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[Warframe Concept]Ka,the Explosions Specialist


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Role:A male warframe standing at the back and  focusing on explosive aoe damage.



Health:100 Max 200

Shield:150 Max 400

Power:125 Max 200





Shield Recharge:25

Sprint speed:1,1





Polarities:4x double line


1x one line

Aura polarity:Atack






Makeshift Bomb 25 energy

"Ka quickly pulls a makeshift bomb/grenade from his bandolier throwing it at the enemy causing an explosions after a few seconds of throwing it.''


Basically his bread and butter skill.I imagine it having the same throwing arc as Vauban's Tesla.He can kill himself with this.



Deals 25/50/75/100 if hit by the grenade and 100/200/300/400 from the explosion,depending how close to it you are.(Oblitum helped me with this idea,well not directly but still)


Trip mine 50 energy

"Ka throws a mine which sticks to solid objects.When a enemy comes to a X radius from the mine,it triggers, exploding after X second"


Normal trap skill,nothing special.The mine cannot be thrown,needs to be placed from point blank range.He can kill himself with this.


Triggers after X/X/X/X seconds and deals 300/400/500/600 armor ignoring damage.



Take a look around 75 energy

"Ka has a tool for every situation.He throws a smoke bomb at the target location,reducing the effectivnes of enemies in it."


Aoe Debuff



Reduces damage by 15%/25%/35%/45% and slows by the same amount.



Death from Above 100 energy

"Ka prepares his wrist rocket launchers firing 4 rockets at the target location.When they hit the ground they leave a burning napalm."


I imagine this similar to Jackal's rockets combined with Grineer Napalm launcher.


Deals 500/750/1000 damage per rocket,napalm stays for 3/4/5 sec and deals 300 damage per second.




Having a bandoleir strap around him,full of grenades.His helmet should look like this: http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj566/ShaneFR3/34_zpscc20791d.png



I hope you like it.Feel free to tell me your opinion.











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No Crazy Ivan reference? Shame on you. 


But yeah, possible...but eh, we already have a lot of explosions in the game, or buttons you press to 'make things go boom', made worse with the rocket and grenade launchers, I think having a frame who's only 'thing' is explosions is a bit samey, in my humble opinion.


I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with me (Including yourself!) but meh, my two cents. If you wanted something like this, I'd say give the grenades more flair, possibly the 1-2-3 being diff grenades with a specific 'anti X' feature? Firebombs for infested perhaps? Freeze grenades for corpus? It'd at least make it SLIGHTLY different from 'splosion central.

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No Crazy Ivan reference? Shame on you. 


But yeah, possible...but eh, we already have a lot of explosions in the game, or buttons you press to 'make things go boom', made worse with the rocket and grenade launchers, I think having a frame who's only 'thing' is explosions is a bit samey, in my humble opinion.


I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with me (Including yourself!) but meh, my two cents. If you wanted something like this, I'd say give the grenades more flair, possibly the 1-2-3 being diff grenades with a specific 'anti X' feature? Firebombs for infested perhaps? Freeze grenades for corpus? It'd at least make it SLIGHTLY different from 'splosion central.

You do have a point but I remember hearing Steve saying somewhere that they prefer to make grenades as  warframe abilities rather than as weapons.

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You do have a point but I remember hearing Steve saying somewhere that they prefer to make grenades as  warframe abilities rather than as weapons.

Perhaps, but we have them AS weapons, so not sure if he's stuck to his guns (or bombs in this case)


Also, I did include a 'alternative grenade' style, where we still HAVE grenades, but it gives them some flavor, we'll have them, eventually...it's inevitable, I'd just like to see them as more than just different delivery systems for the same 'boom'.

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Perhaps, but we have them AS weapons, so not sure if he's stuck to his guns (or bombs in this case)


Also, I did include a 'alternative grenade' style, where we still HAVE grenades, but it gives them some flavor, we'll have them, eventually...it's inevitable, I'd just like to see them as more than just different delivery systems for the same 'boom'.

Stuck to his guns?What do you mean,who is stuck to his guns?

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