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Containers and Closets need to be more rare


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Below is an image of the start of an exterminate mission, all the container icons were accessible from the first few rooms (they weren't on a lower or higher floor further into the map).

I ended up collecting all of the ones in the screenshot + 8 or so more, a room or two further just to check how much I would actually get out of it, all I got was 85 credits, and about 750 nano spores (plus some ammo drops).


This is just ridiculous for such a fast paced game, containers and closets just aren't worth bothering with at all, unless you're desperate for some ammo.


I even remember watching one of DE Steve's first streams and he mentioned how he spawned into a Grineer Galleon map and was surrounded by 8-10 containers, he said he didn't think it should be a part of the game to feel the need to pause and open crates before actually playing.

I feel that the number of containers and closets in any given mission should be reduced by a fair margin (at least 50%+) and have their rewards increased substantially, or at least scale with the level of the map so they actually feel rewarding, then people might start actually using Thief's Wit outside of Sabotage.

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Yah, Steve mentioned that multiple times in his private streams. They will reduce the number of crates and IIRC have loot boxes that are further away from the main bath drop more/rarer stuff. If players encounter loot less often but in higher quantities or qualities it generates more excitement on average.

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