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The White Order is looking for new players! (CLOSED ATM)


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Are YOU a new player? Are YOU an old player? Are YOU a veteran? Are you never accepted into a clan because you're new?

Well lucky for you, none of this matters since everyone is welcome!! 

We want a big and active community who wants to grow big enough to fight for the solar rails!

Wanna be one of the first players in this soon-to-be huge clan? Then Join!



f3fd0184a2bf2ddeb85ee4e220abca58.png(don't worry it's transparant in-game and cool af)



"The Covenant" is our very own Alliance and we want more clans to join that one too! We are currently alone in it but if you own a clan or know a clan that is looking for an alliance, just write to me and I'll be glad to have you clan! (Only serious clans though, dont want any weeb stuff and things like that.)



We've just created our own Discord channel! Click HERE to join! More inf about the discord is in the "info" text-channel in the Discord server.



Currently the only leaders (warlords) in this clan will be me (Vispen) and my friend (Ezzal), if you seem trustworthy and a nice person you'll be promoted.










These are the ranks of our clan. Newcomers start as Initiate.

If you behave like an a-hole you'll become a peasant, simple.



Okay so here comes the dojo!

Me and Ezzal have tried to make the dojo as compact as possible!

We didn't want a too big dojo, we want a compact and alive dojo.

The grand halls are decorated, not fully (that would be incredibly many decorations), but just enough.

If you see something that can be improved, me and Ezzal will take you seriously and listen to you.

The other floors wont contain much, one of the elevators will only go to all the barracks for clan promotion and the other will contain some decorated rooms with water and zhit.

Now a shadow-clan, NICE! Research is going forward fast! (Shoutout to FuryScythe for being a real homie)

Tenno lab: 59/63

Orokin lab: 5/9 (No specters)

Chem lab: ALL

Bio lab: 18/19

Energy lab: ALL

^ might not be up-to-date since we research more and more.


Map of the dojo:

Map of the dojoSorry for bad picture, the map is an a-hole...


Sooo, if there's anything missing, anything you want to know, just tell me! ;)

IGN: vispen

Steam: zmiken99 (I know.. it's old af)

Timezone: Me and Ezzal live in CET. UTC +01:00

If you are offline for 20 days without telling me or Ezzal why, boom, you're out. (You can message "Vispen" in the forums, I check regularly)

Edited by Vispen
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1 hour ago, DarkExecutor said:

I haven't played warframe for 2 years (I just reinstalled the game yesterday). I would be happy if you allow me to join :)

IGN: DarkExecutor

Timezone: UTC+7

Inviting you now! ;)

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Interested as heck, just dragged myself out of TESO to rejoin this badass game again.

IGN: captainmomo MR4

Timezone: UTC+10

Keen as, to get back into the swing of things. 

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On 17/7/2017 at 3:56 PM, FuryScythe said:

Until Vispen is back (20 july) I'll handle invites.If you want an invite reply to this message so I can get a notification.

Can I get an invite? I am kind of an ultra mega noob and this looks preety awesome

IGN: Kavik062

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8 hours ago, captainmomo said:

Interested as heck, just dragged myself out of TESO to rejoin this badass game again.

IGN: captainmomo MR4

Timezone: UTC+10

Keen as, to get back into the swing of things. 


1 hour ago, Kavik062 said:

Can I get an invite? I am kind of an ultra mega noob and this looks preety awesome

IGN: Kavik062

Invited you.Welcome!

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I use to play back around 2 years ago, i stopped playing then i recently got back into things, im mastery rank 3 and since timezone seems to mater, im in EST and ive never really been in a clan before but it seems like it would be pretty fun

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23 hours ago, Youhma said:

Got my mind set on joining the clan. Been playing a huge deal long ago and finally decided to reinstall.

An invite would be appreciated. <3

IGN: Youhma

Timezone: UTC+3


16 hours ago, Cr33zz said:

Hey, I'm new to the game, played for a week getting close to MR 6. Would like to join for mutual benefits :)

IGN: cr33zz

Timezone: UTC-05:00


15 hours ago, Chr15 said:

I use to play back around 2 years ago, i stopped playing then i recently got back into things, im mastery rank 3 and since timezone seems to mater, im in EST and ive never really been in a clan before but it seems like it would be pretty fun

I'm inviting you all!

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15 hours ago, irving1211 said:

I use to play a lot 2 years ago on Xbox and got to MR 7, I stopped playing and i recently built my PC and decided to play again. I had to start over so right now I'm MR1

My IGN: irving1211

Timezone: EST

Inviting you! ;)

Seems like you already joined another clan

Edited by Vispen
user already in clan
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18 hours ago, DamianX50 said:

Im a returning player getting used to the new stuff, would like to join if you still got space.

IGN: DamianX50

My timezone is like 1 hour earlier than EST

You are invited ;)

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