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New Foundry Ui Feedback


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Translation from my topic in russian forum thread. It's on technical forum (russian forums now had no feedback sub-forums by some reason), so I don't know if any of not support guys ever see it and doubled it here.



What is it right here? What is it? I will show it more clearly if it is not imperceptibly:

What da fuq? It's something you called "effective using of screen space"? There are 4 line of text with Impact font sized 72 - guys, it's huge like a not big poster for some political demonstration. 


Why sorting category buttons not in all width of foundry window? Something like this

is too hard to do?

What is this?


And this?



Why I must to click on item to see how many time left to crafting finish or how much it is cost to craft? The guy who did it knows that in old foundry all useful information was always visible?
What is

this? Fence and wrong logo of Aperture Science? Why here in same menu window same functional concept shown by different icons?


It's can't be like this?


What this zeroes warframe parts doing my components list?



Why all warframe parts are in misc category instead of "warframe" category?



Do you know that foundry window do not close even on game log-off screen, not only with opening other ingame windows?
Do you really think that dark-grey background and gradient-ed items pics - it is good game background and not a part of boring office presentation?
Why item disappears from "ready to craft" window when it's crafting now even if here is other blueprints of it and enough resources? Can't you do like

What is


this? The drop-down list? Do you ever see other drop-down list in this game? Guy who did this element never seen game interface, otherwise he must knew that there is no drop-down lists, not at all. See at you game-settings menu:


Too hard to do like this:



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By the way - do you sure that you need something other than simple boolean  true/false button to switch between just two options?



Do you really think that always resetting sort setting to sort by name instead of remembering last chosen option is good?
Do you really think that necessity to press every time the button "components" just to see how many resources you gain from last mission is cool?

You really think so that screen contain so much of useful information that his size has sense?



Edited by tuman18
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 Nice suggestions. I'd just be happy if they were sorted like they were with the old Foundry i.e. having all clan weapons grouped together instead of alphabetically or however it is now

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i want to note that its also based on your screen resolution, because i dont have nearly that much space


It's more or less because of this. It seems that the devs designed the UI to fit nicely on 1366x768. Less than that, UI clipping. More than that, useless space problem.

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No, this new UI is pretty wacky, and really throws out so much of what worked with the old Foundry Interface - immediate and easily readable display of relevant information, minimal clutter, and a seamless flow between the Foundry and the rest of the game. All of that was lost essentially in trade for active filtering, even though all blueprints were previously passively sorted by category.


I really liked having all of the information - name, icon, costs, time to build - displayed instantly, the only interaction needed being scrolling through the blueprints. The whole thing was incredibly intuitive, and flowed well. The only thing I would've asked for would've been the ability to display more recipes at a time (8 or 10 preferably, versus being locked into 4 at all times); I could understand requests for active filtering as well, though I personally wouldn't have used it terribly much given the fairly intuitive sorting it did by default.


Instead, all of that was thrown out in an overhaul that put in place a more cumbersome, less usable - almost painfully so - interface. I mean, I really, honest to God, feel like it is a labor to move through the U9 Foundry; I just loved having to only use my scroll wheel before, whereas you have to do so much goddamn clicking now.


Why did they move so far backwards with this thing? Was it just so that it used the same circular construction progress representation as the Dojo? Because honestly, that's what it feels like.


Just terrible.




Spelling edit.

Edited by Da_Big_D__
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Welcome to pad screen hell, all i need now is a touchscreen and i should be able to use this interface as intended.


I liked being able to view what and how much of my resources i had on the main screen, i do not like that i have to spend more time clicking more than i have to just to get the numbers.

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То есть, финальный вариант кузницы в твоей представлении должен выглядеть так?

Нет, мои скриншоты - всего лишь указания явных недостатков и несоответствий в нынешней кузнице. В моем представлении нормальная user-friendly кузница - это старая версия интерфейса плюс кнопки сортировки от новой. В твоем концепте все еще не видно сколько ресурсов есть у пользователя, правое окно больше чем требует его функциональность, необходимые для крафта предмета ресурсы видны только при клике по этому предмету.


Правая менюшка сортировки - не выпадающий список, ▲ сортировка по возрастанию, ▼ по убыванию.

(Top menu in russian means Sort: By name By state By price. Right menu near Component not drop-out, it's boolean for sorting ascending and in decreasing order.)

Edited by tuman18
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Does anyone else gets a bug where if you open up the foundry page, nothing happens and you can't go back mission selection screen?

This has been happening to me consistently for last hour or so.

Only way to join a mission is to close the game (logging out doesn't fix it) and restarting the game

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- If it then atleast could remember what sorting you had selected.

- Mentally, they have placed the Build / Rush button where it is picked up in our brains (like in regular msg boxes) to be like a big fat "sure OKAY" button, why simply not put the button on another screen (so you would have to click some more) to keep up the style?

- When clicking the foundry button, it takes longer to actually enter it.


That's it, not going to touch the foundry what so ever untill it is fixed and has a quick interface like the old one - im done wasting my time on it.

So hopefully when i enter it again in a few months, there is a chance it would work.

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If that's how we phrase our feedback, than we don't deserve to be read. One word - rude.

That aside, you made a number of valid points, and a number of invalid ones.

Drop-down menu was a better choice for that part. It is intuitive and sorting via an arrow selector (like the ones we've got in options) or a check-box are not. Not to mention the original reason for drop-down menus becoming intuitive in such cases...

And also, unused space has it's reasons to exist. Primarily this is done to avoid placing important elements to far from each other. They are placed relatively close and the space beyond them is intentionally being left unused. Whether this is a good or bad idea in our particular case, is a separate question.

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