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Chroma Spectral Scream rework idea


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So with chroma being a dragon and knowing that his first ability was to spray a swathe of element was very cool, but his actual ingame ability is incredibly underwhelming and not very helpful to be honest.

So an idea for some slight tweaking would be to give it some two modes:

Hitting 1 would start up the ability as normal but:

-Now angled up a bit more so it's mostly shooting straight, also the cone is narrowed up a bit. Status is reduced to 30% and max base damage increased to 350-400. This would give the move more of a focus on damage on your immediate targets.

Squeezing the shoot button will cause the cone to expand to a 90-120 degree angle and 1.5x the range, creating a nice blanket of elemental fury as most dragons do. The major change here is to it's function though, damage is halved but status chances increases to 80% giving this form a focus on spreading procs.

Rolling would also function as an attack by coating Chroma's roll with wheel of his element, it causes knockdown and a proc to only the first enemy he hits. This attack does an unmoddable 400/600/800/1000 damage with a 50-50 split between impact and element.

Completely optional extra: rolling also leaves behind a thin elemental trail on the ground he's rolled over. This trail has a 100% proc chance, lasts for 2 unmoddable seconds and deals no damage, damage based procs will deal spectral scream's current damage.


Not optional: Chroma's pelt wings extend while he's wearing it during spectral scream :)

-Afterburn- Replaces the larger cone with a chargeable elemental energy blast.

Squeezing shoot will cause chroma to begin charging an elemental blast, the longer it's charged the bigger it's blast radius and higher damage. Each second (min: 1, max: 5) accumulates 100 damage and ups the radius by 2m with a base of 200 dmg and 5m radius. Each blast carries a 100% status chance and is about the size of Chroma's head, the focus here is to give Chroma a bit of burst dmg and allow for ranged procs

I feel this properly turns Spectral Scream into a useful tool while still reinforcing Chroma's elemental dragon theme. What are you guys' thoughts?

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