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Forma'd Because Of Aura's, Then You Change The System


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Y'know, I was in this situation with the Snipetron. 3 Formas wasted on it to make it good at something, then the Vandal comes along and renders all of that effort pointless.


Sure, I complained that it's not what they should have done. I was pissed. But you know what I didn't do?


I didn't demand a rollback.

I didn't demand my money back.

I didn't want compensation for my lost time.


Maybe you shouldn't, either.

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Y'know, I was in this situation with the Snipetron. 3 Formas wasted on it to make it good at something, then the Vandal comes along and renders all of that effort pointless.


Sure, I complained that it's not what they should have done. I was &!$$ed. But you know what I didn't do?


I didn't demand a rollback.

I didn't demand my money back.

I didn't want compensation for my lost time.


Maybe you shouldn't, either.

Soooo... did your fully-powered heavily-modified snipetron instantly become just a piece of junk unable to kill even mercury's grineer because of vandal's release or you've just got an addition way to obtain even more firepower?


(i'll tell you a secret - i've got modified and forma'd vulcar. Never regret on that even since the Vandal came on).


Never understood a people who's complaining about giving them more freedom and opportunities.



People who complaining about energy reverse are all kindda "cleverguys" who forma'd their frames to sit at the forums and laugh about qq'ing noobs unable to find a room for auras. So who's qq'ing and who's laughing - that's the question.

Edited by MECT0HET
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Change happened on a Beta with a brand new system that was JUST introduced not even a week ago.








Never understood a people who's complaining about giving them more freedom and opportunities.


Because, quite simply, if it isn't 100% best, it is 100% worse.


They forma'd a gun that is now "useless" because a better one exists. It is that "IF it ain't the best, it is useless" mentality Hardcores/Elitists have.


God Forbid someone ever say something like "Meh, a Prime Weapon is only 1% better, I'll keep my Forma'd weapon".


I took 1 look at Orthos Prime and went "meh, not worth it."


Braton Prime? Yeah I'll be getting that. I have a Potato in my current Braton. Am I mad? No. My regular Braton still works just fine, though DO want the Prime. It looks nice.


And the worst thing about these Elitists, is that they complain and whine when the game isn't balanced around their ridiculously overpowered, min-maxed weaponry and demand that the challenge be jacked up so that they can continue to face challenges while they forget that only 1% of the gaming population is like this, and upping said challenge makes the game impossible for 90% of the rest of the players.

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Soooo... did your fully-powered heavily-modified snipetron instantly become just a piece of junk unable to kill even mercury's grineer because of vandal's release or you've just got an addition way to obtain even more firepower?


(i'll tell you a secret - i've got modified and forma'd vulcar. Never regret on that even since the Vandal came on).


Never understood a people who's complaining about giving them more freedom and opportunities.



People who complaining about energy reverse are all kindda "cleverguys" who forma'd their frames to sit at the forums and laugh about qq'ing noobs unable to find a room for auras. So who's qq'ing and who's laughing - that's the question.

Y'know, I kinda have a feeling that my point went straight over your head.


But to answer your question, there's no point to continue using the Snipetron, because it's not a sidegrade at all, just a striaight up downgrade.

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But to answer your question, there's no point to continue using the Snipetron, because it's not a sidegrade at all, just a striaight up downgrade.


Then have fun going out and getting Forma and leveling the Snipetron Vandal.


Another guy in the Warframe Feedback forum was all whining about "OMG I DON'T HAVE TO FORMA MY WARFRAME ANYMORE, THERE'S NO ENDGAME, THERE'S NOTHING TO DO IN THE GAME ANYMORE!"


Yet when it comes to re-leveling a new weapon that got introduced, people take this same stance and go "OMG WTF I GOTTA DO ANOTHER WEAPON!?!? I WANT MY OLD ONE TO STILL BE THE BEST!"


............which is it?


You want to collect Forma and trick out your stuff, or you don't?

