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There NEEDS to be an auction house, nuff said.


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lol, someone with no vision; just make it limited and no problem, similar to how the 'fed' operates; when the economy is hurting they inject cash, when it is booming they raise interest rates to slow it down so there is not runaway inflation


really ppl, you need to broaden your horizons

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An unlimited Auction House would probably make all the things in the game extremely cheap.

An Auction house with limits and minimum prices would make a lot of peoples lives a lot of more fun. Because the trading that is basically the same as in Diablo 2 is the most boring type of trading that exist.

I just want to browse through stuff that people have in peace or to look up for one item without having to argue about price.


This could be DE way to remove plat in the way that the Auction House charge a plat cost for each transaction.

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On 05/08/2017 at 2:49 PM, NoahXprshuN said:

Too many people in chat, too much going on- i'm honestly bound to have a seizure before I can find what I need from it. DE this fiasco has gone on TOO long, there needs to be an auction house to sustain from making the players (especially new players, omg lol) feel as if they NEED to be in front of a the screen for (X) amount of hours to sell/buy what they want/need. You can still iterate the trade tax very simply, but maxing us have our hands up in the bazaar for 7 hours waiting to get picked on like some class nerd is EXTREMELY unacceptable. :thumbdown:

Altough I agree that we need some sort of AH, I think that the main issue is...


I mean, RN fuking Gesus. Who that F*** thinks that is rewarding as a player to be forced to buy something you want, because you just can't drop it? I have to grind for S#&$ that I don't need, so I can then try to sell it (which is another grind in trade chat/warframe market). I've began to think that they even pull some items out of the game from time to time.

DE needs to understand that having to BUY items is demotivating as F***.. People wont stop buying plat if you make "getting stuff you want more reliable".

The way it is right now, we keep getting trash we don't want, so the maket is flooded with 1-5 plat items.

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Part 1

I think allow people to have 1 trade item listed for every 2-3 mastery points.

In the trade chat, you type something like:

Sell [Prisma Obex] 35p

It is loaded to one of your 'trade' slots for 30 minutes and costs 15k credits.

When someone types:

Buy [Prisma Obex]

It outputs the last 7-10 people to sell that item:

[DonkeyKiller] [Prisma Obex] 30p
[Helaton] [Prisma Obex] 35p
[AfroSauce][Prisma Obex] 9999p
[EvilSaucery][Prisma Obex] 25p

... etc

Money sink, plus the limit implied by mastery rank.


Part 2 Clan Dojos

Allow people to visit clan halls (and explore people's decorations/effort where possible) to use a localized vendor board that can be installed and maintained in a clan hall.  Encourage people to visit different clan halls in order to trade and interact socially outside of dojo invitations.

I've seen some crazy ones at random in the past where people put a lot of time and effort into how the dojo looks.


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Its strange many are against the idea of an ingame market. Afraid of oversaturation and prices getting too low? Then set restrictions. I've been to warframe.market all the buyers expect too little, and the sellers expect too much. For the dev to let a website male many off a service they are unwilling to put into their game is also kind of hilarious.


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5 hours ago, SpoonyBrad said:

Um, you do know what the prime vault is, right?

I know, I'm talking about items that are not vaulted..

i.g: go ahead and try to farm Condition Overload, then tell me how long did it take for to actually drop it.

Edited by Sylorknag
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4 minutes ago, Sylorknag said:

go ahead and try to farm Condition Overload

Considering that it only drops from Drekar Butchers, who only spawn in my least favorite tileset, and is a very rare drop from them, no thanks.

It's only a grind if you make it a grind; just play the game for fun and you'll progress plenty far and fast.

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