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Forma'd Because Of Aura's, Then You Change The System


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People just dont see it, they have essentially taken away the end game of building your warframe (u now have so many extra points carefully planning forma builds is pointless), and thus taken away from the micro-transactions of forma's for warframes. Not only this but they have screwed over all the hardcore players who have spent time and money making their frames awesome (these are likely mostly the people who played closed-beta and stuck with the game to get it as popular as it is now). By slavishly following the casual community they have made the game mind-numbingly easy, and given a big slap in the face of all the more invested, long-term fans...


Oh no, my super-special uber-farmed build is not so special anymore! Now I feel slightly less superior to all the noobs who play this game! Time to complain on the forums.

Edited by Winterbraid
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Oh no, my super-special uber-farmed build is not so special anymore! Now I feel slightly less superior to all the noobs who play this game! Time to complain on the forums.

I don't even have a warframe with more than one forma spent, so this aura system is actually helping me, and nor do I think that I'm better than anyone else playing. However, incrementally making this game easier and easier because people complain a bit, introduces a power-creep that will ultimately discourage players from investing time, and money, to challenge the end-game content, which, though currently lacking, DE wants to improve.


Honestly, it's just disheartening that whenever someone calls for the aura system to be toned down, they get flamed to oblivion, it shows that these forums are being populated by people who want fast-food gaming, and will childishly rage at those who disagree...

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I don't even have a warframe with more than one forma spent, so this aura system is actually helping me, and nor do I think that I'm better than anyone else playing. However, incrementally making this game easier and easier because people complain a bit, introduces a power-creep that will ultimately discourage players from investing time, and money, to challenge the end-game content, which, though currently lacking, DE wants to improve.

Because the general point of contention is the fact that the game has become easier with this aura system change (IE most of us disagree on that part), especially since Warframe still uses fake difficulty like it bought a billion copies of it from a steam sale.

Edited by RealityMachina
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I don't even have a warframe with more than one forma spent, so this aura system is actually helping me, and nor do I think that I'm better than anyone else playing. However, incrementally making this game easier and easier because people complain a bit, introduces a power-creep that will ultimately discourage players from investing time, and money, to challenge the end-game content, which, though currently lacking, DE wants to improve.


Honestly, it's just disheartening that whenever someone calls for the aura system to be toned down, they get flamed to oblivion, it shows that these forums are being populated by people who want fast-food gaming, and will childishly rage at those who disagree...


With 300 hours and counting, a 5 Forma Saryn, 5 Forma Braton, 3 Forma Latron Prime, and a full set of Stalker weapons, one thing I can tell you is this: If all you see in Warframe is the grind and arms race, then I pity you.


Despite all the hate it gets for repetition and lack of challenge (by the way, please don't confuse "grinding" with "challenge;" challenge is something that tests your wits and reflexes, grinding only tests your patience), Warframe has enough to stand on its own even after the grind is done and you have maxed everything, or even if you don't bother to do the grind and max everything.


In fact, having mods about 90% maxed, my reason to play isn't to get that last rank on Serration, it's to just run around solo or with friends while killing space monsters. I also buy tons of potatoes, Forma and boosters for plat, and I dare say most "endgame" players do the same. Why? Because we want to grind less and play more.


Grinding is ultimately something that stands between you and the game, because it means that in order to progress to Y and experience more content, you not only need to prove that you can beat X, but you also need to prove you can beat X dozens or hundreds of times. (Y in this case being a new frame/weapon because the enemies and maps are always the same.)


Limiting content and possibilities only to the endgame crowd isn't the way to go. Instead on working on "endgame," DE should just work on the game, period; a.k.a. stuff that all players will experience, not just the 10% (optimistically) who get to the "end." There is no inherent benefit in prioritizing the hardcore fan base in a game that has no persistent subscription fees and where purchases are permanent.


People are truly overestimating the meaning of shifting some hours and some grind walls around. As long as it's in favor of new players (and old players who want to try new frames), it's good.

Edited by Winterbraid
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You're an idiot.  Your forma is extremely useful, it doubles the bonus capacity from your aura.  You wasted nothing and are whining for NO REASON.

Again, gonna throw out a disclaimer, I like the change and don't agree with OP, but..... yes, those Forma were wasted. A lot of people now have too many mod points and can't fill them up even with maxed out mods. I for one have 15 redundant points on my Loki after I finally manage to get maxed Redirection and Vitality. Doubling the capacity actually makes the problem people are having worse.