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I honestly feel like the reason why we have all  this extra mod capacity is to make way for new mods that can be ranked up 10 times like redirection and vitality.


I mean look at corrosive projection and the other event artifact mods, they were crap before the aura system. Now you can LEVEL them to be fairly useful. Did anyone see it coming? No, all people do is complain.


I'm almost 100% sure this is the same situation. People complain, next big update, mods come out that actually take up a lot of capacity, and then the mouth breathers will start hunting forma again for their min/max shenanigans. 


Sheesh. I feel like people are hiding behind the excuse that this new aura boost makes the game easy. Hate to break it to you, but if these complainers were really 'hardcore' you would probably find that the game was always easy even when the aura system made auras take away mod capacity. And for the casuals, this is really beneficial for them, as it helps them set goals that don't feel too unreachable.


There's just not enough cheese for all this whine.

Edited by Ravtek
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Then have fun going out and getting Forma and leveling the Snipetron Vandal.


Another guy in the Warframe Feedback forum was all whining about "OMG I DON'T HAVE TO FORMA MY WARFRAME ANYMORE, THERE'S NO ENDGAME, THERE'S NOTHING TO DO IN THE GAME ANYMORE!"


Yet when it comes to re-leveling a new weapon that got introduced, people take this same stance and go "OMG WTF I GOTTA DO ANOTHER WEAPON!?!? I WANT MY OLD ONE TO STILL BE THE BEST!"


............which is it?


You want to collect Forma and trick out your stuff, or you don't?

The Vandal's already better than the 3-forma Snipetron. After that awful experience, I'm going to wait until release before I start polarizing slots multiple times.


But again, this wasn't the point. The point was that the OP is only thinking about himself and making unreasonable demands. Why do we keep arguing about my Vandal?


As for Another Guy, this might come as a surprise to you but I am not Another Guy. Therefore I might have different opinions and likes concerning the game. For me, the forma system is a grindy thing that shouldn't be encouraged too much lest it makes the game repetitive and stale to the point where I'm too burned out on it to come back. It's not an endgame at all, and it definitely isn't the endgame.

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Y'know, I kinda have a feeling that my point went straight over your head.


But to answer your question, there's no point to continue using the Snipetron, because it's not a sidegrade at all, just a striaight up downgrade.

I've got your point, fully and accurately. You've faced the progress as it is when the more powerful and better guns are coming into our life. And you didn't complain about your spenting time and money. I got it and I'm respecting you over that.


But! Your snipetron is stil worthy enough, it's still able to destroy. You shouldn't be upset, you should be glad for DE gives you a new evolution point, just like I did when I've potato'd my Vulcar and obtain Snipedal next day.

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But there is a point to using Snipetron, and you're missing it.


The point of using it is because you missed the event for the Vandal, but still had the old one. :p


If you've got both, then yeah. Go for the better. But if you have only one, then go for the one you have. It's still a remarkably good sniper riffle.. I think. I still prefer the Latron Prime to both of them. XD


Anyway, my two cents on a completely unrelated subject.


I had something else to say that was actually related to the topic, but I now forgot what it was. I'll either post it later or edit it in here.

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As for Another Guy, this might come as a surprise to you but I am not Another Guy. Therefore I might have different opinions and likes concerning the game. For me, the forma system is a grindy thing that shouldn't be encouraged too much lest it makes the game repetitive and stale to the point where I'm too burned out on it to come back. It's not an endgame at all, and it definitely isn't the endgame.


No, but you're saying many of the things those types of people tend to.


That's why I made that comparison in the first place.

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I've got your point, fully and accurately. You've faced the progress as it is when the more powerful and better guns are coming into our life. And you didn't complain about your spenting time and money. I got it and I'm respecting you over that.


But! Your snipetron is stil worthy enough, it's still able to destroy. You shouldn't be upset, you should be glad for DE gives you a new evolution point, just like I did when I've potato'd my Vulcar and obtain Snipedal next day.

