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Create-A-Frame: Volt Female Counterpart?


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Seeing as opposite gender counterparts have been brought up many times, I figured I'd give my shot at one for VOLT.
Not a suggestion post, just being bored.
Name: ???
Gender: Female
Playstyle: She has the ability to stun her enemies with powerful electrical discharges. Enemies that can't move can't hurt you, which is good when your armor and health is as low as hers.
Cost 25: Sends a damaging jolt of electrical energy to a single enemy. 
Leftover electrical energy is discharged into the ground, stunning nearby enemies.
Cost 25: Stuns enemies within small radius of yourself, and your fellow Tenno by manipulating the electrical charges of their Warframes, regardless of their distance from you.
Cost 75: You teleport to the nearest enemy, (within range), by becoming lightning.
Then, you release an electrical explosion that damages and stuns nearby enemies.
If the enemy you teleported to is killed by the explosion, you bolt to another nearby enemy, releasing another explosion.
Upgrading increases the number of enemies you can bolt to. (2/2/3/4)
Cost 100: Charges yourself with massive amounts of electrical energy, violently zapping enemies within a medium-small radius of you, while you are free to roam as usual.
The energy travels through the ground aswell, stunning enemies within a larger radius. 
Also adds electrical damage to all of your attacks for the duration.
Edited by Flackenstien
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I'm pretty sure they're just looking to re-skin them in the opposite genders. Not completely remake them.

DE often say in the livestreams that, if they do make genderbent versions of frames, they'll be similar but with a different set of abilities.

Edited by Flackenstien
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