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Thanks For The Aura Change!


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The change that allows aura mods to grant mod space instead of taking up space has been a big help! I forma'd my aura mod space to fit energy siphon well and I log in today to see that i have 14 more mod space then normal, this is a HUGE plus to the gameplay, as it encourages players to use aura mods instead of not use them!  This is a problem that was solved in a very nice way and I could not be more greatful as a player!


Keep up the good work! :]

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you'd be surprised to see haters on this new system, complaining of it breaking the game. so shortsighted, ugh.

14 extra points is a a lot for very little. That's like 2-3 forma slots depending on the polarity and level of said mod being put in or almost half a reactor.

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14 extra points is a a lot for very little. That's like 2-3 forma slots depending on the polarity and level of said mod being put in or almost half a reactor.

Who cares, you still have to have the correct polarity to get that many points and forma are still very useful. There is no downside to the aura change.

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14 extra points is a a lot for very little. That's like 2-3 forma slots depending on the polarity and level of said mod being put in or almost half a reactor.


And? Means I don't have to bore myself to death forma'ing all 11 frames I own 2 or 3 times just so I can fit my mods on them.

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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you'd be surprised to see haters on this new system, complaining of it breaking the game. so shortsighted, ugh.


Please explain how it is short sighted. I've given it a lot of thought and discussion with others (of varying opinion). I feel it's short sighted of people to just take more power, YEAH MORE POWER WOOT.


There's this weird line of thinking that more energy = more customization. That's not true. In fact, it's the same or worse case, the opposite. The more energy you have, the more every frame is the same. Every frame will have 4 maxed abilities, shields, health, energy usage. And if you think you can start adding things like resistances and whatnot, how? You still only have 10 slots on your frame. In terms of customizable options, nothing has changed. In terms of making your loadout unique, the increase in power just lets you max out more of the same mods already in there. 10 slots is your limiting factor here. The 9.0 update actually made energy more important, which meant you really had to think about what you put in your frame. You couldn't just cram in 4 abilities and still be happy with it all the time.  You had to focus on whether even health was all that important to max out. That was some good stuff right there. But, of course, you take any power away from a player after you've given it to them and they cry "You ruined my loadout!!" and DE feels money slipping away from them and try to appease the babies.


As I've mentioned though, ideally, an improved artifact system (pre-U9) would have been better than this aura system because that was team-oriented, and you could easily swap them in and out as needed for your team. Now that it's all tied to your frame, affecting your energy, I think they've really removed that team focus and are just making everyone super powered as individuals.

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I like this change.

However, I do not necessarily think it was a good idea.

Using Auras to increase mod capacity is nice, and I like that I have even more mod capacity and can use the mods I want to on my frame. However, I am not sure that long term this is a good idea. On the one hand more mod capacity (Yay). On another hand new frames will instantly have a little more mod capacity so at lvl0 they are not just dead weight to a team (Yay!). On the other hand I do not know if it is really needed, and it decreases the usefulness of Forma on Frames. Of course Forma were already more useful on weapons than frames...

I'm going to say this was a slight net positive over the old Artifact system, and a HUGE positive compared to the old Aura system. Though I do see how it could be a bad thing long term.

Edited by liavalenth
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I am happy that I got 14 more mod points and do not have to use forma to make polarities that I will come to regret having.  This made it so most warframes should be able to get just about any build they want if with a reactor and 1-2 forma at most.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Who cares, you still have to have the correct polarity to get that many points and forma are still very useful. There is no downside to the aura change.

Exactly there is no downside at all, there is no reason to not have a Aura equipped anymore, no matter Aura, it gives you more points. You stop having to manage your points and what you put on your frame.


And? Means I don't have to bore myself to death forma'ing all 11 frames I own 2 or 3 times just so I can fit my mods on them.

Now you also don't need to make choices to manage your mod points, now you will have enough or too much now even without using a single forma.

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Exactly there is no downside at all, there is no reason to not have a Aura equipped anymore, no matter Aura, it gives you more points. You stop having to manage your points and what you put on your frame.


Now you also don't need to make choices to manage your mod points, now you will have enough or too much now even without using a single forma.

I would care if the game was release and all mods were finalized. It kind of annoying that they keep adding new mods so polarities were a liability. This give people some slack and is very kind to people that are unable to even get a reactor in the first place and are using 30 slots. I do not mind DE giving people some slack.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Personally, I don't think this will be the end of aura change. The current incarnetion of it grants player more mod capacity for no reason. Adding up to 14 mod capacity is rather powerful (half reactor). Comparing it to the previous version - players are happy about it since they suddenly got more capacity to cram their mods into the frame.

Problem is, what is the long-term effect of this change?

I think it lessen the depth of the game as a whole in term of customization. Players have to make less choice about what to bring into the mission. It really going to make preparation phase even more trivial than it is. I do enjoy preparing myself and I think it should be an important part of the gameplay, not a trivial one. Making player feel that his/her loadout has an impact on the outcome of the mission is as important as making player feel that his/her skill in the game actually matters.

Honestly, I can see that players are enjoying more power but this is not the exact way I have in mind.

What I have in mind? Make the aura free from mod capacity. If the polarity is match, increase the bonus by 1/3-2/3. If not, decrease the bonus by 1/3.

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definitely a fan of the new aura system.


its just proof that people will complain about anything.

Exactly. This was more proof than ever. To take what was largely seen as a hindrance and change it into not only a buff, but a beneficial buff.....people are still mad?


I understand the cost and forma mechanics have changed.....well hell, thats what change does sometimes, ruins old methods to introduce new ones.


Thank you DE and the community that actually wants to see the game progress, even if it means some of your favorite features are shelved.

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You wanna know why it's shortsighted? Cuz in due time we'll have more expensive nightmare mods, then you'll be thanking Auras for the extra points.

Stop acting as if you HURRMASTAHGRANDMASTAHMEISFORMAEVERYTHUNGDURR people are the only players of Warframe. New aura has absolutely no downsides for anybody, currentl or in the future.

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Now you also don't need to make choices to manage your mod points, now you will have enough or too much now even without using a single forma.


I'm at my mod capacity limit and not all are maxed. I do still have choices to make, i.e. which mods do i want to use. Do I want more mobility, or do i want better survivability, or do want to focus on my powers more, or a mix of them.


With the old system all that would happen is that I would only really play the frame that I would have forma'd coz that is the frame my mods will fit on. I was at the stage I was playing most frames with an empty mod slot coz I could not fit anything else on. I don't have enough mods to have varying levels of each one to account for this, and that's after 170 hours of play. I've worked hard to get the mods to the level they are, I don't want to have to work even harder just to be able to use them.

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I'm at my mod capacity limit and not all are maxed. I do still have choices to make, i.e. which mods do i want to use. Do I want more mobility, or do i want better survivability, or do want to focus on my powers more, or a mix of them.


With the old system all that would happen is that I would only really play the frame that I would have forma'd coz that is the frame my mods will fit on. I was at the stage I was playing most frames with an empty mod slot coz I could not fit anything else on. I don't have enough mods to have varying levels of each one to account for this, and that's after 170 hours of play. I've worked hard to get the mods to the level they are, I don't want to have to work even harder just to be able to use them.

I like and I dont like the new system but...


What you've just said has no sense, you will only play the warframe that is formaed? so forma a new one maybe. Having an op warframe needs time, you cant have all your chars at max lvl because you have a MAIN and the others...

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While I love the mod capacity boost from auras, it is a little much.


Just knock the increase down a few notches and it'll be fine.


Overall, I love this, as it gives fresh players who don't have immediate access to Forma or Reactors extra space on what feels like a very limited 30 slots at max level.

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