*sigh* that wasn't the point. I was telling OP to stop being a manchild over losing a single forma and a bunch of time. The example I gave was to illustrate, and I'm over the Snipetron. Really, I'm not &!$$ed anymore. S#&$ happens, it's a beta and so on.


The Snipetron was never worthy, but it was the best sniper currently available. The vandal is much easier to use and also more powerful. I got the Vandal basically for free. This renders my old Snipetron without a use, a thing I'd be perfectly fine with if someone told me an upgrade was coming before I started wasting time and forma on it. I didn't even get to use it at full power, I still had to rank it up one last time.



No, but you're saying many of the things those types of people tend to.


That's why I made that comparison in the first place.



I'm a bit confused, but have it your way.

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So I forma'd my Frost Prime because, with Aura's taking up space, I no longer had room for everything.

A few days later, now my Aura ADDS capacity? Making my forma use completely un-necessary?

I want my forma, or my 20 platinum, back.


Imagine you buy something from a store, and next week the prices drop by 25%. You can't forbid the store from adjusting its prices over time, or demand your 25% back just because you bought it earlier, can you?


It's the same situation here, you can't really blame DE for making something more accessible for EVERYONE, just because YOU accessed it when it was less accessible.

Edited by Winterbraid
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I invested forma to build around the new(old) auras before the fix too and guess what?




The only thing that bothers me is that I want to upgrade all the mods I kept low level to fit them in but I don't know if DE wants to screw around with the system further. A "this is final and won't be changed" confirmation would be nice.

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I'll just paste what I said on this in the hotfix topic:

I honestly feel cheated by this change. I invested time and even some plat to fully polarize my favourite frames. Now I'm sitting on 18 spare capacity and half of the effort was for naught. At LEAST make the aura cap bonus go down when upgrading the aura so it no longer boosts at max rank. This way you can have a nice trade of capacity for aura power without making the frames weaker.

I'm really sick of all the people who start applauding whenever something that makes them stronger is added. This change really hurts people who have actually invested in the game. I was even fine with Auras costing cap and built around that. The Aura benefits were worth trading in some capacity for them. Every bonus should come at a price.

Why even have a capacity system if you can just max out everything anyway? Didn't the addition of forma add enough of a power creep that you at least had to work for? The new instant-gratification auras simply too much.

/me : Points and laughs


Your sense of entitlement is profound, and your tears nourish me.  Welcome to paying for things still in development.  GG

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The only thing that bothers me is that I want to upgrade all the mods I kept low level to fit them in but I don't know if DE wants to screw around with the system further. A "this is final and won't be changed" confirmation would be nice.


That I can agree with to be honest.

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The only thing that bothers me is that I want to upgrade all the mods I kept low level to fit them in but I don't know if DE wants to screw around with the system further. A "this is final and won't be changed" confirmation would be nice.


NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in an MMO/Online Game is "Final and won't be Changed", ESPECIALLY not in a BETA.




I mean, Update9 came just last week. Did you seriously think that it wasn't going to be tweaked through several hotfixes? Weren't you playing when Update 8 went live, how many tweak hotfixes happened after U8?


Use your head.


Don't go forma'ing all of your junk around a system that was JUST put in-game, that's just stupid. Wait for the dust to settle, wait for the players to give their feedback, wait to see what DE will do with the feedback.


Don't be one of those "OMG I MUST FORMA IT NAO!" the second the update goes live. Or, if you really want to be that kind of person.....don't complain when a new system in a Beta is tweaked.

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The whole thing with using forma to change an affinity to a slot, is to make the game easier, period, end of sentence.  To make the game easier for yourself, you will have to grind that weapon/frame back up to 30 again as a penalty.  


For the people that are complaining you have too many mod points to use now... what did you think you were using with the forma in the first place?  Answer, to get more mod points, aka make the game easier.)   If you have too many now, you made the game too easy for yourself then, congrats.


