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New To Game, Lots Of Credits And Platinum. What Now?



new to warframe
about 12 hours in
rank 15

I wasn't planing on buying any packages or platinum untl i was more knowladgable with the game, but with the recent steam sale i had to take advantage. I purchased all the packs and i havew a ton of currency.

I was wondering if i should wait until im a hgher level before buying any thing, or if there are essentials i should get now.


thanks in advance.

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new to warframe

about 12 hours in

rank 15


I wasn't planing on buying any packages or platinum untl i was more knowladgable with the game, but with the recent steam sale i had to take advantage. I purchased all the packs and i havew a ton of currency.

I was wondering if i should wait until im a hgher level before buying any thing, or if there are essentials i should get now.


thanks in advance.

Warframe Slots, Weapon Slots, Orokin Catalysts, Orokin Reactors, Any Warframe that suits your fancy, both Color Packs, a Sentinel, Affinity Boosters

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Wait a little

It is tempting to buy with plat vs. farm for things, but save your plat for essentials...like additional warframe and weapon slots. Be frugal and that 500 plat can be very effective for a long time. 

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Orokin Catalysts, Orokin Reactors <----- what are these for?z

Warframe that suits your fancy, a Sentinel <------ can i earn these in game?

Affinity Boosters <------came with the packs which is nice

I think i will wait a little until i understand the game better. but i am here for that as well. to understand what are essentials and what i can earn myself with'n a reasonable amount of play time.

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Hang onto it for now. You'll likely find that you first need Weapon Slots and Warframe Slots. These are the best recommended use of platinum. You may also benefit greatly from Potatoes (Orokin Reactor & Catalyst), but wait until you have a better feel for the game before doing that. My first potato buy was over 100h in, and not any others until 300h. Classic Saturated Color Palette is also a pretty good buy. Try to avoid buying items that you can obtain for free with platinum (like Sentinels!).


Oh, and the credits, yeah. Get yourself a good gun with them. Braton (not MK-1) and Strun are good choices to start out. Search the wiki for detailed info on guns and to get a feel for how much people like/dislike them. 

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Orokin Catalysts, Orokin Reactors <----- what are these for?z

Warframe that suits your fancy, a Sentinel <------ can i earn these in game?

Affinity Boosters <------came with the packs which is nice

I think i will wait a little until i understand the game better. but i am here for that as well. to understand what are essentials and what i can earn myself with'n a reasonable amount of play time.

Orokin Catalysts and Reactors double the mod capacity of a weapon or warframe, respectively, increasing your possibility for decimation on the battlefield. 

Warframes and Sentinels can be earned in game by collecting resources. If you do not wish to wait the many days it takes, you can purchase them in the store and they will be supercharged with catalysts and reactors along with a Warframe slot. I recommend if you are going for Nova, to just purchase her from the store as her drop rates seem to be off a bit.


Remember to follow @WarframeAlerts on Twitter for premium content being distributed as mission rewards.

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Orokin Catalysts, Orokin Reactors <----- what are these for?z

Warframe that suits your fancy, a Sentinel <------ can i earn these in game?

Affinity Boosters <------came with the packs which is nice

I think i will wait a little until i understand the game better. but i am here for that as well. to understand what are essentials and what i can earn myself with'n a reasonable amount of play time.


Catalysts and Reactors CAN be earned from rare alert missions as well, which is why they are a lower priority than slots. They double a weapon or warframe's mod capacity permanently, but cannot be removed or transferred.


All Warframes and Sentinels are obtainable for free via farming. Some are harder than others. Wiki will help you here. I don't recommend you spend platinum on these, but if you really want to get a hard to get frame (i.e. Vauban), you might concede to this. Note that platinum-purchased things come with Catalyst/Reactor pre-installed.


Good luck, hope you enjoy your stay!

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On Catalysts and Reactors: I think it's worth having a Reactor for every frame if you've got extra platinum, and you won't end up with a surplus of those blueprints for a long time. I have spent somewhere between 100-200 platinum on Reactors (have every frame, all supercharged), and I don't regret it. Catalysts, on the other hand, I would wait on, as there are quite a few weapons that simply aren't worth it. More often than not, I find myself leveling a new weapon rather than using one of my supercharged ones because I want to continue advancing my Mastery Rank.

Edited by Fredlicious
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There was another thread asking a similar question somewhere around here, if you find it. There are a lot of things you can buy, only a couple that you should consider buying, and nothing that you need to buy.


If you don't fully understand things like Sentinels, the Potatos (catalyst/reactor), or blueprints and farming, you can hold off from spending for a while. You could research on the wiki and make more educated purchases from there, though. That's how I started.


Just know that usually, when you purchase Frames or Weapons, you are also usually buying a slot and potato for them as well, as they would come included. You don't get those for farming them.

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