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Stalker Slash Dash Too Powerful


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Everything else about the stalker is fine with me, but at least twice now I've been one shot by his slash dash from over 800 sheilds and 300 health with no real way to react in time...

It's such an anti-climactic way to die too. First I'm excited about stalker spawning, and I frantically look around for him, and before I can even pull the trigger, he is dashing at my face and killing me.

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Slash dash is powerful.
Stalker's isn't particularly different.

He is supposed to make you "Oh S#&$, Stalker" though, there's nothing wrong with that. When you see the flickering lights, freak out, try to find an advantageous position and as with every enemy in the game, do what you should do, try not to get it.

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