Complaining that you forma something when you didn't have to now that the auras give mod points instead of taking mod points?  Auras (and whatever they were called before) are optional, you did not need to have those equipped to use the frame.  If you forma your frame so you could use a an Aura on your frame always with all your existing mods, well, you wanted to use your crutch Aura that is completely not necessary to play and now its easier. Stop trying to make the game easier for yourself and enjoy the game for what it is, instead of modding what is given to you to make it "perfect for you".


If you want more mod points, use/buy a potato.  If you don't want to buy something, then forma away and level up your things again.  If you need more mod points after you have potatoed a thing, you're making the game too easy for yourself.


That's my two cents, I'm getting off the soap box now.

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Read it again people.  Seriously, READ IT!



4. The Open Beta will change often and possibly without notice. Weapons, Warframes, and every feature of the game may change as often as every day. We will keep you updated with these changes when you launch the game. By agreeing to these terms, you express consent for updating.

5. Any experience or achievements accumulated during your time in the Open Beta may be removed or reset at any time during the Open Beta testing period. When the game is opened to the public, each player may be returned to novice status.

6. During the Open Beta Test, you will have the opportunity to purchase Platinum, the official Warframe in-game currency; Platinum can be used to buy items in the game. In the event that we reset the player base (after Open Beta or otherwise) we will set your Platinum balance to the total amount previously purchased.



Thats just the immediately relevant parts... theres more there that might be illuminating to all you try-hard over eager types that feel ENTITLED to anything in the game. 


Again, if you are spending money on a game in beta, and don't have the sense not to forma a NEW FEATURE that just MIGHT cause controversy, you're NOT SMART and I don't have any sympathy for you. 


Next time, how about you not try to min-max every second of the game. 

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Don't be one of those "OMG I MUST FORMA IT NAO!" the second the update goes live. Or, if you really want to be that kind of person.....don't complain when a new system in a Beta is tweaked.

Did you read past the first sentence of my post?

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DE, do not change it back or change it again, keep the new new aura system.


>Power creep

>PVE game


It's utterly ridiculous how once something gets BUFFED, it's hellfires ablaze with raging and foaming mouths all around. What's that? Can't pretend there's fauxchallenge anymore? Can't pretend it's "consquences and choices" now? I'm actually obliged to forma my aura slot now because of the gains i can get, and have a great warframe build.


What you are asking for more limitations, when it is clear that everyone who complained before didn't like the modcost, the polarity, etc.



I want to use forma now, and i don't want to stop playing.

Also, read the rules, subject to change, etc.


"This ground is not hard enough, not breaking all of my bones yet, please increase gravity to 900000 and remove all fun!"

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People just dont see it, they have essentially taken away the end game of building your warframe (u now have so many extra points carefully planning forma builds is pointless), and thus taken away from the micro-transactions of forma's for warframes. Not only this but they have screwed over all the hardcore players who have spent time and money making their frames awesome (these are likely mostly the people who played closed-beta and stuck with the game to get it as popular as it is now). By slavishly following the casual community they have made the game mind-numbingly easy, and given a big slap in the face of all the more invested, long-term fans...

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By slavishly following the casual community they have made the game mind-numbingly easy, and given a big slap in the face of all the more invested, long-term fans...

Define "casual community".


Because as someone with 131 or so recorded hours starting from closed beta I can still find the game pretty damn hard.

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By slavishly following the casual community they have made the game mind-numbingly easy, and given a big slap in the face of all the more invested, long-term fans...


Do you buy platinum every week?

Because unless you can guarantee me every of these long-term "hardcore" fans gives cash to DE on a regular basis then a high rate of incoming players is indispensable for DE's income.


Define "casual community".


Because as someone with 131 or so recorded hours starting from closed beta I can still find the game pretty damn hard.

I'd say you are a scrub because I have 224 hours and I started in Update 7.10 just a while before the fusion moa event. :V

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