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Do Sentients have their own planet?


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way to ignore the rest of the post, as well as the general point of the Orokin;

theyre $&*^bags. all of them, except for like, Margullis and Silvana, and look what the hell happened to the two of the decent Orokin examples we have. the only ones who deserve their legacy, as it were, are the ones with the actual strength to use it. 

...besides, personally, id rather not be tarnished by as a legacy of the Orokin, despite the oxymoron that it is(literally all we have is based on Orokin tech first and foremost). 

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Just now, BlazenFury said:

id rather not be tarnished by as a legacy of the Orokin

That's why you got the Orokin version of Excalibur on your avatar and Orthos Prime as your most used melee I assume. Way to "not tarnish" yourself with their legacy lol

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22 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

That's why you got the Orokin version of Excalibur on your avatar and Orthos Prime as your most used melee I assume. Way to "not tarnish" yourself with their legacy lol

im not even sure what point youre trying to make anymore, man. legit. you went all over the place 


i was just poking fun at labelling the orokin holy. >_>

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Just now, BlazenFury said:

i was just poking fun at labelling the orokin holy. >_>

What's wrong with that? I could put any label on them, it doesn't change the fact that Tenno get the stuff of enemies they kill. You kill enemies in missions, you get to keep what they had (resources, BPs, etc.), we killed the Orokin — we own everything they had, so Tau is ours. If sentients think they can keep it for themselves, too bad for them.

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