or simply aren't willing to wait any more. It serves other purposes, like still being able to start a mission if someones UI breaks, but that's not the main reason for its existence.

The reasons that you've received a fairly negative response to this thread is:

1. You seem to think that this is not your issue.

2. The solution you've suggested is vague, and it solves very specifically your exact issue.

Let me give you an example of a suggestion similar to yours but more extreme.

"Can we please have the chat default to the right side of the screen?

Every time I log in I have to move it to the right side because it defaults to the left."

That's obviously a silly change, because it seems reasonable to assume that the vast majority of people are fine with being to the left.

Now this is a suggestion similar to yours:

"Can we please have the game save chat location even when I exit game?"

The problem with this, is that the majority of people still doesn't give a S#&$.

Therefore it's not worth any of the developers time to do something about. Not every issue we run into this game is the fault of the developers nor their problem to fix.

The reason we have start timer, and not just start mission instantly, is so you have time to hit leave squad if you don't wanna go for the next mission.

If you find yourself unable to use this time window to leave squad, then that's on you.

I feel like you just said what you said, not because you had something to say, but because you just wanted to say something. I mean the entire premise of your post seems to be made up to drag this on and expand the debate and arguement further from the original point. I feel like you're ducking and weaving, trying to overcomplicate things for some reason. Pretty much everything you just said was kinda inconsequential in relation to this topic. Only loosely applicable if at all.

Anyway, It's a simple fact that I and many others are experiencing this same issue, and on a variety of different quality systems, and the problem seems to be in relation to high ping hosts. And also, it correlates to other issues found when you're a client of a high ping host.

For example, in conclave. A high ping host has the advantage over all of his clients because of the desync between him and the other players. People lag in general because their connection is taking longer to send information to the host and back again due to high ping so you'll see the host doing a lot of things much quicker than other players. I and other players I know even find that there's a slight increase in general performance / fps when we're host as opposed to when we're client, and in high ping matches there's a slight decrease in performance / fps.

So basically, the root of the issue seems to be high ping / bad hosts and lag. People are lagging between missions which is making their load times longer. The more time it takes for host and client to sync, the longer the load time. And the host is reaching his liset / navigation console before all of the other players due to the nature of hosting and as a result they are capable of forcing the other players who are still loading, into another mission either as soon as they spawn back in their liset or sometimes, even before that.

It's that simple.


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On 5/21/2017 at 6:42 AM, arch111 said:

I want a Lobby where we start and end missions. And a system with "yes we are all ready" before launch.

Not 0 sec before mission loads. 

I suspect we don't want that until we can kick someone out of said lobby, which is of course another common request.

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I've had this happen while doing Sorties with a slightly laggy host. Most of the time I can use the same build for multiple missions, but if I go from Spy to Defense, then that is a problem. Invis Loki is not a good build for Defense and I will be useless because the host couldn't stop to look at his team's composition. Also, I'm on Xbox and everyone there has the same hardware.

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1 hour ago, Prof_Doom said:

I suspect we don't want that until we can kick someone out of said lobby, which is of course another common request.

You know what? We have that now.

A team forms. 3 looks at 4 and leaves team because they don't like to play with a Hydroid.

They just kicked a player.

- I want a lobby that you start and end in. While there You can chat and relax. Its more under your control than what we have now.


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