Second disclaimer, I really do like the new system, but some understanding of why it has some problems would be nice.

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For people who don't get why someone wouldn't like the system of tying auras to each frame and affecting the energy pool: it lacks the team-oriented nature of how artifacts worked, and how auras seem to still wish to work. They are team mods, so why are they tied to your loadout on each frame?


You've got 74 energy to spend? Great! Don't ever remove that aura now. Polarize that slot if you need to get 14 energy, stick with auras of that polarity only, maxed at rank 7 only. You use a maxed energy siphon and then decide you want Rifle Amp? Nope. You've been using up 74 energy already, sorry. That rifle amp won't fit. Your team thanks you for using only auras that fit in your frame. Don't swap out that enemy radar even though someone else has one already. And don't tell me enemy radar sucks so you shouldn't be using it anyway. The imbalance between mods is beside the point. 


If you still can't see why tying auras to the frames and affecting the energy pool is a bad idea, then you can keep enjoying your game that is turning less and less team based and more individual power based. I'm sure most folks are fine with that though. Who doesn't love power? Can't be anything negative about making everyone stronger.

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So I forma'd my Frost Prime because, with Aura's taking up space, I no longer had room for everything.

A few days later, now my Aura ADDS capacity? Making my forma use completely un-necessary?

I want my forma, or my 20 platinum, back.

forma is free. go farm t2/t3 void.

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For people who don't get why someone wouldn't like the system of tying auras to each frame and affecting the energy pool: it lacks the team-oriented nature of how artifacts worked, and how auras seem to still wish to work. They are team mods, so why are they tied to your loadout on each frame?


You've got 74 energy to spend? Great! Don't ever remove that aura now. Polarize that slot if you need to get 14 energy, stick with auras of that polarity only, maxed at rank 7 only. You use a maxed energy siphon and then decide you want Rifle Amp? Nope. You've been using up 74 energy already, sorry. That rifle amp won't fit. Your team thanks you for using only auras that fit in your frame. Don't swap out that enemy radar even though someone else has one already. And don't tell me enemy radar sucks so you shouldn't be using it anyway. The imbalance between mods is beside the point. 


If you still can't see why tying auras to the frames and affecting the energy pool is a bad idea, then you can keep enjoying your game that is turning less and less team based and more individual power based. I'm sure most folks are fine with that though. Who doesn't love power? Can't be anything negative about making everyone stronger.

Then take one for the team and unequip a mod.  You don't really need Master Thief.

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The reality is, you should have recognized that the Aura system as introduced was terrible, gone to the forums to complain, saw that everyone agreed with you, and realized that, given how easily plied DE is by anything they perceive as "popular outcry," there was no way the old system would stand - and consequently waited patiently for some kind of developer response (which certainly wasn't going to come over the weekend) before spending the Forma.


Don't get me wrong, I hope they reverse your Forma expenditure, because implementing that half-baked system without any prior community discussion (because DE has consistently had an impossible time of considering how new features will their gameplay without external input) was a sour move. Understand, though that if they don't, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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Allot of people have been upset by this change, but given the trend towards new mods that combine boosts (the nightmare mods) I think we can reasonably say that even with a fully polarized frame, that mod capacity will be taken up by new more powerful mods eventually. 

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You're an idiot.  Your forma is extremely useful, it doubles the bonus capacity from your aura.  You wasted nothing and are whining for NO REASON.

What on earth are you talking about? Most people really invested in using forma weren't using it on the aura slot, which has been around for like a week, they were using it on their main slots, which turns out to now have been pretty pointless. Not sure who you're calling an idiot but you kind of look like one when you're failing to add anything intelligent to the discussion...

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Just clam down everyone.


Now if you formaed your frame to fit the polarity of the aura slot, congratulations you now have more points. You future proofed it. 
It will return its investment in the future, just gotta be patient.


Honestly the new nightmare mods serve to tell us that mods can get multiple effects, although currently on the low end.

This possibility means, DE can implement extremely high end dual stat mods that eat a ton of points (like my 15 point split chamber) if no forma or potato is equipped, for example a 375% dual shield + vitality level 5 mod that cost 18 points ?



Your warframe now has that extra points to actually make use of it and that is actually very good news.

Edited by fatpig84
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