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It might just be me, even so, Has no one ever wished to use a true shield?


Warframe has shields however they might as well not be there, they offer few real benefits and often require you to sacrifice Dps, just to have fun with a two by four.

Which in Warframe is the difference between winning triumphantly or your head being presented to the "qweens" 

However not all shields are created equal!

Shields (In real life) offer a motherload of practical benefits, as the history books have proved they keep you alive and ready to counter attack.

Some may make you indistinguishable from a wall just by holding it, While others require skill to bring out their full potential.

It is my quest to bring shields their rightful glory, All hail Shields!


Of course it will never actually happen, though I might aswell try, i've got nothing better to do stuck in bed...


Time for Stats!

Shields, based on overall coverage and "weight", should reduce damage where an impact hits even without blocking.

When blocking, based on "weight", size, coverage and overall mass a shield should heavily reduce the damage of an impact, with a larger shield protecting you more.

When hit by an explosion, based on coverage, size, and "weight", the shield should both reduce the chance of being knocked down with it instead being made into a stagger and slightly reduce the damage even without blocking.

When blocking, based on the shield size and coverage, it should remove the chance of a knock down and lessen the chance of a stagger; That is with a sufficiently large shield, a small shield would only slightly reduce the damage and the chance of a knock down.

A shield will of course get in the way of your swinging and will thus slow your attack speed.

A massive shield would even reduce a Player's movement speed.

I propose a system which allows you to pair any one single handed weapon with any shield, Combining it into a temporary sword and board with all of the stances of one. Though it wouldn't stop at "sword" and boards, with the system in place it could even incorporate fist and kicking weapons; Perhaps even Gun and boards could become a reality, after all it would be a shame for the Grineer shield lancers to be unique forever.



Some suggestions would be nice, it's been a very good while since i've played or even been to the forums as such, I don't know if anythings changed in the interim.

If you would like to support my idea just give me a suggestion below or if you just want to bash my idea into a wall while wondering how such a misguided idea could even form in the head of a member of the same species as you, put your hate down below, I will respond with a carefully worded counter argument or not..... i'm lazy and sick.



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I don't think speed reducing big @ss shields would work in a fast-paced game like Warframe but however I'd like to see this changes ;

- Shields have different category ( even if that means only Aegis or Brunt )

- Can be modded separately ( purely defensive and utility mods such as Guardian Derision )

- Can be used with single handed secondaries and only be used for block ( block is one handed action and doesn't interrupt shooting )

  * hope this becomes a thing with upcoming multi-wielding feature.

Edited by Aeon94
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